Assistant Professor in Philosophy & Cognitive Science, Department of Cognitive Sciences, Philosophy Section, College of the Humanities and Social Sciences, UAE University


Email: arthur[dot]schipper[at] nyu [dot] edu; schipper.philosophy[at]

Main Research Areas

Logic & Metaphysics (especially Metaphysics of Mind & Language and the Methodology of Metaphysics)

Other Research Areas & Areas of Teaching Competence

Philosophy of Mind & Language, The History of Anglo-American-Austrian Philosophy,  Philosophical Methodology (especially analytical, realist, and dialectical); Epistemology, Philosophical Logic, Philosophy of Science, History of Philosophy (esp. Early Modern Philosophy Descartes, Locke, Hume, Rousseau, but also Ancient Philosophy and History of Analytical Philosophy), Social and Political Theory (esp. Liberty, Democratic Theory, and Socialist Theory, Marxism), Philosophy of Psychology, Psychoanalysis, Practical Ethics, Philosophy of the Humanities


2002: The Dwight School, New York, New York, International Baccalaureate (HL: Dutch Language, English Literature, Modern History, Mathematics; SL: Physics, Chemistry; 4 AP exams), High School Diploma

2002-2006: New York University, BA (honours, magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa), Philosophy and Politics (double major)

2006-2009: University College London, MPhil Stud, Philosophy

2009-2016: University College London, PhD, Philosophy


See Online Papers page and Homepage: three full-length, original, peer-reviewed articles in top-tier journals Philosophical Studies and Synthese; two book reviews in Philosophical Quarterly and Marx & Philosophy Review of Books; (*: Original Peer-reviewed Research Article; ^: Invited Article (e.g. book chapters); +: Book Review):


2023-present: UAE University, Assistant Professor in Philosophy & Cognitive Science, Department of Cognitive Sciences, Philosophy Section, College of the Humanities and Social Sciences, UAE University

Courses taught: 

2019-2023: Peking University, Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies, Assistant Professor (tenure-track); Senior Member of the Institute for Foreign Philosophy

Courses taught: 

2018-2020: University of Amsterdam; Department of Philosophy, Lecturer in Philosophy (an extraordinary five-year position); Senior Member of the Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation (ILLC)

           Courses taught: 

           1. Metaphysics (2017-2018; 2018-2019)

           2. Theoretical Philosophy (lecture on Universals; 2017-2018)

    3. Text, Context, and Debate: The Philosophy of Saul Kripke (2018-2019, in Dutch)

    4. Philosophy of the Humanities (2018-2019)

    5. Ontology: Philosophical Perspectives (2018-2019; MA course)

    6.  Philosophy of Science (Wetenschapsfilosofie )(2018-2019, in Dutch))

2015-2018: Leiden University, the Institute for Philosophy, Assistant Professor (University Lecturer;  one-year position) in Theoretical Philosophy

           Courses taught: 

           1. Logic (2015-2016; BA-Plus; Dutch) (2017-2018; BA-Plus; Dutch) (2017-2018; Standard, Minors, Elective; Dutch) (2017-2018; Global and Comparative Perspectives track; English)

           2. History of Philosophy: the Presocratics to 20th Century (2015-2016), (2016-2017)

           3. Taalfilosofie (Philosophy of Language), (2015-2016)

           4. Epistemology (2014-2015), (2016-2017), (2017-2018, both the Dutch and English versions)

           5. Introduction to Logic and Epistemology (2017-2018; Elective for Philosophy Minors and others, Leiden University College, Liberal Arts Program)

           6. Truth and Metaphysics (2017-2018; Advanced Seminar)

2009-2015: Heythrop College, University of London, Teaching Assistant, Lecturer, Examiner, & Module Coordinator 

           Courses taught:

           1. Knowledge and Reality (2010-2015; Examiner 2013-2015)

           2. History of Modern Philosophy (2009-2015; Examiner 2013-2015); Lectures on "Leibniz's Rationalist Project"

           3. Contemporary Issues in Philosophy (2012-2014)

           4. MA Philosophy of Mind and Psychology (2013); Lectures on "Functionalism and Consciousness"

           5. Philosophy of Mind and Psychology (2010-2011/2011-2012; half philosophy of psychology and mind, half psychoanalysis)

           6. Psychoanalysis and Philosophy (2010/2011)

           7. Epistemology (2009/2010)

           8. Philosophy of Psychology (2009/2010; Examiner 2010)

           9. Philosophical Texts Seminar (2009-2015; Course/Module Convenor); Descartes's Meditations and Hume's first Enquiry

           10. Philosophy of Language (Examiner, 2012)

           11. Mind and Psychology (2010-2011)

2007-2014: University College London, University of London, Teaching Assistant

           Courses taught: 

           1. Practical Ethics (Autumn 2010)

           2. Tutorials Module (Autumn 2007, Spring 2009, Spring 2010, Spring 2011); (see sample syllabus for details)

           3. Political Philosophy: Privacy (Pre-BA Summer Session, 2010)

           4. Empiricism (Advanced BA course, 2014, only the section "Hume on Causation and Induction")

           5. History of Early Modern Philosophy (BA course, 2014, only the section "The Emotions: Hume, Descartes, and the Stoics")

2010-2013: Aristotelian Society, Assistant Administrator 


2021, Oct; TBD, invited lecture series, Wuhan University

2021, May; [Title Withheld], invited lecture at Conference on Meta-ontology, Sun Yat-sen University

2021, May; [Title Withheld], invited lecture, Huaqiao University, Xiamen

2020, Nov.; [Title Withheld], invited lecture for the Special Workshop for the Centenary of Russell's Chinese lecture series in 1920, Peking University

2020, Nov.; Panellist for Professor Alan Hajek’s lecture “Why Counterfactuals are Mostly False, Still” for Mathematical Philosophy on the occasion of the centenary of Bertrand Russell’s visit to Peking University 1920-1921, invited expert panellist

2020, Sept; Williamson’s Abductive Paradigm and Theory Comparison in Philosophy, Official Interlocutor to Timothy Williamson’s lecture series on Philosophical Methods, Peking University, Beijing, (28/09/2020; invited talk, to be published with Renmin University Press)

2020, Aug.; What are we really talking about?, a talk as part of the Special Symposium Conceptualising Aboutness and Subject Matter with Stephen Yablo (MIT), Matteo Plebani (Turin), Osorio-Kupferblaum (Vienna), and Schipper, Utrecht University, The European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (ECAP10) 2020 (Talk on 09/08/2020, symposium discussion on 24/08/2020; invited talk and invited symposium participation)

2020, July; Response to Ivan Ivanov’s “The Sensory Form of Mind-Independence”, Peking University, WIP Workshop

2020, March; [Title Withheld], invited lecture at the United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain

2020, Feb; [Title Withheld] invited lecture at the Propositions, properties, sets, and other abstract objects conference organised by Thomas Schindler; University of Amsterdam

2020, Jan; Invited lecture series, University of Cape Town (post-poned due to COVID-19)

2019, December; [Title Withheld], at Peking University's Philosophy and Curiosity Lecture Series.

2019, August; "What is Philosophy About?: Workshop with Stephen Yablo",  Vienna Forum for Analytical Philosophy, University of Vienna; "[Title Withheld]"

2019, July; Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and Mind Association, Durham University; "[Title Withheld]"

2019,  May; Buenos Aires, Argentina, ICSO V: Perspectives on Content; "[Title Withheld]"

2019, April; Peking University; "Metaontology and Non-Being"

2019, March; Shandong University, Jinan PRC, Analytical Philosophy Series; "The Paradox of Non-Being"

2019, Spring; University of Amsterdam; "Aboutness and Representation"

2018, Spring; Leiden University; "Skepticism: Closure, and Truth-tracking"

2018, Spring; Amsterdam; "Skepticism and Film: External and Internal Perspectives"; Invited

2017, Autumn; Leiden University; "Explanatory Power, Modest Realism, and Truth"

2017, Spring; Utrecht, Thinking Planet; "A Background of Philosophical Traditions"; Invited

2016, Autumn; Leiden University; "Logical Thinking: an Everyday Phenomenon"

2016, Autumn; Symposion, Leiden; "Objective Truth and Kurosawa's Rashômon"; Invited

2016, Spring; Leiden University; "Intentionality and Negative Truths"

2015, Spring: Leiden University; "Truthmaking, Aboutness, and Fundamentality"

2014, Summer: Tilburg University; "The Demands of Rationality"

2013, Summer: University College London; "Truthmakers and Grounding"

2013, Summer: London, Chapter & Verse; Categorial Pluralism & Truthmakers

2012, Summer: University College London; "Role of Language in Ontological Enquiry" 

2011, Summer: University College London; "Obvious Ontology"

2010, October: Annual University College London Graduate Conference, paper entitled "Truthmaking and Minimalism"; click here for a link to the program; paper abstract

2009, Autumn; Goodenough Philosophical Society, Invited; "Mental Causation"

Current Research

Book manuscript: Aboutness and Truth: A Defence of Modest Metaphysics

See Online Papers