"Do there exist many worlds, or is there but a single world? This is one of the most noble and exalted questions in the study of Nature." Albertus Magnus (13th Century)
the BeamfOrmed Radio Emission AnaLysIS (BOREALIS) pipeline
Authors: Jake D. Turner, Jean-Mathias Griessmeier, Phillipe Zarka, and I. Vasylieva
The BOREALIS pipeline was created to search for auroral radio emission from exoplanets in radio beamformed data. However, the BOREALIS pipeline can be applied to any beamformed data and currently works with LOFAR, NenuFAR, UTR-2, and the LoTSS LOFAR-HBA survey (beamformed data extracted from visibilities) data.
Boreas is the mythical north wind god in Greek mythology and was believed to cause the northern lights on Earth to dance. In 1619, Galileo Galilei coined the term “Aurora Borealis” for the northern lights named after Aurora, the Roman goddess of the dawn, and the Greek god Boreas.
Download on Github: BOREALIS
Turner J.D., Zarka P., Griessmeier J.-M., Mauduit E., et al. 2023. Follow-up radio observations of the $\tau$~Bo\"{o}tis exoplanetary system: Preliminary results from NenuFAR. PRE IX. In press. arXiv:2310.05363
Turner J.D., Zarka P., Griessmeier J.-M., et al. The search for radio emission from the exoplanetary systems 55 Cancri,Andromedae, and τ Boötis using LOFAR beam-formed observations. A&A. 645. 59.
Turner J.D., Griessmeier J.-M., Zarka P., Vasylieva I. 2019. The search for radio emission from exoplanets using LOFAR beam-formed observations: Jupiter as an exoplanet. A&A. 624A. 40.
Turner J.D., Griessmeier J.-M., Zarka P., Vasylieva I. 2017. The search for radio emission from exoplanets using LOFAR low-frequency beam-formed observations: Data pipeline and preliminary results for the 55 Cnc system. Planetary Radio Emissions VIII. 301-313.
EXOplanet Modeling Package (EXOMOP)
Author: Jake D. Turner
Finds the best-fit to a transit light curve using MCMC techniques (See README file for more info)
Accesses the influence of red noise using the following methods
Prayer Bead Method (Residual-Permutation Method) (Todorov et al, 2012,APJ,746,111)
Time-Averaging Method (Beta Method) (Pont et al 2006, 373,231)
Wavelet Method (Carter & Winn 2009, APJ, 704, 51)
Turner J.D., Flagg L., Ridden-Harper A., Jayawardhana R. 2022. Characterizing the WASP-4 system with TESS and radial velocity data: Constraints on the cause of the hot Jupiter's changing orbit and evidence of an outer planet. AJ. Accepted (arXiv:2112.09621)
Turner J.D., Ridden-Harper A., Jayawardhana R. 2021. Decaying Orbit of the Hot Jupiter WASP-12b: Confirmation with TESS Observations. AJ. 161. 72.
Ridden-Harper A., Turner J.D., Jayawardhana R. AJ. 2020. TESS Observations of the Hot Jupiter Exoplanet XO-6b: No Evidence of Transit Timing Variations. AJ. 160. 249.
Turner J.D., Leiter R.M., Biddle L.I., Pearson K.A., Hardegree-Ullman K., et al. 2017. Investigating the physical properties of transiting hot Jupiters with the 1.5-m Kuiper Telescope. MNRAS. 472. 3871.
Turner J.D., Pearson K.A., Biddle L.I., Smart B., Zellem R.T., Teske J.K., Griffith C.A., Hardegree-Ullman K., et al. 2016b. Ground-based near-UV observations of 15 transiting exoplanets: Constraints on their atmospheres and no evidence for asymmetrical transits. MNRAS. 459. 789.
Pearson K. A., Turner J.D., Sagan T.G. 2013. Photometric observation of HAT-P-16b in the near-UV. New Astronomy. 27. 102.
Exoplanet Data Reduction Pipeline (ExoDRPL)
Authors: Kyle Pearson and Jake D. Turner
Calibrate data using flats and biases
Creates light curve through aperture photometry using reference stars
Alexoudi X., Mallonn M., von Essen C., Turner J.D., et al. 2018. Deciphering the atmosphere of HAT-P-12b: solving discrepant results. A&A. 620. 142.
Turner J.D., Leiter R.M., Biddle L.I., Pearson K.A., Hardegree-Ullman K., et al. 2017. Investigating the physical properties of transiting hot Jupiters with the 1.5-m Kuiper Telescope. MNRAS. 472. 3871.
Turner J.D., Pearson K.A., Biddle L.I., Smart B., Zellem R.T., Teske J.K., Griffith C.A., Hardegree-Ullman K., et al. 2016b. Ground-based near-UV observations of 15 transiting exoplanets: Constraints on their atmospheres and no evidence for asymmetrical transits. MNRAS. 459. 789.
Zellem R.T., Griffith C.A., Pearson K.A, Turner J.D., Henry G.W., Williamson M.W., Ryleigh Fitzpatrick M., Teske J.K., Biddle L.I. 2015. XO-2b: a hot Jupiter with a variable host star that potentially affects its measured transit depth. ApJ. Accepted. arXiv:1505.01063.
Biddle L.I., Pearson K.A., Crossfield I.J.M., Fulton B.J., Ciceri S., Eastman J., Barman T., Mann A.W., Henry G.W., Howard A.W., Williamson M.H., Sinuko E., Dragomir D., Vican L., Mancini L., Southworth J., Greenberg A., Turner J.D., Thompson R., Taylor B.W., Levine S.E., Webber M.W. 2014. Warm Ice Giant GJ 3470b. II Revised Planetary and Stellar Parameters from Optical to Near-infrared Transit Photometry. MNRAS. 443. 1810.
Pearson K. A., Turner J.D., Sagan T.G. 2013. Photometric observation of HAT-P-16b in the near-UV. New Astronomy. 27. 102.