Arthropod Molecular Physiology Laboratory

Park Laboratory,  Kansas State University,  Entomology Department

Arthropod is the largest Phylum on earth in its number and diversity. Many species of arthropods have significant impacts on human life and health. We study molecular physiology of arthropod species to gain fundamental knowledge and to apply the knowledge to improve human life.  [Link to K-State Park page]

1. Development of insecticides targeting G protein-coupled receptors

2. Disruption of tick osmoregulatory pathways.

3. Tick bites as the sensitizer of alpha-gal syndrome (or red meat allergy)

Yoonseong Park, Pulina Maldonado Ruiz, Andrés F. Holguín-Rocha, Rachel Johnson (Brown), Mukta Pahwa

NEWS Congratulations for AWARDS!!

Rachel Brown won Timothy Donaghue scholarship

Paulina awarded ESA Early Career Professional Award, Henry and Sylvia Richardson Research Grant, Entomological Society of America (ESA)

Paulina awarded ACME travel award.  Awarded ACME Young Investigator Postdoc Travel award American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 

Olayinka Olajiga successfully completed her M.S. degree and now moved to Tulane University.

Contact:  Yoonseong Park, 123 Waters Hall, Department of Entomology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS66506, USA

Email:  MAP link

Phone: 785 (532) 5763 Mobile: 785 (307) 8861