Research and Project

Research Projects:

  1. Plannning for Anycast as Anti-DDoS (PAADDoS): In this project, we use routing manipulation to effectively use anycast sites to mitigate DDoS attacks. We also model DNS traffic to predict attack load when there is a loss in the upstream routers, and use this predicted load for better planning to steer traffic.
  2. DDoS Defense In Depth for DNS (DDIDD): In this project, we design an automated system which can detect a DDoS attack, evaluate the attack traffic and deploy a filtering approach from a library of defenses. We publish several datasets of real DDoS attacks at B-root.
  3. Multi-objective optimization in Distributed System: I am currently manufacturing this work as my M.Sc thesis. Distributed system might have different objectives. Some system might want to finish a task faster, some system might want to work energy efficiently etc. I am trying to include all these objectives together to optimize the overall cost of the system.
  4. Cooling Energy Integration in SimGrid: This work was done for one of my MSc course projects and was conditionally accepted in NSysS, 2017. SimGrid is a simulation tool which does not have any cooling energy integration module. I made a model for integrating cooling energy in SimGrid.
  5. Resource Optimization in Subscription based Media Crowdsourcing: This work was done for my undergrad thesis purpose and was published in ICIEV, 2016. This work is a content retrieval system from mobile devices. Users need to subscribe to various services; services will express their criteria of contents. Contents will be uploaded to the service side according to the criteria. The system tries to send content which will be the best for the service side.
  6. User Identification through Usage Analysis of Electronic Devices: This work was done during my undergrad studies and was published in NSysS, 2015. Usage patterns were collected from the user devices. Based on this pattern the user device will learn the characteristic of the user. It can detect the intruder by matching the everyday usage pattern of the user.
  7. User Experience based Traffic Jam Monitoring System: This work was also done during my undergrad studies and was published in MoHCI, 2014. If a user faces traffic jam he can report about it. Based on the reports from users a map will be generated with the current traffic condition.
  8. Protibadi: A Platform for Fighting Sexual Harassment in Urban Bangladesh: This work was also done during my undergrad studies and was published in CHI, 2014. Protibadi is a platform for the girls of Bangladesh where they can share their experience about sexual harassment. They can complain about sexual harassment and based on these complains a map is generated indicating the unsafe areas for the girls. There was a mobile application too. If a girl faces harassment, she can just press a button and an automatic alarm will be blown. The application will send messages with the current location of the girl to all her family members and friends. Protibadi project got media coverage several times: Protibadi-Independent-TV, Protibadi-SATV.

Selected Academic Projects:

  1. EasyMail: Can we use email storage similar to our Dropbox account? In this project, I tried to develop a system where a user could place his files in a particular folder and the files will be sent to his predefined mail accounts. Similarly, when a new mail comes, that would be saved in a particular folder. This was a project for one my M.Sc. courses.
  2. Database Project: In one of my undergraduate courses, I developed a platform using J2EE where a user could share different experiences of traffic jams, crimes etc. so that other people could use these data to remain safe.
  3. Remote Desktop Sharing: This was a project in my undergraduate Java course. This was a similar software like TeamViewer.
  4. Devil Destroys The World: This was a shooting game written in C. This was given as a course project in the first year of my undergraduate study.

Selected Non-Academic Projects:

  1. 29 Card Game: We developed a desktop based card game named 29. This game is very popular in the region of Bangladesh and India. Our game can be played by 4 players resided in different places through Internet. This project was displayed in the CSE Festival Project Show, 2013.
  2. Make the Bot More Efficient: In this project, we needed to device an efficient algorithm so that the line follower BOT could reach it's destination faster. We were the runners up team of the CSE Festival Robotic Contest, 2013.
  3. Do Math Fast: This was a game also motivated to make a platform where people can do simple mathematics. We made a ranking based on the speed of completing the test. Also, there was a chance for the people to share their results in social media like Facebook. As people could share their ranks on Facebook, this game became popular.
  4. NoukaBaich Game: NoukaBaich is a popular game of rural Bangladesh. It is a kind of boat race game. We developed this game using Unity 3D.