The  Englishman

 " Never Forget Thy Roots, lad! "


" To make an end is to make a beginning ...

... the end is where we start from " 

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GREAT BRITAIN now is the time to get your shit together!

THE BRIT STATE since the time of Oliver Cromwell has always been only about

one of two things: a) making money and: b) in order to crush any descent!


so enough of this British Liberal Jingoistic nonsense!

THE BRIT MONARCHY( parasites! )REALITY CHECK at its finest!

  NORTHERN ENGLAND 1970s - 1980s

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Image result for the smiths 1980s

 Have you ever wondered why both Manchester and Liverpool 

in particular in the County of Lancashire in the UK became thee hotbed

of either EXTREME Communism or HARDCORE National Socialists !

The UK National Front march against the EEC-1984 

note: the cop in shirt sleeves as the Brit Police still had respect with us back then 

and so no need for stab vests but things were about to change very quickly!

" them wut days lad! "

Image result for northern soul logo

As a young teenager and working class Lad from the North. 

I was well into the Northern-Soul-Motown music scene and 

regular 'all nighters' at both WIGAN and LEIGH Casinos ...

... and yes, I was also a big Joy Division fan and New Order

Just as the music scene in the boomer 60s was in liverpool 

the music scene during the 70s - 80s was very much

Manchester based and privileged to have been apart of it.

Indeed, throughout the 90s with Oasis and the Stone Roses 

I was also a big fan of the Stranglers for Southern Boys!

The Sex Pistols first gig for example was at the Free Trade Hall in 1976.

note: in the early to mid 1970s Britain ... 

Bruce Lee and (Asian) martial arts was a key ingredient for (White)Working Class youth as was the (Black)Northern-Soul-Motown music scene and all of which was indeed a very odd juxtaposition of cross cultural racial dynamics!

The very first adult movie that I saw at the cinema during the mid 1970s on the big screen was Bruce Lee in ' Enter The Dragon ' whilst I was still at school. I bunked off school one afternoon to go watch it and even today, the fight scene choreography has never been equalled! 

... and so you go figure it out! 

 EXAMPLE: Mosley and BUF 


The Brit mentality from cradle to grave just like their parents and their parents before them and I don't do ' Emotion' and I don't do ' Sentiment' but just remember your recent history. 

The above photo is clearly of a sincere and honourable man ( despite his notorious womanizing and public school education so what did you expect! ) but also incredibly naive who for all his anti-War Brit Patriotism the arch war criminal Winston Churchill and his lackys had him arrested and put in jail just 2weeks after becoming Prime Minister and his wife and child a month later ... 

... Oy Vey, enough already!

When Britain declared war on Germany (note: not the other way around! ) 

What Mosley should have done was in fact flee to Germany only there to be welcomed with open arms to help create a Britisches Freikorps WaffenSS!

To fight the CRUSADE in the East against Stalin and the Bolshevik anti-Christ!

film review ...

I watched the movie: 'The Damned United' (2009) about football manager ( Soccer for the Yanks who may also enjoy the movie ) Brian Clough produced by BBC Films with Michael Sheen playing the role of Clough and who also played the role of British PM Tony Blair in another successful BBC Drama ...

This film is very good indeed both funny and poignant and gives a clear insight as to what it meant to be British ( But No Brit! ) when I was growing up as a young teenager in Northern Britain. Just as it is equally essential not to confuse the two as they are not one and the same ...

True Englishmen and I shall also include women here on English soil on muddy playing fields somewhere in England which could just so easily represent the muddy ( and bloody! ) battle fields of a Crecy or an Agincourt or a Somme. These men - are - England who represent an England that is worth fighting for! Indictative! Indivisible! Incalcuable! It really is just too immense, too existential for me to even try to put into words - I would if I could - but I am no Shakespeare!  So there we are ...  

( a bit too poetical there, methinks! ) The film, incidentally, was also panned by many MSM 'critics' with the usual 'inaccuracies' which means all the more reason to watch! It is simply good, clean entertainment with a good dollop of gritty realism thrown in but it is not real history.  Just as the  'miners strike' of the 1980s played a key part in recent Brit History. I can remember 'Cloughie' well who was one hell of a character and they just don't make-em like that anymore.  

" The best England football manager England never had! "

Errol Flynn

( long suspected of being a German Spy! ) 

only the victors write the history

" when Irish eyes are Smiling "

a bloody handsome devil as well!

" These memories which are my life ...

for we possess nothing certainly except the past "

 Northern Britain - late 1960s early 1970s

that even I can still remember as a kid!


( criminal NATO member ) 

Image result for rhodesian army poster
Image result for rhodesian army poster


Ian Douglas Smith 1919-2007

Prime minister of Rhodesia 1964-1979

" The British Establishment "

" The Brit Mentality "

and you can read more on our Northern Ireland Page

True History - True Nature of the British.

Old Etonians - Oxbridge Jerks - Cucks of the West!


( what might have been )



Yours Truly ... working in my office at the bottom of my garden.

My Church Bell Tower rings out when dinner is served!
