Astounding Worlds Home Page

Dear Adventure Seeker, Are you tired of reading boring stories and insipid tales not worth telling? If so then perhaps Astounding Worlds can offer you an exciting saga to satisfy your jaded tastes. Here you'll find exotic worlds, dashing heroes, villains vile and damsels in distress (and states of undress, too).

Everything is free to read but copyrighted (you may, of course, print out a story or copy it to your PC for personal use), so why not join our brave swashbucklers as they roar across the cosmos in screaming rockets belching ebon smoke and crimson flame? Then again you could plunge into strange dimensions where reality is wildly different from the mundane world you are familiar with.

Or perhaps on Earth itself you'll encounter an ancient race long forgot and face dark gods that chill the heart with dread. Verily, you'll hear the violent clash of glittering swords on far flung planets of distant centuries and other universes, and tremble at the awful screams of hideous monsters more frightening than the devil. Purple prose prevails and perils abound in a cornucopia of Pulp Era inspired tales.

Death lurks at every frightening turn in all its horrid forms. But my friend the rewards are great, or so we hope you'll find them. So, are you brave enough to join our daring bravos? If so, then choose to read a story from the sidebar if you dare! And if there is nothing here you like, why not try:

Luminist Archives A huge variety of free pulp era publications (including science fiction and fantasy) can be found at this site.

The Pulp Magazine Archive: More free science fiction and fantasy periodicals from the golden age of pulp magazines.

Manybooks.Net: Here you'll find a huge range of books (including pulp literature) that can be downloaded in a variety of formats.

Project Gutenberg: Over 60,000 ebooks (including science fiction) available for free.