Armchair Munzees

Armchair munzees are munzees that are locationless. They can also be referred to as 'secret munzees' or 'hidden munzees'. You get points (anywhere from 1 point to 50 points), but you do not have to go to a specific latitude/longitude. Most can be capped from your computer.

1) Go to the Munzee website and help section and cap any munzees you can find. .

2) Go to the Munzee store and cap any munzees you see:

3) Go the Munzee Facebook page. Start from the top and work your way down, capping any munzees you see:

4) Google “armchair munzees”, “secret munzees” and “hidden munzees”, click on the ‘images’ tab and cap any munzees you see

5) The Munzee Wikipedia page: (the munzee here currently doesn’t work so you can scan the ‘Wiki’munzee below).

6) The Contra video game. Konami code. Go to any of the top Munzees. For example, Click to add a new journal entry. Don't type anything in the box, instead use your up/down/left/right keys and type this in: “up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a”. Then get your smart phone ready to capture 4 munzees.

7) Armchair Munzees have been reported on products such as McDonalds bags+drinks, Little Caeser’s pizza boxes, Heinz ketchup bottles (the Heinz munzee is included below).

8) If you have the URL for an armchair munzee, but not the actual munzee, you can generate one from the URL and cap it. A Munzee is simply a QR code with a URL embedded in it. Your URL must be in this format: “”. You can generate munzees at this website: (be sure to click on the ‘URL’ tab).

9) Cap the armchair munzees below: