
Long time back, Google Student Blog had this to say - http://googleforstudents.blogspot.com/2009/10/googlers-beta-2009-edition.html

From Fall'09 till Spring'11, I was a photographer with The Daily Collegian. For my photojournalism work with this student run daily newspaper, I was awarded the Gold-circle Award by the Columbia Scholastic Press Association (in single sports photograph black and white), and the student Keystone Press Award by the Pennsylvania Newspaper Association (in sports photo category).

I enjoyed TA'ing for courses CSE 271 (Digital Logic Circuits) during Fall '06 and CSE 431 (Computer Architecture) during Spring '07. Few critical and constructive comments that my students gave me as part of TA reviews were

Apart from learning about caches and memories during my internship at Intel during summer '08, one of the critical skill sets developed during this period was the art of making good coffee. Free! freshly brewed coffee provided ample opportunities for trying out new ideas. How to make good coffee:- To be added shortly.

During summer of '09, apart from relaxing with free onsite massages and enjoying free gourmet food, free t-shirts and doing some serious work as part of the Cluster Infrastructure Management Group, I also learnt how to make fresh espresso, cappuccino and latte while interning at Google. Fresh coffee beans and complex espresso machines in micro-kitchens can be highly instrumental in helping someone master the art of coffee making. May be that's why they say that you should never mess with a Googler's coffee.

Summer '10 was invested in acquiring a taste for tea at SPA group in Intel Labs. White, green, oolong and black tea turned out to be my favs. Tea has a slightly bitter after-taste that I kind of liked. Besides acquiring a taste for tea, I got to work on the Intel's Single-Chip Cloud (Rock Creek processor) where I was working on evaluating it from the point of view of cloud programming. I also worked on heterogeneous architectures during my internship. I really miss the team parties and free tea.