Please find the concert script below "Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let is Snow"

Finale - Let it Snow

Oh, the weather outside is frightful

But the fire is so delightful

And since we've no place to go

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Man it doesn't show signs of stoppin'

And I brought me some corn for poppin'

The lights are turned way down low

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

When we finally kiss good-night

How I'll hate going out in the storm

But if you'll really hold me tight

All the way home I'll be warm

And the fire is slowly dying

And, my dear, we're still good-bye-ing

But as long as you love me so

Let it snow, let it snow, and snow

When we finally kiss good-night

How I'll hate going out in the storm

But if you really hold me tight

All the way home I'll be warm

Oh the fire is slowly dying

And, my dear, we're still good-bye-ing

But as long as you love me so

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

WNES Script

Younger - But you have to come to my concert!

Older - The concert is still a month away, and you know how much I can’t stand winter. How did we get back on the topic of the concert?

Younger - Winter is the best! Why do you have to be so cranky?

Older - Because they are calling for a snowstorm tomorrow and it is still only November.

Younger - Well, we cannot control the weather.

Older - Snow is only useful when it cancels school, however tomorrow is Saturday…. Therefore, no school to cancel. Gross.

Younger - Oh, we cannot miss school right now, way too much to do to get ready for the concert!

Older - Ugh, just go to bed.

½J - Suzy Snowflake

½J - Winter Snowflakes

Pre-primary - Snowflake Snowflake Falling Down

Younger - Wake up! Wake Up! It snowed, it snowed! It snowed last night….

[Older looks out the window]

Older - Well, I can handle that much snow…. 2 centimeters…. It will be gone by lunch.

Younger - Enough to make a snow angel!

Older - One snow angel maybe…. you better do it now.

[younger is making a snow angel at the front of the stage]

⅘MM - Chatter with Angels

Older - Happy now?

[Older stands by younger rolling his/her eyes]

Younger - Yes! [Exit stag humming Snoopy vs. the Red Baron]

⅘MM - Snoopy vs. the Red Baron

[Older and Younger and rest of family standing by a radio]

Older - Why are they playing Christmas music at the end of November?

Parent - The holiday season does seem to start earlier and earlier each year.

Younger - Well I love it! It helps me prepare for my concert and all the caroling I hope to do. Have you changed your mind about my concert yet?

Older - Still three weeks away.

PD - Winter Sequence

PD - Bedtime-Wake-Up Song

Parent - Have a good day at school!

Older - I doubt it.

Young - Thanks! It snowed overnight, so we get to walk to school through a winter wonderland!

Older - brrr….

Parent - Ok, well bundle up, and walk safely.

[Older and Younger start walking to school together]

Younger - I just love all this snow and cold. Maybe we can go skating on the pond after school, or skiing in the woods, or build a fort!

Older - No.

Younger - Or ice fishing! Or on the Skidoo?

Older - No. [speeding up his/her pace of walking]

Younger - Come on!

Older - No [full on running from younger. Hits an icy patch and falls down] Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch!

Younger - Oh no [Quickly walks to Older]. Are you ok, what hurts?

Older - My foot.

Younger - Let me help you [Helps Older off stage]

Choir - Do you Wanna Build a Snowman?

[Radio playing in the background]

Parent - I am so glad you weren’t badly hurt. What were you thinking running to school on those icy sidewalks?

Older - I was trying to escape winter.

Parent - You know that is impossible.

Older - But I can try.

Green Team - Radio announcer

Parent - Shh!!! The weather is on!

Weather announcer - Write your own blizzard forecast to read over the radio

Or read:

An active storm has been tracking toward Eastern Canada this week and is expected to touch down overnight. Temperatures are going to drop rapidly and precipitation will begin around midnight. Wind will pick up around daybreak and driving conditions are expected to be poor. This is set to be our first Nor'easter of the season dumping up to six feet of snow on Maritimers.

Younger - NOOOO! We only have three music classes left to practice for our concert.

Older - YESS!!! I get to miss two days of school in a row.

⅔M - Snowstorm/Wind

Older - [with excitement] Snow day!!!!!! I am going back to bed.

Younger - [hangs head] Oh no!!! We are never going to be ready.

Older - [looks at younger, sees the sadness in his/her face, but leaves anyway]

⅔M - No More School for Me

Parent - I know you are disappointed, but you have been working so hard. Your concert will be be wonderful even though you are missing today.

Younger - I guess. I just want it to be perfect, in case Older changes his/her mind and comes to watch.

Parent - I have an idea, let’s make this wintery day one Older can’t resist.

Younger - How can we do that?

Parent - Well, your brother/sister didn’t always feel this way about winter, so let’s start with baking his/her favourite cookies, gingerbread/

Younger - Oh yeah, and we can have hot chocolate with them.

Parent - Maybe, we could get down the decorations and watch some movies curled up by the fire too.

Younger - Oh boy!!! [Cranks up the radio and puts on an apron] Let’s get started

¾M - Bonhomm’! Bonhomm’!

Younger - Parent, what’s a Bonhomme?

Parent - Bonhomme is like a mascot for a festival that happens every year in Quebec celebrating the winter season.

Younger - That sounds like my kind of festival.

Older - [Enters room sleepily] What’s going on, it smells really good in here.

Younger - Here, have a cookie, breakfast of champions. May I be excused, I need to get something ready in the living room.

Older - Um, ok. [Takes the cookie]

Parent - Here, I made you a hot chocolate. [follows younger into the living room]

Older - Oh, thank you. [sits listening to the radio]

¾M - Marshmallow World

Parent - [calls from the other room] Older, can you please come join us in the living room.

Older - I guess so. [walks into the living room and is surprised by the presence of a tree]

Younger - Hey Older, can you help me put this ornament higher on the tree? [younger hands him/her Older’s favourite ornament]

Older - Sure.

[Younger and Older busily decorate the tree while parent puts on a movie]

⅚M - Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree

⅚M - 12 Weeks of WNES Winter

Older - hhhmm, I remember this movie.

[Whole family curled up on the couch enjoying the movie]

Parent - I don’t think you can count on another day off tomorrow you two.

Younger - I hope not. I had a great day today, but we need to practice for our concert!

Older - I guess going back to school would be ok, though today was a lot of fun.

Younger - Really!? [trying to contain his/her excitement] You enjoyed your day with us?

Older - Yeah, well, it wasn’t that bad…. Goodnight. [all exit]

Younger - It’s here, it’s here, it’s here!!! Today is our concert. I am so excited!

Parent - haha, I know you are.

[Older enters the room, sees his/her younger brother/sister]

[Youngers face freezes]

Older - [smiles] What time is that concert again?

Younger - [cannot contain his/her excitement and jumps up and down] Are you actually going to come and watch???

Older - I wouldn’t miss it!

Finale - Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

West Northfield Elementary School Music Communication Plan 2019/2020

(A. Sheffield, Music)

Program Overview

Music is a dynamic part of our life and culture, providing pleasure and enjoyment, as well as deeper insights and awareness. All Music classes at West Northfield Elementary School will foster the development of physical, perceptual, personal, and social skills of students; while students create, respond to, and present music.

Through singing, games, movement, chanting, playing instruments, and so on, students will be creating, presenting, and responding to music to develop their understanding of the following: rhythm, melody, harmony, form, expression, and cultural context.


Assessment for learning will be ongoing throughout the year. Students will be assessed based on their demonstration of understanding of the items listed above. They will be assessed using observation, rubrics, work samples, group activities/projects, and self-evaluations.

Expectations for Learning Success

To achieve success in music class, students need to participate, strive to do their best, be good listeners, and respect themselves and others. Music classes are 30 minutes long twice a week, therefore students are expected to come to class prepared to participate in activities, be respectful, and listen. Any disruptions during these classes will impact their ability to learn and can negatively impact the rest of the class.


If you need to reach me you can do so by visiting the “contact me” section of this website, calling the school at 541-8220, or through writing a note in your child’s agenda. I will do the same for you. Please do not hesitate to contact me. Any important information regarding school concerts, or choir will be sent home in the form of a letter in students agendas and posted on my website (sites.google.com/site/asheffieldmusic/).

Additional Information

Concerts: All classes will be preparing for, and participating in, a concert that will take place in December.

Extracurricular: Students will be given opportunities to participate in various musical groups throughout the school year. These activities will take place during lunch playtime on Tuesdays. In the fall, grades three through six students have the opportunity to participate in choir. Different musical opportunities will be happening in the winter and spring months.