
News and plans

Work in progress

"Local demographics and attitudes towards immigration", with Zuzanna Brunarska

Main publications

Ivlevs, A. (2024). Does health affect attitudes towards immigration?  Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization (in print)

Brunarska, Z., and Ivlevs, A. (2024). Does exposure to books foster a taste for spatial mobility? Home library size in childhood and adult migration intentions. Migration Studies (in print)

Brunarska, Z., and Ivlevs, A. (2024). Forced displacement and subsequent generations’ migration intentions: Intergenerational transmission of family migration capital. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (in print)

Ivlevs, A., and Smith, I. (2024). Do international tourist arrivals change residents’ attitudes towards immigration? A longitudinal study of 28 European countries. Tourism Economics 30(1):104–131 

Brunarska, Z., and Ivlevs, A. (2023). Family influences on migration intentions: The role of past experience of involuntary immobility. Sociology 57(5): 1060-1077

Ivlevs, A. (2022) "Does the emerging middle class support democracy? A comparative analysis of China, countries with authoritarian political regimes and recent post-socialist democracies", Journal of Economic Issues 57(1): 62-79 

Ivlevs, A., Nikolova, M. and Popova, O. (2021) "Former Communist party membership and present-day entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe", Small Business Economics 57 : 1783-1800

Ivlevs, A. (2021) "Does emigration affect political and institutional development in migrants’ countries of origin?",  Handbook of Comparative Economics 761-783 

Ivlevs, A. (2021) "Does emigration affect pro-environmental behaviour back home? A long-term, local-level perspective",  Kyklos 74(1): 48-76

Ivlevs, A. and King, R. (2020)  "To Europe or not to Europe? Migration and support for joining the EU in the Western Balkans"International Migration Review 54(2): 559–584

Gatskova, K., Ivlevs, A. and Dietz, B. (2019) "Can labor emigration affect education of girls? Evidence from Tajikistan", Feminist Economics 25(3): 96-118

Bhuiyan, F. and Ivlevs, A. (2019) "Micro-entrepreneurship and subjective well-being: Evidence from Bangladesh", Journal of Business Venturing 34(4): 625-645

Ivlevs, A. (2019) "Adverse welfare shocks and pro-environmental behaviour: Evidence from the global economic crisis", Review of Income and Wealth 65(2): 293-311

Ivlevs, A., Nikolova, M. and Graham, C. (2019) "Emigration, remittances and the subjective well-being of those staying behind", Journal of Population Economics 32(1): 113-151.

Paulone, S. and Ivlevs, A. (2019) "Emigration and alcohol consumption among migrant household members staying behind: Evidence from Kyrgyzstan", Social Science and Medicine 221: 40-48

Ivlevs, A. and Hinks, T. (2018) "Former Communist party membership and bribery in the post-socialist countries", Journal of Comparative Economics 46(4): 1411-1422

Ivlevs, A. and Veliziotis, M. (2018)."Beyond conflict: long-term labour market integration of internally displaced persons in the post-socialist countries", Journal of Vocational Behavior 105: 131-146

Ivlevs, A. and Veliziotis, M. (2018). "Local-level immigration and life satisfaction: The EU enlargement experience in England and Wales", Environment and Planning A 50(1): 175-193.

Ivlevs, A. and King, R. (2017) "Does emigration reduce corruption?", Public Choice 171 (3-4): 389–408. 

Ivlevs, A. and Veliziotis, M. (2017) "What do unions do in times of economic crisis? Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe",  European Journal of Industrial Relations 23(1): 81-96.

Ivlevs, A. (2017) "Happy hosts? International tourist arrivals and subjective well-being in Europe", Journal of Travel Research 56(5): 599-612.

Ivlevs, A. (2016) "Remittances and informal work", International Journal of Manpower 37(7): 1172-1190.

Ivlevs, A. (2015) “Happy moves? Assessing the link between life satisfaction and emigration intentions”, Kyklos 68(3): 335-356.

Ivlevs, A. and Hinks, T. (2015) "Global economic crisis and corruption",  Public Choice 162 (3-4): 425-445.  

Ivlevs, A. and Hinks, T. (2015) “Sample selection and bribing behaviour: Evidence from Post-Socialist countries and Western EuropeJournal of Economics and Statistics/ Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 235/2: 139-167

Ivlevs, A. and King, R. (2015) “Kosovo - winning its independence but losing its people? Recent evidence on emigration intentions”, International Migration 53(5): 84-103.

Ivlevs, A. (2014) "Happiness and the emigration decision", IZA World of Labor 2014:96

Ivlevs, A. (2014) “Economic insecurity in transition: a primary commodities perspective”, Review of Income and Wealth 60(S1): S117-S140

Ivlevs, A. and King, R. (2014) “2004 minority education reform and pupil performance in Latvia”, Economics of Education Review 38: 151-166

Mearman, A., Pacheco, G., Webber, D., Ivlevs, A. and Rahman, T. (2014) “Understandingstudent attendance in business schools: An exploratory study”, International Review of Economics Education 17(C): 120-136.

Ivlevs, A. (2013) “Minorities on the move? Assessing post-enlargement emigration intentions of Latvia's Russian speaking minority”, Annals of Regional Science 51(1): 33-52

Ivlevs, A. and King, R. (2012) "Does more schooling make you run for the border? Post-independence evidence from Kosovo",Journal of Development Studies 48(8): 1108-1120

Ivlevs, A. (2012) “Ageing, regional birth rates and attitudes towards immigration: evidence from a transition economy”, Regional Studies 46(7): 947-959

Ivlevs, A. and King, R. (2012) “From immigrants to (non-)citizens: political economy of naturalisations in Latvia”, IZA Journal of Migration 1:14

Krisjane Z., Berzins M., Ivlevs, A., Bauls, A. (2012) "Who are the typical commuters in the post-socialist metropolis? The case of Riga, Latvia", Cities 29 (5): 334-340.

Ivlevs, A. and King, R. (2011) “Family migration capital and emigration intentions”, Journal of Family and Economic Issues 33(1): 118-129

Ivlevs, A. and De Melo, J. (2010) “The brain drain, FDI and trade: channels and evidence”, Annals of Economics and Statistics 97/98: 103-121

O’Hara, S., Ivlevs, A. and Gentile, M. (2009) “The Impact of Global Economic Crisis on Remittances in the Commonwealth of Independent States”, Eurasian Geography and Economics 50(4): 463-4794