About The Author

As a young lad Kirk Straughen was raised on a diet of swashbuckling science fiction adventure stories written by authors such as Edgar Rice Burroughs, Otis Adelbert Kline and Leigh Brackett. High adventure, exotic worlds and plenty of action were the order of the day. Unfortunately, much of contemporary science fiction seems to have lost the sense of wonder that was the essence of those old time tales, or so he feels. In an attempt to rectify this deplorable situation he has sought to capture the spirit of the past and breathe new life into the genre of planetary romance, lost race stories and other classic themes.For Mr Straughen writing is a hobby, and scribes his stories when he has the time ("damn day job", I hear him cry). Consequently, even fairly short works can take several months to finalize. He hopes you'll find the wait worth your while.