
My opinion about e-comerce.

Paypal is a secure tool for transactions money...but many people have fear for fraud.

I think that is wrong thing because it's easy to stay away from fraud...How?


For example Paypal make transaction by official site www.paypal.com, this means that all sites from

paypal start with www.paypal.com/....

For example ...NOW ...page of start of paypal site is at adress https://www.paypal.com/it/webapps/mpp/home ...you can see at start adress ...www.paypal.com.

For example ,can create a page as paypal ... like this: http://electronix.altervista.org/paypal.html

Now...What is diference between www.paypal.com and www.paypal.com ???

Apparently not have diference but first is official site and second is site made by me in few seconds...practically is a photo!

The big diference is header of link when open these links.

Keep in mynd these types of frauds...if link when is open not have a head https://www.paypal.com/blabla/blabla/ ...mean it's a scam.

As it is for www.ebay.com , www.ebay.it ,www.ebay.ro ,www.google.com ,www.google.it, ... etc

In a few years I bought many components from China...many of them have not reached,many of them were damaged...

and time for arrived is over 40 -50 days for Italy!

For those who buy is safe because I will send only functional pieces.

Of this price I need to pay the paypal fees.

CLICK HERE !!! My shop site.You can buy components used in this site.

Or search components on annunci ebay