2D materials and Electron microscopy Research Group

Group Leader

Dr. Ashutosh Rath

Senior Scientist

Email:  ashutosh@immt.res.in

Phone: +91-674- 2379302

Webpages:http://www.immt.res.in/EmpDescription.aspx? EmpId=%27383%27

                                                                                  Technical Staff

Mr. Abinash Prusty ( M.Phil. in Physics)


Abinash is working on TEM and associated techniques

                                                                                  Ph.D. students

Mr. Sagar Mallick (M.Sc. in Physics)

Email: sagar.2021@immt.res.in

Sagar is working on "2D TMDs and its applications"

Achievements : Best oral presentation award at international conference ESMAC-2023

Mr. Gyanprakash Mishra (M.Sc. in Physics)

Email: gyanprakash.22@immt.res.in

Gyan  is working on " "2D Mxenes-based heterostructures for energy devices"

Achievements : Best poster presentation award at international conference ESMAC-2023

Ms. Bibhunanda Mohanty (M.Sc. in Physics)

Email: bibhunanda.22@immt.res.in

Bibhu is working on  " Metal chalcogenides-based 2D heterostructures and their interfaces"

                                                                                      Project Students


 Project students: