

Huddell, A. M., R. Thapa, A. S. Davis, C. Peterson, E. Kladivko, E. Law, H. Darby, J. M. McVane, J. Haymaker, K. Balkom, M. Reiter, M. Van Gessel, M. Ruark, S. Wells, S. Gailans, S. Seehaver, T. C. Kaspar, B. A. Needelman, S. B. Mirsky. 2024. U.S. cereal rye winter cover crop growth database. Scientific Data. 11:200 [pdf]

Huddell, A., B. Needelman, E. P. Law, V. J. Ackroyd, M. V. Bagavathiannan, K. Bradley, A. S. Davis, J. A. Evans, W. J. Everman, M. L. Flessner, N. Jordan, L. Lazaro, R. G. Leon, J. Lindquist, J. K. Norsworthy, L. S. Shergill, M. VanGessel, S. B. Mirsky. 2024. Early-season biomass and weather enable robust cereal rye cover crop biomass predictions. Agricultural & Environmental Letters. 9: e20121. [pdf]


Rai, T., N. Lee, M. M. Williams II, A. S. Davis, M. B. Villamil, H. Dokoohaki. 2023. Probabilistic assessment of cereal-rye impacts on regional crop yield and soil carbon. Agriculture. 13: 176. [pdf]

Zalamea, P.C., C. Sarmiento, A. E. Arnold, V. Kuo, C. Delevich, A. S. Davis, T. A. Brown, J. W. Dalling. 2023. Decadal survival of tropical pioneer seeds in the soil seedbank is accompanied by fungal infection and dormancy release. Functional Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.14476 [pdf]


DeDecker, J., T. Malone, S. Snapp, M. Thelen, E. Anderson, C. Tollini ,  A.S. Davis. 2022. The Relationship between Farmer Demographics, Social Identity and Tillage Behavior: Evidence from Michigan Soybean Producers. Journal of Rural Studies. 89: 378-386. [pdf]

Alexander, B. C. and A. S. Davis. 2022. Perspective: Scientific rigor or ritual? Statistical significance in Pest Management Science. Pest Management Science.  78: 847-854  [pdf]

Strom, S. A., K. E. Jacobs, N. J. Seiter, A. S. Davis, D. E. Riechers. 2022. Control of waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus) at multiple locations in Illinois with single preemergence applications of VLCFA-inhibiting herbicides. Weed Technology. 36: 253-260.

Lowry, C. J., D. P. Matlaga, N. M. West, M. M. Williams II, A. S. Davis. 2022. Estimating local eradication costs for invasive Miscanthus populations throughout the Eastern and Midwestern US. Invasive Plant Science and Management. doi: 10.1017/inp.2022.20 [pdf]

Harrington, A. H., C. Sarmiento, P.C. Zalamea, J.W. Dalling, A.S. Davis, A. E. Arnold. 2022. Acrogenospora terricola sp. nov., a species associated with seeds of pioneer trees in the soil seedbank of a lowland forest in Panama. Mycokeys. 72(10). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.005558. [pdf]


Lee, N. M., L. R. Varshney, H. C. Michelson, P. Goldsmith, A. S. Davis. 2021. A proposal for digital trust substitution to increase agricultural productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa. Global Food Security. DOI 10.1016/j.gfs.2021.100604 [pdf]

Schwartz-Lazaro, L. M., Shergill, L., M. L. Flessner, M. V. Bagavathiannan, M. D. Bish, J. A. Bond, K. W. Bradley, W. S. Curran, A. S. Davis, J. A. Evans, W. J. Everman, N. R. Jordan, J. L. Lindquist, A. Klodd, J. K. Norsworthy, C. Rubione, L. E. Steckel, M. J. VanGessel, S. B. Mirsky. 2021. Seed shattering phenology at soybean harvest of economically important weeds in multiple regions of the United States. Part 1: broadleaf species. Weed Science. 69: 95-103. [pdf]

Schwartz-Lazaro, L. M., Shergill, L., M. L. Flessner, M. V. Bagavathiannan, M. D. Bish, J. A. Bond, K. W. Bradley, W. S. Curran, A. S. Davis, J. A. Evans, W. J. Everman, N. R. Jordan, J. L. Lindquist, A. Klodd, J. K. Norsworthy, C. Rubione, L. E. Steckel, M. J. VanGessel, S. B. Mirsky. 2021. Seed shattering phenology at soybean harvest of economically important weeds in multiple regions of the United States. Part 2: grass species. Weed Science. 69: 104-110. [pdf]

Landau, C., A. G. Hager, P. J. Tranel, A. S. Davis, N. F. Martin and M. M. Williams II. 2021. Future efficacy of preemergence herbicides in corn (Zea mays) is threatened by more variable weather. Pest Management Science. DOI 10.1002/ps.6309. [pdf]

Zalamea, P. C., C. Sarmiento, A. E. Arnold, A. S. Davis, J. W. Dalling, 2021. Closely related tree species support distinct communities of seed-associated fungi in a lowland tropical forest. J. Ecol. 109: 1858-1872. [pdf]

McAllister, W., J. Whitman, J. Varghese, A. S. Davis, G. Chowdhary. 2021. Agbots 3.0: Adaptive weed growth prediction for mechanical weeding agbots. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. DOI: 10.1109/TRO.2021.3083204. [pdf]

Geddes, C. and A. S. Davis. 2021. The critical period for weed seed control: A proposed framework to limit weed seed return. Weed Research. 61: 282-287. [pdf]

Strom, S. A., A. G. Hager, J. Concepcion, N. J. Seiter, A. S. Davis, J. Morris, S. Kaundun, D. E. Riechers. 2021. Metabolic pathways for S-metolachlor detoxification differ between tolerant corn and multiple-resistant waterhemp. Plant and Cell Physiology. Volume 62: 1770–1785.


Shergill, L., A. S. Davis, B. Kreshnik and S. B. Mirsky. 2020. Fate of Weed Seeds after Impact Mill Processing in Midwestern and Mid-Atlantic United States. Weed Science. 68: 92-97. [pdf]

Egea-Cobrero, V., K. Bradley, I. M. Calha, A. S. Davis, J. Dorado, F. Forcella, J. L. Lindquist, C. L. Sprague, J. L. Gonzalez-Andujar. 2020. Validation of predictive empirical weed emergence models based on intercontinental data: Abutilon theophrasti Medik. Weed Research. 60: 297-302. [pdf]

Ricetto, S., A. S. Davis, K. Guan and C. M. Pittelkow. 2020. Integrated assessment of crop production and resource use efficiency indicators for the U.S. Corn Belt. Global Food Security. [pdf]

Strom, S. A., A. G. Hager, N. J. Seiter, A. S. Davis and D. E. Riechers. 2020. Metabolic resistance to S-metolachlor in two waterhemp populations from Illinois, United States. Pest Management Science. 76: 3139–3148. [pdf]

Dalling, J. W., A. E. Arnold, A. S. Davis, C. Sarmiento and Zalamea, P .C. 2020. Extending plant defense theory to seeds. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. 51: 123-141.[e-link

McAllister, W., J. Whitman, A. Axelrod, J. Varghese, A. S. Davis and G. Chowdhary. 2020. Agbots 2.0: Weeding Denser Fields with Fewer Robots. Robotics: Science and Systems 2020. doi: 10.15607/RSS.2020.XVI.062 [pdf]


Gonzalez-Andujar, J. L., M. J. Aguilera, A. S. Davis and L. Navarrete. 2019. Disentangling weed diversity and climatic impacts on the long-term crop production in a wheat-legume rotation. Field Crops Research. 232: 24-29. [pdf]

Li, M., N. R. Jordan, R. T. Koide, A. C. Yannarell and A. S. Davis. 2019. Interspecific variation in crop and weed responses to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community highlights opportunities for weed biocontrol. Applied Soil Ecology. 142: 34-42. [pdf]

McAllister, W., D. Osipychev, G. Chowdhary and A. S. Davis. 2019. Multi-agent planning for coordinated robotic weed killing. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 163: 104827 [pdf]

Strom, S. A, A. S. Davis, L. C. Gonzini, C. Mitsdarfer, D. E. Riechers and A. G. Hager. Accepted. Characterization of Three Multiple Herbicide-Resistant Waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus) Populations from Illinois to VLCFA-Herbicides. Weed Science. 67: 369-379 [pdf]

Evans, C. M., S. A. Strom, D. E. Riechers, A. S. Davis, P. J. Tranel and A. G. Hager. 2019. Characterization of a tall waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus) population from Illinois, USA resistant to herbicides from five site-of-action groups. Weed Technology. 33: 400-410. [pdf]

Snapp, S., J. DeDecker and A. S. Davis. 2019. Farmer participatory research advances sustainable agriculture: lessons from Michigan and Malawi. Agronomy Journal. 111:1-11. [pdf]

Jilling, A., A. S. Davis, N. R. Jordan, D. Kane, R. Koide, D. Mortensen, K. Spokas, A. Williams, A. C. Yannarell and A. S. Grandy. Accepted 10/4/2019. : Rapid and distinct responses of particulate and mineral-associated organic nitrogen to conservation tillage and cover crops. Geoderma. j.geoderma.2019.114001 [pdf]


Wu, C., A. S. Davis and P. J. Tranel. 2018. Limited fitness costs of herbicide-resistance traits in Amaranthus tuberculatus facilitate resistance evolution. Pest Management Science. 74: 293-301. [pdf]

Milbrath, L. R., A. S. Davis and J. Biazzo. 2018. Identifying critical life stage transitions for biological control of long-lived Vincetoxicum species. Journal of Applied Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13065. [pdf]

Davis, A. S. 2018. Weed ecology and population dynamics. Pp 1-25 in (R. Zimdahl ed.) Integrated weed management for sustainable agriculture. Burleigh Dodds Publishing. Cambridge, UK. [pdf]

Melander, B., M. Liebman, A. S. Davis, E. Gallandt, P. Barberi, A. C. Moonen, J. Rasmussen, R. Van der Weide and F. Vidotto. 2018. Non-chemical weed management. Pp. 245-270 in (P. Hatcher and R. J. Froud-Williams, eds.) Weed research: expanding horizons. John Wiley and Sons.

Walsh, M., J. C. Broster, L. M. Schwarz-Lazaro, J. K. Norsworthy, A. S. Davis, B. Tidemann, H. J. Beckie, D. J. Lyon, N. Soni, P. Neve and M. Bagavathiannan. 2018. Opportunities and challenges for harvest weed seed control in global cropping systems. Pest Management Science. DOI 10.1002/ps.4802. [pdf]

Baechle, B., A. S. Davis and Pittelkow, C. M. 2018. Nitrogen losses from spatially distinct soil management zones as influenced by biochar addition. Journal of Environmental Quality. 47:62–69. [pdf]

Park, A. G., A. J. McDonald and A. S. Davis. 2018. Priorities for wheat intensification in the Eastern Indo-Gangetic Plains. Global Food Security. 17: 1-8. [pdf]

Hoss, M., G. D. Behnke, A. S. Davis, E. D. Nafziger and M. B. Villamil. 2018. Short corn rotations do not improve soil quality, compared to corn monocultures. Agronomy Journal. 110: 1-15. [pdf]

Muthukrishnan, R., A. S. Davis, N. R. Jordan and J. Forester. 2018. Invasion complexity at large spatial scales is an emergent property of interactions among landscape characteristics and invader traits.  PLoS ONE 13(5): e0195892.

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Williams, A., N. R Jordan, R. G. Smith, M. C. Hunter, M. A. Kammerer, D. A. Kane, R. T. Koide and A. S. Davis. 2018. A regionally-adapted implementation of conservation agriculture delivers rapid improvements to soil properties associated with crop yield stability. Scientific Reports. 8: 8467. [pdf]

Zalamea, P .C., J. W. Dalling, C. Sarmiento, A. E. Arnold, C. Delevich, M. A. Berhow, A. Ndobegang, S. Gripenberg, and A. S. Davis. 2018. Different ways to persist in the soil: dormancy-defense syndromes and trade–offs between physical and chemical defenses in seeds. Ecology. 99: 1988-1998. [pdf]

O’Brien, S. R., A. S. Davis and D. E. Riechers. Accepted. Quantifying resistance to isoxaflutole and mesotrione and investigating their interaction with metribuzin applied postemergence in Amaranthus tuberculatus. Weed Science. 66: 586-595.

Evans, J. A., A. Williams, A. G. Hager, S. Mirsky, P. J. Tranel, and A. S. Davis. 2018. Confronting common-pool resource problems via cooperative management. Pest Management Science. DOI: 10.1002/ps.5105. [pdf]

Eslami, S.V. and A. S. Davis. 2018. Weed interference with no-till soyabeans influenced by fine-scale covariation between soil properties and cover crop performance. Weed Research. 58: 463-474  [pdf]

Park, A. G., M. Devkota-Wasti, A. J. McDonald and A. S. Davis. 2018. Increasing yield stability and input efficiencies with cost-effective mechanization in Nepal. Field Crops Research. 228: 93-101. [pdf]

Muthukrishnan, R., N. R. Jordan, A. S. Davis and J. D. Forester. 2018. Use of simulation based statistical models to predict continental scale invasion risks. Biological Invasions.

Shaffer, J. P., P. C. Zalamea, C. Sarmiento, R. E. Gallery, J. W. Dalling, A. S. Davis, D. A. Baltrus, and A. E. Arnold. 2018. Context-dependent and variable effects of endohyphal bacteria on interactions between fungi and seeds. Functional Ecology. [pdf]


Williams, A., A. S. Davis, A. Jilling, A. S. Grandy, R. T. Koide, R. G. Smith, S. S. Snapp,   K. A. Spokas, A. C. Yannarell, N. R. Jordan. 2017. Reconciling opposing processing in row-crop agroecosystems via soil functional zone management. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment. 236: 99-107. [pdf]

Ferero, R., M. Lima, A. S. Davis and J. L. González-Andújar. 2017. Weed diversity affects soybean and maize yield in a long term experiment in Michigan, USA. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8:236. DOI: doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00236 [pdf]

Milbrath, L. R., A. S. Davis and J. Biazzo. 2017. Demography of invasive black and pale swallowwort populations in New York. Northeastern Naturalist. 24: 37-53. [pdf]

Tomasek, B. J., M. M. Williams II, A. S. Davis. 2017. Climate change impacts on field workability and drought risk in the northern U.S. Corn Belt. PLOS ONE. 12(2): e0172301. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0172301 [pdf]

West, N. M., D. P. Matlaga, R. Muthukrishnan, G. R. Spyreas, J. D. Forester, N. R. Jordan and A. S. Davis. 2017. Short term impacts provide a management window for minimizing invasions from bioenergy crops. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8:767. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00767 (invited). [pdf]

Dozier, I. A, G. D. Behnke, A. S. Davis, E. D. Nafziger and M. B. Villamil. 2017. Tillage and cover cropping effects on soil properties and crop production in Illinois. Agronomy Journal. 109: 1-10 [pdf]

Davis, A. S. and G. B. Frisvold. 2017. Are herbicides a once in a century method of weed control? Pest Management Science. 73: 2209-2220. (invited) [pdf

Sarmiento, C., P. C. Zalamea, J. W. Dalling, A. S. Davis, S. M. Stump and A. E. Arnold. 2017. Soilborne fungi have host affinity and host-specific effects on seed germination and survival in a lowland tropical forest. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 114:11458-11463. [pdf]


Evans, J. A., P. J. Tranel, A. G. Hager, B. R. Schutte, C. Wu, L. Chatham and A. S Davis. 2016. Managing the evolution of herbicide resistance. Pest Management Science. 72: 74-80. [pdf]

Williams, A., M. Hunter, M. Kammerer, D. A. Kane, N. R. Jordan, R. G. Smith, S. Snapp and A. S. Davis. 2016. Soil water holding capacity decreases maize production downside risk and volatility across the US Corn Belt: Time to invest in soil organic matter? PLoS ONE 11(8): e0160974. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0160974 [pdf]

Williams, A., A. S. Davis, P. Ewing, F. Forcella, A. S. Grandy, D. A. Kane, D. A. Mortensen, R. G. Smith, K. A. Spokas, N. R. Jordan. 2016. A comparison of soil hydrothermal properties in zonal and uniform tillage systems across the northern US Corn Belt. Geoderma. 273: 12-19. [pdf]

Welch, R., A. S. Davis, J. Masiunas, G. Behnke and M. B. Villamil. 2016. Using cover crops in headlands of organic grain farms: effects on soil properties, weeds and crop yields. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment. 216: 322-332. [pdf]

Lou, Y., A. S. Davis and A. C. Yannarell. 2016. Interactions between allelochemicals and the microbial community affect weed suppression following cover crop residue incorporation into soil. Plant and Soil. 399: 357-371. [pdf]

Williams, A., D. Kane, P. Ewing, L. Atwood, A. Jilling, M. Li, Y. Lou, A. S. Davis, A. S. Grandy, R. T. Koide, D. A. Mortensen, R. G. Smith, S. Snapp, K. A. Spokas, A. C. Yannarell, N. R. Jordan. 2016. Soil functional zone management: a vehicle for sustainable temporal intensification of agriculture. Frontiers in Plant Science. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00065 [pdf]

Barney, J. N., A. S. Davis, R. D. Porter and D. Simberloff. 2016. A life-cycle approach to low-invasion potential bioenergy production. CAST Commentary QTA 2016-1. CAST, Ames, Iowa. [pdf

Regnier, E. E., K. Harrison, M. M. Loux, C. Holloman, R. Venkatesh, A. S. Davis, R. Taylor. 2016. Crop advisor perceptions of giant ragweed distribution, herbicide-resistance, and management in the Corn Belt. Weed Science. 64: 361-377. [pdf]

Hill, E., K. A. Renner, C. Sprague and A. S. Davis. 2016. Cover crop impact on weed dynamics in an organic dry bean system. Weed Science.64: 261-275. [pdf]

Williams, A., A. S. Davis, Ewing, P., A. S. Grandy, D. Kane, R. T. Koide, D. A. Mortensen, R. G. Smith, S. S. Snapp, K. Spokas, A. C. Yannarell and N. R. Jordan. 2016. Precision control of soil N cycling via soil functional zone management. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment. 231: 291-295. [pdf]

Evans, J. A., R. A. Lankau, A. S. Davis, S. Raghu and D. Landis. 2016. Soil mediated eco-evolutionary feedbacks in the invasive plant Alliaria petiolata. Functional Ecology. 30: 1053-1061. [pdf]

Jordan, N.R., M. Schut, S. Graham, J. Barney, D. Child, S. Christensen, R. Cousens, A. S. Davis, H. Eisenberg, C. Fernandez-Quintanilla, L. Harrison, M. Harsch, S. Heijting, M. Liebman, D. Loddo, S. Mirsky, M. Riemens, P. Neve, D. Peltzer, M. Renton, J. Recasens, M. Sonderskov. 2016. Transdisciplinary weed research: new leverage on challenging weed problems? Weed Research. 56: 345-358. [pdf]

Davis, A. S., Fu, X., Schutte, B., Berhow, M. and Dalling, J. 2016. Interspecific variation in persistence of buried weed seeds follows trade-offs among physiological, chemical and physical seed defenses. Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ ece3.2415 [pdf]

Shaffer, J., C. Sarmiento, P. C. Zalamea, R. Gallery, J. W. Dalling, A. S. Davis, D. A. Baltrus and E. A. Arnold. 2016. Diversity, specificity and phylogenetic relationships of endohyphal bacteria in fungi that inhabit tropical seeds and leaves. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 4:116. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2016.00116 [pdf]

Li, M., N. R. Jordan, R. T. Koide, A. C. Yannarell and A. S. Davis. 2016. Meta-analysis of crop and weed growth responses to arbuscular-mycorrhizal fungi. Weed Science. 64: 642-652. [pdf]

Mattia, C. M., S. Taylor Lovell, A. S. Davis. 2016. Identifying barriers and gateways for agroforestry adoption by landowners in the Upper Sangamon River Watershed, Illinois. Agroforestry Systems Journal. DOI 10.1007/s10457-016-0053-6. [pdf]


Zalamea, P. C., C. Sarmiento, A. E. Arnold, A. S. Davis and J. W. Dalling. 2015. Do soil microbes and abrasion by soil particles influence persistence and loss of physical dormancy in seeds of tropical pioneers? Frontiers in Plant Science. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2014.00799. [pdf]

Jordan, N. R. and A. S. Davis. 2015. Middle way strategies for sustainable intensification of agriculture. BioScience. 65: 513-519. [pdf]

Tomasek, B. J., M. M. Williams, A. S. Davis. 2015. Mitigating risk of weather variability to agriculture through improved field workability predictions. Agronomy Journal. 107: 627-633. [pdf]

Gross, K., S. Emery, A. S. Davis, R. Smith and T. Robinson. 2015. Plant Community Dynamics in Managed and Natural Ecosystems. Pp. 158-187 in (G. P. Robinson ed.) The ecology of agricultural ecosystems: Research on the path to sustainability. Cambridge University Press. [pdf]

Karki, T. B., S. K. Sah, R. B. Thapa, A. J. McDonald, and A. S. Davis. 2015. Identifying pathways for improving food self-sufficiency outcomes in the hills of Nepal. PLOS ONE. 10(6): e0127513. doi:10.1371/journal.pone. 0127513 [pdf]

Guo, J., C. W. Riggins, N. E. Hausman, A. G. Hager, D. E. Riechers, A. S. Davis and P. J. Tranel. 2015. Non-target-site resistance to ALS inhibitors in waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus). Weed Science. 63: 399-407. [pdf]

Davis, A. S., B. J. Schutte, A. G. Hager and B. G. Young. 2015. Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) damage niche in Illinois soybean is seed-limited. Weed Science. 63: 658-668. [pdf]

Muthukrishnan, R., N. R. West, A. S. Davis, N. R. Jordan and J. Forester. 2015. Evaluating the role of landscape in the spread of invasive species: The case of the biomass crop Miscanthus x giganteus. Ecological Modelling. 317: 6-15. [pdf]

Pitman, S. E., R. Muthukrishnan, N. M. West, N. R. Jordan, A. S. Davis and J. D. Forester. 2015. Mitigating the potential for invasive spread of the exotic biofuel crop, Miscanthus x giganteus. Biological Invasions. 17: 3247-3261. [pdf]


Schutte, B.J., B. J. Tomasek, A. S. Davis, L. Andersson, D. L. Benoit, A. Cirujeda, J. Dekker, F. Forcella, J. L. Gonzalez-Andujar, F. Graziana, A. J. Murdoch, P. Neve, I. A. Rasmussen, B. Sera, J. Salonen, F. Tei, K. S. Torresen. 2014. An investigation to enhance understanding of the stimulation of weed seedling emergence by soil disturbance. Weed Research. 54:1-12. [pdf]

Lou, Y., S. Clay, A. S. Davis, A. Dille, J. Felix, H. Ramirez, C. Sprague and T. Yannarell. 2014. An affinity-effect relationship for microbial communities in plant-soil feedback loops. Microbial Ecology. DOI: 10.1007/s00248-013-0349-2. [pdf]

Liebman, M, Z. Miller, C. Williams, P. Westerman, P. Dixon, A. Heggenstaller, A. S. Davis, F. Menalled, D. Sundberg. 2014. Fates of Setaria faberi and Abutilon theophrasti seeds in three crop rotation systems. Weed Research. DOI: 10.1111/wre.12069. [pdf]

Clay, S., A. S. Davis, J. A. Dille, F. Forcella, J. Lindquist and C. L. Sprague. 2014. Common sunflower seedling emergence across the U.S. Midwest. Weed Science. 62: 63-70. [pdf]

Smith, R.G., A. S. Davis, N. Jordan, L.W. Atwood, A. B. Daly, A. S. Grandy, M. C. Hunter, R. T. Koide, D. A. Mortensen, P. Ewing, D. Kane, M. Li, Y. Lou, S. S. Snapp, K. A. Spokas, A. C. Yannarell. 2014. Structural equation modeling facilitates transdisciplinary research on agriculture and climate change. Crop Science. 54:475-483. [pdf]

Schutte, B. J., A. S. Davis, S. A. Peinado Jr., N. Klypina and J. Ashigh. 2014. Seed coat thickness data clarifies seed size-seed persistence tradeoffs in Abutilon theophrasti (Malvaceae). Seed Science Research 24: 119-131. [pdf]

Tiansawat, P., A. S. Davis, M. Berhow, P. C. Zalamea, J. W. Dalling. 2014. Investment in seed physical defence is associated with species’ light requirement for regeneration and seed persistence: evidence from Macaranga species in Borneo. PLOS ONE. 9 (6): e99691. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0099691. [pdf]

Schutte, B. R., A. S. Davis. 2014. Do common waterhemp (Amaranthus rudis) seedling emergence patterns meet criteria for herbicide resistance simulation modeling? Weed Technology. 28: 408-417. [pdf]

West, N. M., D. P. Matlaga, A. S. Davis. 2014. Quantifying targets to manage invasion risk: light gradients dominate the early regeneration niche of naturalized and pre-commercial Miscanthus populations. Biological Invasions. 16:1991-2001. [pdf]

DeDecker, J.J., J.B. Masiunas, A. S. Davis, C. G. Flint. 2014. Weed management practice selection among Midwest U.S. organic growers. Weed Science. 62:520-531. [pdf]

Karki, T. B., S. K. Sah, R. B. Thapa, A. J. McDonald, A. S Davis, Y. G. Khadka. 2014. Weeds and their effect on the performance on maize and fingermillet in the mid-hills of Nepal. International Journal of Applied Sciences and Biotechnology. 2: 275-278. [pdf]

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Ward, S. M., R. D. Cousens, M. V. Bagavathiannan, J. N. Barney, H. J. Beckie, R. Busi, A. S. Davis, J. S. Dukes, F. Forcella, R. P. Freckleton, E. R. Gallandt, L. M. Hall, M. Jasieniuk, A. Lawton-Rauh, E. A. Lehnhoff, M. Liebman, B. D. Maxwell, M. B. Mesgaran, J. V. Murray, P. Neve, M. A. Nunez, A. Pauchard, S. A. Queenborough, B. L. Webber. 2014. Agricultural weed research: a critique and two proposals. Weed Science. 62: 672-678. [pdf]

West, N. M., D. P. Matlaga, P. Kalita and A. S. Davis. 2014. Managing spread from rhizome fragments is key to reducing invasiveness in Miscanthus x giganteus. Invasive Plant Science and Management. 7: 517-525. [pdf]

Kane, D. A., S. S. Snapp and A. S Davis. 2014. Ridge tillage concentrates potentially mineralizable soil N in the crop row, facilitating maize N uptake. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 79: 81-88. [pdf]


Matlaga, D. and A. S. Davis. 2013. Minimizing the invasive potential of the bioenergy crop Miscanthus x giganteus: Identifying demographic thresholds for increasing population size and spatial extent. Journal of Applied Ecology. 50: 479-487. [pdf]

Davis, A.S. 2013. Proposal tips from a recent grant panel. WSSA Research and Competitive Grants Committee white paper. [pdf]

Davis, A. S., E. Taylor, E. Haramoto and K. A. Renner. 2013. Annual post-dispersal weed seed predation in contrasting field environments Weed Science. 61: 296-302. [pdf]

Davis, A. S., S. Clay, J. Cardina, A. Dille, F. Forcella, C. Sprague. 2013. Seed burial physical environment explains departures from regional hydrothermal model of giant ragweed seedling emergence in U.S. Midwest. Weed Science. 61: 415-421. [pdf]

Schutte, B., A. S. Davis, S. Wortman, J. Lindquist. 2013. Maternal environment effects on phenolic defenses in Abutilon theophrasti seeds. Am J. Plant Sciences. 4: 1127-1133. [pdf]



Davis, A. S. and E. A. Ainsworth. 2012. Weed interference with field-grown soybean (Glycine max) decreases under elevated [CO2] in a FACE experiment. Weed Research. 52: 277-285. [pdf]

A. J. Bicksler, J. Masiunas and A. S. Davis. 2012. Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) suppression by sudangrass interference and defoliation. Weed Science. 60: 260-266. [pdf]

Matlaga, D., B. J. Schutte and A. S. Davis. 2012. Age-dependent population dynamics of the bioenergy crop Miscanthus x giganteus in Illinois. Invasive Plant Science and Management. 5: 238-248. [pdf]

Wortman, S. E., A. S. Davis, B. J. Schutte, J. L. Lindquist, J. Cardina, J. Felix, C. L. Sprague, J. A. Dille, A.H.M. Ramirez, G. Reicks, and S. A. Clay. 2012. Local conditions, not regional gradients, drive demographic variation of Ambrosia trifida and Helianthus annuus across northern U.S. maize belt. Weed Science 60:440-450. [pdf]

Liu, J., A. S. Davis and P. Tranel. 2012. Pollen biology and dispersal dynamics in waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus). Weed Science. 60:416-422. [pdf]

Evans, J., A. S. Davis, S. Raghu, A. Raghavendran, D. Landis, D. S. Schemske. 2012. The importance of space, time and stochasticity to the demography and management of Alliaria petiolata. Ecol. Appl. 22: 1497-1511. [pdf]

Matlaga, D. P., L. D. Quinn, R. Stewart, A. S. Davis. 2012. Light response of native and introduced Miscanthus sinensis seedlings. Invasive Plant Science and Management. 5:363-374. [pdf]

Davis, A.S., J. D. Hill, A. M. Johanns, C. A. Chase, M. Liebman. 2012. Increasing cropping system diversity balances productivity, profitability and environmental health. PLoS One. 7(10): e47149. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0047149. [pdf]



Raghu, S., J.L. Spencer, A.S. Davis, R. Wiedenmann. 2011. Ecological context for the careful consideration/evaluation of biofuels: challenges and potential solutions. Curr. Opin. Environ. Sust. 3:15-23. [pdf]

Evans, J. A. and A. S. Davis. 2011. Implications of demographic models for invasive plant management: a comment on “Complex population dynamics and control of the invasive biennial Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard). Ecol. Appl. 21: 608-613. [pdf]

Dalling, J. W., A. S. Davis, B. J. Schutte and A. E. Arnold. 2011. A framework for a seed defence theory: integrating predation, dormancy and the soil microbial community J. Ecol. 99: 89-95. [pdf]

Thinglum, K, C. Riggins, A. S. Davis, K. Bradley, K. Al-Khatib and P. Tranel. 2011. Wide distribution of the waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus) D-G210 PPX2 mutation, which confers resistance to PPO-inhibiting herbicides. Weed Sci. 59: 22-27. [pdf]

Wortman, S., A. S. Davis, B. Schutte and J. Lindquist. 2011. Integrating management of soil nitrogen and weeds. Weed Sci. 59: 162-170. [pdf]

Quinn, L. D., D. P. Matlaga, A. S. Davis and R. Stewart. 2011. Evaluating the influence of wind speed on caryopsis dispersal of Miscanthus sinensis and Miscanthus x. giganteus. J. Invasive Plant Sci. Mgt. 4: 142-150. [pdf]

Davis, A. S., D. Daedlow, B. Schutte and P. R. Westerman. 2011. Temporal scaling of episodic point estimates of weed seed predation to long-term predation rates. Methods Ecol. Evol. 2: 682-692. [pdf]


Davis, A. S., R. D. Cousens, J. Hill, R. N. Mack, D. Simberloff and S. Raghu. 2010. Screening bioenergy feedstock crops to mitigate invasion risk. Front. Ecol. Evol. 8: 533-539. [pdf]

Davis, A. S. 2010. Cover crop roller-crimper contributes to weed management in no-till soybean. Weed Sci. 58: 300-308. [pdf]

Davis, A. S. and S. Raghu. 2010. Weighing abiotic and biotic factors in weed seed predation. Weed Res. 50:402-412. [pdf]

Schutte, B. J., A. Hager and A. S. Davis. 2010. Repeat applications of glyphosate on custom-applied, glyphosate-resistant soybeans in Illinois: how many and why? Weed Technol. 24: 590-598. [pdf]

Schutte, B. J., J. Liu, A. S. Davis, S. K. Harrison and E. E. Regnier. 2010. Environmental factors that influence a mutualism between the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris L. and the annual weed Ambrosia trifida L. Agric. Ecosyst. Envir. 138:197-205. [pdf]

Schutte, B. J., E. R. Haramoto and A. S. Davis. 2010. Methods for Optimizing Seed Mortality Experiments. Weed Technol. 24: 599-606. [pdf]


Davis, A. S. and E. C. Luschei. 2009. Living boundaries: tracking weed seed movement with non-dormant seed. Weed Sci. 57:163-168. [pdf]

Tracy, B.F. and A. S. Davis. 2009. Weed biomass and species composition as affected by an integrated crop-livestock system. Crop Sci. 49:1523-1530. [pdf]

So, Y. F., M. M. Williams II, J. K. Pataky, and A. S. Davis. 2009. Principal Canopy Factors of Sweet Corn and Relationships to Competitive Ability with Wild-Proso Millet (Panicum miliaceum). Weed Sci. 57:296-303. [pdf]

Davis, A. S., J. C. Hall, M. Jasieniuk, M. A. Locke, E. C. Luschei, D. A. Mortensen, D. E. Riechers, R. G. Smith, T. M. Sterling, and J. H. Westwood. 2009. Weed science research and funding: a call to action. Weed Sci. 57:442-448. [pdf]

Williams, M. M. II, A. S. Davis, T. L. Rabaey, and C. Boerboom. 2009. Linkages among agronomic, environmental and weed management characteristics in North American sweet corn. Field Crops Res. 113:161-169. [pdf]

Lankau, R., G. Spyreas, V. Nuzzo and A. S. Davis. 2009. Evolutionary limits ameliorate the negative impact of an invasive plant. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. 106: 15362-15367. [pdf]

Liebman, M. and A. S. Davis. 2009. Ecological Weed Management in Organic Field Crops. Pp 173-195 in (C. Francis ed.) Organic Farming: The Ecological System. ASA Monograph 54. ASA-SSSA-CSSS: Madison, WI. [pdf]



Williams, M. M. II., R. A. Boydston and A. S. Davis. 2008. Differential tolerance in sweet corn to wild proso millet (Panicum miliaceum) interference. Weed Sci. 56:91-96. [pdf]

Williams, M. M. II., R. A. Boydston and A. S. Davis. 2008. Crop competitive ability contributes to herbicide performance in sweet corn. Weed Res. 48:58-67. [pdf]

Liebman, M. L., L. R. Gibson, D. N. Sundberg, A. H. Heggenstaller, P. R. Westerman, C. A. Chase, R. G. Hartzler, F. D. Menalled, A. S. Davis, and Philip M. Dixon. 2008. Agronomic and Economic Performance Characteristics of Conventional and Low-External-Input Cropping Systems in the Central Corn Belt. Agron. J. 100: 600-610. [pdf]

Davis, A. S. 2008. Weed Seed Pools Concurrent with Corn and Soybean Harvest in Illinois. Weed Sci. 56:503-508. [pdf]

Davis, A. S., B. J. Schutte, J. Iannuzzi and K. A. Renner. 2008. Chemical and Physical Defense of Weed Seeds in Relation to Soil Seedbank Persistence. Weed Sci. 56:676-684. [pdf]

Sweeney, A. E., K. A. Renner, C. Laboski and A. S. Davis. 2008. Effect of fertilizer nitrogen on weed emergence and growth. Weed Sci. 56: 714-721. [pdf]

Schutte, B. J., A. S. Davis, K. A. Renner and J. Cardina. 2008. Maternal and Burial Environment Effects on Seed Mortality of Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti) and Giant Foxtail (Setaria faberi). Weed Sci. 56:834-840. [pdf]

Davis, A. S., D. Brainard and E. R. Gallandt. 2008. Introduction to the Symposium on Invasive Plant Species and the new bioeconomy. Weed Sci. 56:866. [pdf]



Davis, A. S. and K. A. Renner. 2007. Seed depth and pathogens affect fatal germination of velvetleaf and giant foxtail. Weed Sci. 55: 30-35. [pdf]

Davis, A. S. 2007. Nitrogen fertilizer and crop residue effects on seed mortality and germination of eight annual weed species. Weed Sci. 55:123-128. [pdf]

Williams, M. M. II., R. A. Boydston and A. S. Davis. 2007. Wild proso millet (Panicum miliaceum) suppressive ability among three sweet corn hybrids. Weed Sci. 55: 245-251. [pdf]

Raghu, S. and A. S. Davis. 2007. Exotic grasses as biofuels—the concerns. Illinois Nat. Stew. 16:30-32. [pdf]

Davis, A. S. and M. M. Williams II. 2007. Variation in wild proso millet fecundity in sweet corn has residual effects in snap bean. Weed Sci. 55: 502-507. [pdf]



Davis, A. S., K. I. Anderson, S. G. Hallett, and K. A. Renner. 2006. Weed seed mortality in soils with contrasting agricultural management histories. Weed Sci. 54: 291-297. [pdf]

Davis, A. S. 2006. When does it make sense to target the weed seedbank? Weed Sci. 54:558-565. [pdf]

Chee-Sanford, J., G. K. Sims, M. M. Williams, II, A. S. Davis. 2006. Do microorganisms influence weed seedbank dynamics? Weed Sci. 54: 575-587. [pdf]

Raghu, S., R. C. Anderson, C. C. Daehler, A. S. Davis, R. N. Wiedenmann, D. Simberloff and R. N. Mack. 2006. Adding biofuels to the invasive species fire? Science 313:1742. [pdf]

Williams, M. M. II., R. A. Boydston and A. S. Davis. 2006. Canopy variation among three sweet corn hybrids and implications for light competition. HortSci. 41:1449-1454. [pdf]

Davis, A.S., D. A. Landis, V. A. Nuzzo, B. Blossey, E. Gerber and H. L. Hinz. 2006. Demographic models inform selection of biocontrol agents for garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata). Ecol. Appl. 16: 2399-2410. [pdf]



Davis, A. S. and M. Ngouajio. 2005. Introduction to the symposium Beyond thresholds: applying multiple tactics within integrated weed management systems. Weed Sci. 53: 368-369. [pdf]

Davis, A. S., K. A. Renner and K. L. Gross. 2005. Weed seedbank and community shifts in a long-term cropping systems experiment. Weed Sci. 53:296-306. [pdf]

Davis, A. S., J. Cardina, F. Forcella, G. A. Johnson, G. Kegode, J. L. Lindquist, E. C. Luschei, K. A. Renner, C. L. Sprague, and M. M. Williams II. 2005. Environmental factors affecting seed persistence of 13 annual weeds. Weed Sci. 53: 860-868. [pdf]

Davis, A. S., K. A. Renner, C. Sprague, L. Dyer and D. Mutch. 2005. Integrated Weed Management Guide: One year’s seeding. Bulletin E-2931. Michigan State University Extension: East Lansing, MI. 112 pp. [pdf]



Davis, A. S., P. Dixon and M. Liebman. 2004. Using matrix models to determine cropping system effects on annual weed demography. Ecol. Appl. 14:655-668. [pdf]



Davis, A. S and M. Liebman. 2003. Cropping system effects on Setaria faberi seedbank dynamics. Asp. Appl. Biol. 69:83-91. [pdf]

Davis, A. S., P. Dixon and M. Liebman. 2003. Cropping system effects on giant foxtail demography: II. Retrospective perturbation analysis. Weed Sci. 51: 930-939. [pdf]

Davis, A. S. and M. Liebman. 2003. Cropping system effects on giant foxtail demography: I. Green manure and tillage timing. Weed Sci. 51: 921-929. [pdf]



Davis, A. S. and M. Liebman. 2001. Nitrogen source influences wild mustard growth and competitive effect on sweet corn. Weed Sci. 49:558-566. [pdf]



Liebman, M. and A. S. Davis. 2000. Integration of crop, soil and weed management in low-external input systems. Weed Res. 40:27-47. [pdf]