NET/SET/GATE/Competitive Exams

Mathematics Reference Books for CSIR/SET/GATE/Competitive Exams


Mathematical/Real Analysis:

Linear Algebra:

Complex Analysis:



Ordinary Differential Equations:


CSIR NET Exam Reference Books

Few Reference Books which are handy for Joint CSIR-UGC NET 

Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

This reference books list has been prepared based on the suggestions given by some of my friends and known peoples for the purpose of CSIR-NET Examination. In this regard I express \textbf{my sincere thanks} to the peoples whoever suggested me the list for the benefit of those who prepare for the Competitive Exams, particularly CSIR-NET Exams. 

Note:  I request the peoples those who are all preparing for competitive exams, you can also add or suggest few/some more books in the above list which you felt easier to study and understand the concepts.

Partial Differential Equations:

Numerical Analysis:

Calculus of Variations:

Integral Equations:

Classical Mechanics:
