Session Plans: Bronze Medallion

Bronze Medallion Lesson 1.docx
Bronze Medallion Lesson 3.docx
Bronze Medallion Lesson 2.docx
Bronze_Medallion_Lesson_4 (1).docx
Bronze Medallion Lesson 4.docx
Bronze Medallion HL Questions Part 1.docx

Initiative Tests

Initiative Tests

Initiative Tests

Adult CPR using Resusci- Annie, with more than one rescuer, using pocket masks.

Using more than one rescuer means that the demands of CPR can be shared and, therefore continued for longer - one rescuer does compressions whilst the other does the rescue breaths. Rescuers can swap over when the one doing compressions gets tired, or after a set number of cycles.

This technique would be continued until medical help arrives, or the casualty begins to breathe. An AED, if available, would be used to further support recovery.Â