Curriculum Vitae


Aspen Gorry

John E. Walker Department of Economics

Clemson University

Wilbur O. and Ann Powers Hall, 318K

225 Walter T. Cox Blvd.

Clemson, SC 29634


Macroeconomics, Labor Economics, Public Economics


University of Chicago

2009, Ph.D. in Economics

University of Chicago

2006, M.A. in Economics

Arizona State University

2004, B.S. in Economics and B.S. in Mathematics

Summa Cum Laude


2020 - Current: Associate Professor, John E. Walker Department of Economics, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina

2017 – 2020: Assistant Professor, John E. Walker Department of Economics, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina

2013 – 2017: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Finance, Utah State University, Logan, Utah

2012 – 2013: Research Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, Washington, DC                                                                              

2009 – 2012: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, California


2016, 2018, 2022: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


[2023] “Retirement Timing Uncertainty: Empirical Evidence and Quantitative Evaluation.” Review of Economic Dynamics. 51, 226-266. (F. Caliendo, M. Casanova, A. Gorry, and S. Slavov)

[2021] "The Elasticity of Taxable Income in the Presence of Intertemporal Income Shifting." National Tax Journal. 74:1, 45-73. (A. Gorry, R. G. Hubbard, and A. Mathur)

[2020] “Experience, Skill Composition, and the Persistence of Unemployment Fluctuations.” Labour Economics. 63, 101793. (A. Gorry, D. Munro, and C. vom Lehn)

[2020] “Survival Ambiguity and Welfare.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 120, 20-42. (F. Caliendo, A. Gorry, and S. Slavov)

[2019] “The Cost of Uncertainty about the Timing of Social Security Reform.” European Economic Review.  118, 101-125. (F. Caliendo, A. Gorry, and S. Slavov) 

[2019] “Learning and Life Cycle Patterns of Occupational Transitions.” International Economic Review. 60:2, 905-937. (A. Gorry, D. Gorry, and N. Trachter)

[2019] “Social Security and Saving: An Update.” Public Finance Review, 47:2, 312-348. (S. Slavov, D. Gorry, A. Gorry, and F. Caliendo) 

[2018] “Does Retirement Improve Health and Life Satisfaction?” Health Economics. 27:12, 2067-2086. (A. Gorry, D. Gorry, and S. Slavov)

[2018] “Male Labor Supply and Generational Fiscal Policy.” Review of Economic Dynamics. 28, 121-149. (C. vom Lehn, A. Gorry, and E. Fisher)

[2017] “The Response of Deferred Executive Compensation to Changes in Tax Rates.” Journal of Public Economics, 151, 28-40. (A. Gorry, K. Hassett, R. G. Hubbard, and A. Mathur)

[2017] “A Note on the Nonlinear Effects of Minimum Wage Increases.” Contemporary Economic Policy, 35:1, 53-61. (A. Gorry and J. Jackson) 

[2016] “Experience and Worker Flows.” Quantitative Economics. 7:1, 225-255. (A. Gorry)

[2016] “Time and State Dependence in an Ss Decision Experiment.” American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics. 8:1, 285-310. (J. Magnani, A. Gorry, and R. Oprea) 

[2013] “Minimum Wages and Youth Unemployment,” European Economic Review. 64, 57-75. (A. Gorry)

[2012] “Optimal Taxation over the Life Cycle,” Review of Economic Dynamics, 15:4, 551-572. (A. Gorry and E. Oberfield)


"Structural Change in Production Networks and Economic Growth." (P. Gaggl, A. Gorry, and C. vom Lehn) Revise and resubmit, Review of Economic Studies.

"The Million Dollar Rule, Executive Compensation, and Managerial Risk-Taking." (R. Jared DeLisle, A. Gorry, C. Kallen, and A. Mathur)

"Revisiting the Effects of Health on Retirement: Event Study Evidence from Expectations Data." (A. Gorry and J. Leganza)


[2024] “How Do Life Events Affect Retirement Timing? Evidence from Expectations Data.” TIAA Institute Research Dialogue, Issue no. 210, April 2024. (A. Gorry and J. Leganza)

[2024] “Understanding Retirement Expectations.” TIAA Institute Trends and Issues, April 2024. (A. Gorry and J. Leganza)

[2019] “Switching Occupational Categories,” Economic Brief, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond EB19-07, July 2019. (A. Gorry, D. Gorry, T. Sablik, and N. Trachter)

[2019] “Retirement Brings Health and Happiness,” Public Health Post. February 11. (A. Gorry, D. Gorry, and S. Slavov)

[2016] “Understanding the Effects of Uncertainty about the Timing of Retirement,” November 16. (F. Caliendo, M. Casanova, A. Gorry, and S. Slavov)

[2015] “The Impact of Taxes on the use of Deferred Executive Compensation,” October 19. (A. Gorry, K. Hassett, R. G. Hubbard, and A. Mathur)

[2013] “Recent Developments in the Dynamic Fiscal Policy Literature,” Tax Notes. December 9. (A. Gorry and K. Hassett)

[2013] “The Tax Treatment of the Family,” AEI Economic Perspectives. May 15. (A. Gorry and S. Slavov)

[2013] “Marginal and Average Tax Rates in Optimal Tax Policy,” Tax Notes. April 1. (A. Gorry and S. Slavov)

[2012] “Financing Entitlements and Promoting Work: Does Policy Encourage Early Retirement?” AEI Economic Perspectives. December 17. (A. Gorry and S. Slavov)

[2012] “A Simple Measure of the Distributional Burden of Debt,” Tax Notes. December 3. (A. Gorry and M. Jensen)


[2014] “Minimum Wage, Maximum Harm,” US News, Economic Intelligence. May 1. (S. Slavov and A. Gorry)

[2013] “A New Set of Graduates Faces Social Security Uncertainty,” US News, Economic Intelligence. May 30. (A. Gorry and S. Slavov)

[2013] “Tax Individuals, Not Couples,” Real Clear Markets. May 22. (A. Gorry and S. Slavov)

[2013] “Tax Progressivity: It’s Not Just the Burden of the Rich,” Real Clear Markets. April 3. (A. Gorry and S. Slavov)

[2013] “The Bias Against Working Women,” Los Angeles Times. March 22. (A. Gorry and S. Slavov)

[2013] “To Protect Future Generations, Fix Social Security,” The Daily Caller. February 13. (A. Gorry and S. Slavov)

[2013] “Deficits Are Costly, Even If You’re Not Greece,” Real Clear Markets. February 6. (A. Gorry and M. Jensen)

[2012] “How to Restructure Social Security,” Real Clear Markets. December 19. (A. Gorry and S. Slavov)

[2012] “Minimum Wage is a Sure Bet to Create More Jobless Young Americans,” McClatchy Newspapers. September 28. (A. Gorry)

[2012] “A Qualitative Reading of the July Jobs Report,” Yahoo! Finance, The Exchange. August 10. (A. Gorry, A. Mathur, and M. Strain)


2024: Middlebury College; TIAA Institute Fellows Symposium, Boston-Cambridge, MA; National University of Singapore; Kyoto University; GRIPS, Tokyo, Japan.

2023: Vienna Macro Workshop; RIDGE December Forum, Medellin, Colombia.

2022: Midwest Macroeconomics Meetings, Logan UT; North American Summer Meetings of the Econometric Society, Miami, FL; IZA Workshop on the Macroeconomics of Labor Productivity.

2021: European Financial Management Association Annual Meeting (online).

2020: Labor Markets and Public Policy Conference, Clemson, SC, SEA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (Online).

2019: Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA; Midwest Macroeconomics Meetings, Athens, GA.

2018: I-85 Macro Workshop, Athens, GA; National Tax Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

2017: Aggregate Implications of Demographic Change Conference at Arizona State University; 4th Annual Macroeconomics and Business Cycle Conference, Santa Barbara, CA.

2016: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; Utah Macro, Provo, UT; NTA Meetings, Baltimore, MD; SEA Annual Meeting, Washington, DC; Clemson University.

2015: 2nd Annual Macroeconomics and Business Cycle Conference, Santa Barbara, CA; QSPS 2015 Summer Workshop, Logan, UT; WEAI Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI; World Congress of the Econometric Society, Montreal, Quebec; Montana State University; Vienna Macro Workshop; Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta; Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia; SEA Annual Meetings, New Orleans, LA.

2014: AEA Annual Meetings, Philadelphia, PA; TAPES 2014—Trans-Atlantic Public Economics Seminar, Vienna, Austria.

2013: BYU-USU Macro Workshop; 6th Southwest Search and Matching Workshop, Boulder, CO; Fall 2013 Midwest Macroeconomics Meetings, Minneapolis, MN.

2012: University of Adelaide; Midwest Macroeconomics Meetings, South Bend, IN; QSPS 2012 Summer Workshop, Logan, UT; SED Annual Meeting, Limassol, Cyprus; 10th NP Quantitative Macroeconomics Workshop, Philadelphia, PA.

2011: CSU East Bay; Yale Labor and Public Economics Workshop; University of California, San Diego; Society of Labor Economists Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC; First Meeting of the West Coast Search and Matching Group, Irvine, CA; Arizona State University; QSPS 2011 Summer Workshop, Logan, UT; EER Talented Economist Conference, Bonn, Germany; Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; Canadian Macro Study Group, Vancouver, BC; North Carolina State University; Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.

2010: NBER Summer Institute Macro Perspectives Working Group; University of California, Irvine.

2009: University of California, Davis; Indiana University; Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance; Bocconi University; Utah State University; University of California, Santa Cruz; University of Georgia; Midwest Macroeconomics Meetings, Bloomington, IN; North American Summer Meetings of the Econometric Society, Boston, MA; Santa Cruz Institute for International Economics 12th Annual Conference, Santa Cruz, CA.

2008: North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society, Pittsburgh, PA; Society for Economic Dynamics Annual meeting, Cambridge, MA; University of Chicago Money and Banking Workshop; Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.


“Sex Ratios and Long-Term marriage Trends.” By Jose-Victor Rios-Rull, Shannon Seitz, and Satoshi Tanaka at the 2024 UGA Macro Conference. April 12, 2024.

“Structural Change with services and the Future of Baumol Disease.” By Georg Duernecker, Berthold Herrendorf, and Akos Valentinyi at 2017 Vienna Macro Workshop. October 13, 2017.

“The Demographic Deficit.” By Espen Henricksen and Tom Cooley at 2016 Vienna Macro Workshop. October 22, 2016.

“Optimal Fiscal Policy with Labor Selection.” By Sanjay K. Chugh, Wolfgang Lechthaler, and Christian Merkl at 2016 Kiel/NY Fed Conference on New Developments in the Macroeconomics of Labor Markets, September 9, 2016.

“Who Cares about Unemployment Insurance?” by Avihai Lifschitz, Ofer Setty, and Yaniv Yadid-Levi at 2014 Canadian Macro Study Group, Hamilton, Ontario, November 8, 2014.

“Capital Gains Taxes and Realizations: Evidence from a Long Panel of State-Level Data.” By Jon Bakija and William Gentry at the TAPES 2014—Trans-Atlantic Public Economics Seminar, Vienna, Austria, June 17, 2014.


Department of Economics, Clemson University:

      Macroeconomic Theory I (Spring 2024 - current)

      Macroeconomic Theory II (PhD; Fall 2017-Fall 2022)

      Principles of Macroeconomics (Honors undergraduate; Spring 2018-current)

      Intermediate Macroeconomics (Spring 2020 - current)

Department of Economics, Utah State University

      Advanced Financial Economics (MA; Fall 2016)

      Macroeconomics Theory (MA; Fall 2016)

      Intermediate Macroeconomics (undergraduate; Fall 2014-Fall 2016)

      Managerial Economics (undergraduate; Fall 2013-Spring 2016)

      Advanced Macroeconomic Topics (undergraduate; Fall 2013)

Department of Economics, University of California at Santa Cruz

      Advanced Macroeconomic Theory (PhD; Fall 2009-2011)

      Intermediate Macroeconomics, Math Intensive (undergraduate; Spring 2010-2011)

      Intermediate Macroeconomics (undergraduate; Fall 2009-2011, Winter 2010)


American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, American Economic Review, Applied Economics, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, Contemporary Economic Policy, Economic Inquiry, Economic Journal, Economics Letters, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, European Economic Review, International Economic Review, IZA World of Labor, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Economic Policy Reform, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Financial Stability, Journal of Happiness Studies, Journal of Monetary Economics, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Population Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of the European Economic Association, Labour Economics, Public Finance Review, Quantitative Economics, Review of Economic Dynamics, Review of Economics and Statistics, Review of Economic Studies, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Southern Economic Journal.


I-85 Macro Workshop, Co-organizer, semi-annual workshops (Locations: UGA, Clemson, Emory, Online, UNC-Charlotte, USC, Vanderbilt, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta), 2018-current.

Midwest Macroeconomics Meetings, Clemson, Co-Organizer, May 2023.

Midwest Macroeconomics Meetings, Utah State, May 2020 (canceled).

Midwest Macroeconomics Meetings, UGA, Program Committee, May 17-19, 2019. 

QSPS, Utah State University, Program Committee, May 19-21, 2016.

Utah Macroeconomics, Utah State University, April 22, 2016.

QSPS, Utah State University, Program Committee, May 28-30, 2015.

QSPS, Utah State University, Program Committee, May 15-17, 2014.

BYU-USU Macroeconomics Workshop, Utah State University, October 25, 2013.

Improving Work Incentives and Fairness in Social Security and Medicare, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, Washington, DC, March 28, 2013.

Second Meeting of the West Coast Search and Matching Group, University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, October 29, 2011.


Srijan Banerjee, chair, expected 2025.

Krishna Sharma, chair, expected 2025.

Louise Hu, committee member, 2024.

Ward Reesman, committee member, 2024.

Jun Li, committee member, 2023.

Hugo Vaca Pereira Rocha, committee member, 2023.

Krishna Khatri, committee member, 2022.

Chitraporn Amrapala, committee member, 2022.

Peiyun Jin, committee member, 2021.

Tyler Francis, committee member, 2021.

Adam Witham, committee member, 2021.

Guanghua Wang, co-chair, 2020.

Smriti Bhargava, committee member, 2019.

Yiheng Huang, committee member, 2018.



South Carolina:

     2022-2023: South Carolina Labor Force Participation Taskforce

Clemson University:

     2024: The Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business Intellectual Contributions Working Group

     2023-2024: Economics Department Recruiting Committee.

     2020-2024: Economics Department Seminar Coordinator

     2019-2020: Economics Department Recruiting Committee.

      2017-2021: College of Business Committee on Global Engagement

      2017-2018: Economics Department Recruiting Committee

Utah State University:

      Fall 2014: College of Business Undergraduate Strategy Team, Group Leader

      2014-2017: Department of Economics and Finance Seminar Coordinator

      2015-2016: Department Undergraduate Curriculum Committee.

      Fall 2016: Department Hiring Committee for Financial Economics

      2015-2016: Department Hiring Committee for Microeconomics/Econometrics

      2015-2016: Department Hiring Committee for Business Economics

      2014-2015: Department Hiring Committee for Applied Microeconomics

University of California, Santa Cruz:

      2010: Macro Seminar Organizer


Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business Summer Research Grant, Clemson University, 2024.

Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business Summer Research Grant, Clemson University, 2023.

TIAA Institute, “How Do Life Events Affect Retirement Timing? Evidence from Expectations Data,” 2023, Co-PI with Jonathan Leganza, $70,000.

NBER Retirement Research Center grant for “Survival Ambiguity and Welfare” (with Frank Caliendo and Sita Slavov), 2016-2017, PI: Jeffery Brown.

Mercatus Center grant for “The Impact of Social Security on Private Saving” (with Frank Caliendo, Devon Gorry, and Sita Slavov), 2016-2017.

Hellman Fellowship for “Learning, Multi-worker Firms, and the Cyclicality of Worker Flows,” University of California, Santa Cruz, 2011.

Faculty Research Grant for “Risk and Life Cycle Patterns of Occupational Mobility,” University of California, Santa Cruz, 2011.

Faculty Research Grant for “Heterogeneity, Institutions, and Labor Market Flows,” University of California, Santa Cruz, 2009.


Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business Senior Teaching Excellence Award for the John E. Walker Department of Economics, 2023-2024.

Ester and T.W. Schultz Endowment Fund Dissertation Fellowship, University of Chicago, 2008.

Martin and Margaret Lee Prize in Economics, Price Theory Core Exam, University of Chicago, 2005.

Martin and Margaret Lee Prize in Economics, Macro Core Exam, University of Chicago, 2005.

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, 2004.

Century Fellowship, University of Chicago, 2004.

Omicron Delta Epsilon Award for Outstanding Graduating Senior, Economics Department, Arizona State University, 2004.

Phi Beta Kappa, 2004.

Rondthaler Prize for Outstanding Junior Major in Economics, Arizona State University, 2002.