GIAN course on “Modern Chemistry and Reactivity of the f-Block Elements" from November 08-17, 2018 @ IIT Kanpur

Post date: Sep 04, 2018 4:25:4 PM

A GIAN (Global Initiative of Academic Networks) course at IIT Kanpur on Modern Chemistry and Reactivity of the f-Block Elements" from November 08-17, 2018 @ IIT Kanpur. This course will cover the modern fundamental and applied aspects of chemistry and reactivity of f-block elements, including the lanthanides (Ln) and actinides. Prof. Eric J. Schelter, Professor at the Department of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania will teach this course. UG and PG/Ph.D. students interested should register and attend this course. The outside participants will be provided with accommodation on payment basis.

Attached flyer of the course for more details about registration and course overview.

Weblink for Details: