Welcome to my web site!

Works presented at the author's Gallery are created in various genres of fine arts.

Here you can familiarize with my paintings and leave your opinion.

Enjoy your viewing!

"The beauty of surrounding world has always inspired to creativity.

I see and feel not only greatness of nature, but something that overflow me, causing

the strongest and sincerest feelings that force me to create, to paint.

My paintings are a mirror of my soul. They reflect need to transfer to canvas my

thoughts, fantasies, mood and attitude to everything that surround me. I try as much

as possible to transfer into paintings these artistic impulses and enthusiastic status,

not to miss these moments, as next time something will change and something

new will appear”.

Maya Bukhin


" This has been recently,it was long ago..."

2014, oil on canvas, 70 x 50 cm

Coryright © Maya Bukhin,2008-2022

All rights reserved.

The rights to all images (paintings) belong to their author. Reproduction,distributio and otherwise use images hosted on the site is permitted only with written consent of the author – Maya Bukhin.

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