Lab rules and etiquettes

Weekly meetings

  1. You are expected to have weekly progress meetings with supervisor(s).

Asking for Leave

  1. Unless a medical emergency, inform the supervisor(s) through a leave application made at least TWO WEEKS in advance of the leave(s) that you are planning to avail.

  2. Leaves taken for medical emergency must be supplemented by medical documents as per IITB rules.

  3. In case of long (>1 week) leaves, please inform, in your leave application, your current state of work, your next month's target and plans and strategies for making it up.

  4. If you are working as TA, in your leave application, you must inform what plans and strategies you have made for backup.

Asking for Recommendation

  1. Share an updated CV as detailed and as structured as possible.

  2. Send individual emails to supervisor(s) for every separate application that you submit so that the supervisor(s) know that they are likely to receive an invite to submit recommendation. In that email you must mention the University, potential host and research area, your SOP, and the link to the application call of that University.

  3. Share the final dissertation thesis in .docx and final presentation in .pptx formats uploaded in a drive folder with link shared with supervisor.

  4. Share one paragraph on the uniqueness of your thesis research and why that was important, and one paragraph on specific skills that you had acquired and honed during your research.

  5. Share one paragraph on the key challenges you faced during your research and how you overcame them.