成員 (Members)




學歷: 國立交通大學資訊工程系 博士

專長: 車輛資通訊系統/先進交通管理系統/車載行動網路/近場通訊技術

辦公室: 國立成功大學交通管理科學系 62417

TEL: 06-2757575 ext 53238

Email: leews@mail.ncku.edu.tw




學歷: 國立成功大學資訊工程博士

Email: jensen0915@gmail.com

Current Occupation: 博士後研究員

Google Scholar Citations



Research topic: 

Email:  poi900216@gmail.com

Current Occupation: Student


Research topic: 

Email:  kevin919665@gmail.com

Current Occupation: Student


Research topic: 

Email:  wuwwu0814@gmail.com

Current Occupation: Student


Research topic: 

Email: emily19382@gmail.com

Current Occupation: Student


Research topic: 

Email: R56111113@gs.ncku.edu.tw

Current Occupation: Student


Research topic: 

Email: R56111260@gs.ncku.edu.tw

Current Occupation: Student


Research topic: 

Email: R56111147@gs.ncku.edu.tw

Current Occupation: Student



Research topic: Driving Risk Assessment of Motorcycle Courires Based on Recognizing Aggressive Driving Maneuvers by Deep Learning

Email: b0981117881@gmail.com

Current Occupation: Student


Research topic: Combining Spatial Estimation and Signal Clustering Methods to Solve the Multi-Device Problem in Wireless Sniffing for Traffic Flow Detection

Email:  a0983297932@gmail.com

Current Occupation: Student


Research topic: A Study on Emergeency Vehicle Signal Preemption Control Strategy with Consideration of Traffic Efficiency and Safety Performance

Email: r56104166@gs.ncku.edu.tw

Current Occupation: Student

賴彥澄 (資訊工程所博士)

Research topic: Efficient Hardware Implementations for Signal Decomposition

Email: p78001324[at]mail.ncku.edu.tw

Current Occupation: PHD 

李江彝 (交管99級)

Research topic: A VANET Based ECO-Driving Advisory System for Reducing Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emissions on Signalized Multi-interssections

碩士論文: 車載通訊之號誌化多路口節能減碳駕駛建議系統

Email: moonamane[at]gmail.com

Current Occupation:  工程顧問股份有限公司

王思文 (電管100級)

Research topic: An NFC Anti-counterfeit Framework with Authentication and Image Encryption

碩士論文: 具有身分認證及數位影像保護加解密機制的NFC防偽框架設計

吳文斌 (交管101級, 黃國平老師共同指導)

Research topic: Real-time Travel Time Estimate System for Urban Network Based on Vehicle Ad-hoc Network

碩士論文: 基於車載網路之都會區路網的即時旅行時間預估系統

Current Occupation: 台灣宅配通股份有限公司

林煒哲 (電管101級, 黃國平老師共同指導)

Research topic: A Study of Developing Models of Trusted Service Managament Platform for NFC services

碩士論文: NFC信託服務管理平台之發展策略研究  

Email: mazzaka018[at]gmail.com

Current Occupation: Evergreen Line; Equipment dept., Logistics division

給 LAB 的一句話: 方向、方法、態度Keep in mind, 善用、珍惜學校及老師給予的資源

陸正育 (交管102級)

Research topic: A VANET-based Coordinated Signal Control System in a Local Network for Minimizing CO2 Emissions and Fuel Consumption

碩士論文: 基於車載網路(VANET)技術的協同式號誌控制系統用於區域路網以最佳化CO2排放與燃油消耗

Current Occupation: 高雄捷運股份有限公司 工程師

吳委政 (電管102級)  

Research topic: A Study of NFC E-Ticket Platform and E-ticket P2P Secure Transfer   碩士論文: NFC電子票證平台與P2P票證安全轉移之研究  

Current Occupation: 日月光

顏利憲 (交管102級)  

Research topic: Decision Tree Based Railway Delay Reasons Analysis and Solutions

碩士論文: 以決策樹分析鐵路誤點原因及解決方法  

Current Occupation: TSMC IT 工程師  

給 LAB 的一句話: 好好把握碩班兩年,這是你進入職場最重要的基石。

郭明婕 (電管103級)  

Research topic: An NFC e-Learning Platform for Interactive and Ubiquitous Learning

碩士論文: 整合互動式與無所不在學習的近場通訊數位學習平台  

Current Occupation: 台灣積體電路 (南科) TSMC Manufacturing Information Technology Department  

給 LAB 的一句話: 感謝老師不辭辛勞的在碩士這兩年,非常有耐心的指導給予建議,並教導我在人生中與論文中『方向、方法、態度』的重要性,以及處理好每件事的準則。出了社會周圍都是高知識分子,頭腦非常的好,處處可見“T”型人才,抓緊時間做每一件事了解背後的真實性,人生努力不一定有機會,但是一有機會就要好好努力。

謝東龍 (電管103級)  

Research topic: Design of P2P Mobile-Commerce Transaction Authentication Platform by Near Field Communication  

碩士論文: 以NFC設計P2P行動商務交易認證平台  

Current Occupation: 中鋼碳素助理管理師

陳威呈 (電管103級)  

Research topic: Desisn and Implementation of an NFC-based Touch and Control Platform  

碩士論文: 近場通訊接觸及遙控平台設計及實作  

Current Occupation: 台北市警察局

胡家豪 (交管103級)

Research topic : A Timeline Responsive Travel Time Prediction Model for Freeways by Considering Interchange Disturbances


Email: peterhu0929[at]gmail.com

Current Occupation: 陽明海運

郭姵君 (電管104級)

Research topic : An Integrated F2F and Virtual Interaction Framework for Social Network by Near Field Communication

碩士論文: 整合虛實互動的NFC社交框架  

Email: R96024047[at]mail.ncku.edu.tw

Current Occupation: Student: 台灣積體電路 (竹科) TSMC Manufacturing Information Technology Department      

呂嘉文 (交管104級)

Research topic : A Study on Adaptive Traffic Signal Control with Vehicular Ad-hoc Network

碩士論文: 應用車載資通訊技術於適應性號誌控制之研究

Email: aljarvan[at]gmail.com

給 LAB 的一句話: 明瞭本心,放大光明,歡喜自在,信步前行;傷人的話絕對絕對絕對嫑說。

顏士傑 (電管105級)

Research topic: Multilayered Delegable Access Control Platform with Times and Period Token Management by Near Field Communication

碩士論文: 以近場通訊技術設計具多層次授權與次數及時效許可證管理的門禁平台  

Email: R9603178[at]mail.ncku.edu.tw

Current Occupation: 台灣積體電路 (南京廠)      

許仲傑 (電管105級)

Research topic: A Designable Face to Face Interaction Gaming Platform for Social Network by NFC

碩士論文: 結合社群網路與NFC技術設計實體互動遊戲平台  

Email: jsn_hsu[at]hotmai.com

范雲瀚 (交管106級)

Research topic: A Spatiotemporal Seamless Traffic Information Collection Framework by Intelligent Vehicle Probing 

碩士論文: 以智慧車輛探測達成時空無縫隙之交通資料蒐集框架

Email: eric149393[at]gmail.com

給 LAB 的一句話: 兩年的時間過得很快,要努力把握每個學習的機會


學歷: 國立交通大學資訊工程碩士

Email: errnnniie[at]gmail.com

Current Occupation: Stude



Research topic: Hybrid Deep Learning Framework Based on Vehicle Dynamic Data for Driving Style Prediction


Email: k5e6n7n8y001[at]gmail.com

Current Occupation: Student


Research topic: Applying Machine Learning to Analyze Vehicular Traffic Information Collected by Wireless Sniffing Technique


Email: tfkc22662001[at]gmail.com

Current Occupation: Studen


Research topic: Design of a Usage-Based Insurance Platform for Evaluating Driver’s Risk by Big Data Analysis


Email: randyshiao0723[at]gmail.com

現職: 於Master Concept(思想科技)擔任Solution Consultant,主要負責產品包括Google Cloud Platform (Google雲端)


Research topic: Identifying Highway Crash Hotspot Based on Driving Behavior Data Analyzing


Email: sunsunshine335[at]gmail.com

Current Occupation: Student


Research topic: 實現基於車路聯網通訊之多模式應用的智慧交通號誌控制系統

碩士論文:Implementing of A Smart Traffic Signal Control System for Multi-model Applications Based on V2X Communication

Email: r96064013[at]mail.ncku.edu.tw


Research topic: 

Email: kuangyoli@gmail.com

Current Occupation: Student


Research topic: 具公車優先通行效果之車路協同式適應性號誌 A cooperative adaptive traffic signal control with transit signal priority

Email: dora71026@gmail.com

Current Occupation: 專案工作人員


Research topic: 結合行動通訊與車路聯網之階層式架構應用於 公車優先通行系統之設計與實作

Design and Implementation of an Integrated Mobile Communication and DSRC Hierarchical Framework for Transit Signal Priority System

Email: r96084055@mail.ncku.edu.tw

Current Occupation: Student


Research topic: 

Email: 40439130@gm.nfu.edu.tw

Current Occupation: Student


Research topic: 

Email: ne6081056@gs.ncku.edu.tw

Current Occupation: Student


Research topic: 以深度學習分析機車駕駛風險指跡應用於駕駛行為車險服務

Analyzing Motorcyclist’s Risk-aware Fingerprint for the Usage-based Insurance by Using Deep Learning

Email: gumna99@gmail.com

Current Occupation: Student


Research topic: 

Email: ns954235@gmail.com

Current Occupation: Student


Research topic: 

Email: azusa9211@gmail.com

Current Occupation: Student


Research topic: 

Email: r96091036@gs.ncku.edu.tw

Current Occupation: Student


Research topic: 

Email: st991036@gmail.com

Current Occupation: Student