Alan Legg

PFW Math

Assistant Professor of Mathematical Sciences

Purdue University Fort Wayne

Ph.D., Mathematics, Purdue University. May, 2016.

Research: Complex Analysis, Several Complex Variables, Quadrature Domains, Potential Theory.


[1] Legg, A.R. and Dragnev, P.D., Logarithmic Equilibrium on the Sphere in the Presence of Multiple Point Charges.

Constructive Approximation (2020).

Non-downloadable PDF courtesy of Springer:

[2] Legg, A.R., Quadrature Domains for the Bergman Space in Several Complex Variables.

Comput. Methods Funt. Theory 18(2), pp. 335-359 (2018).

Non-downloadable PDF courtesy of Springer:

[3] Legg, A.R., The Khavinson-Shapiro Conjecture and the Bergman Projection in One and Several Complex Variables.

Comput. Methods Funt. Theory 16(2), pp. 231-242 (2016).

Contact Info:

Alan Legg

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Purdue University Ft. Wayne (PFW)

Ft. Wayne, IN

Email: leggar01 At pfw Dot edu

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