
This site can be accessed at http://bit.ly/assesslang

Download/copy the syllabus document below.

IEL4408 syllabus March 2015

Watch these videos to learn how to join Google+ and share documents as Google Docs for feedback. I've also added videos on other tools (e.g. Google Forms) that are useful for assessment.

Examples of assessment reviews (please do not distribute unpublished papers)

Rubric for marking Assignment 1

(example; Google 'university essay rubric' for more)

Rubric for marking Assignment 2

Need a refresher on academic writing (e.g. referencing)? Check out my Google Site.

When submitting your final version on Blackboard Turnitin, click on Assignments, then View/Complete. Turnitin has been set up to allow multiple uploads until the deadline. This means you can resubmit if you are editing to lower your similarity percentage. However, up to 24h is needed to generate reports for second and subsequent submissions.