Current Research

Dr. Kuperberg's ongoing research focuses on two areas of inquiry: Student Loans and the Transition to Adulthood, and Contemporary Sexual and Romantic Relationships.  

Contact Dr. Kuperberg for copies of manuscripts under review or revision.

Asterisks (*) indicate student/former student coauthor

Manuscripts Under Review or Revision

1. Partnering in Turbulent Times: Hooking up, Dating, and Romantic Relationships in College, 2019-2023 (with Briana Daniels*, Celeste Curington and Jennifer Lundquist) Under Revision after R & R

2. How Parenting Students Pay for College: Strategies and Sources of Support (with Renee Ryberg) Under Revision after R & R

3.  Student Loan Debt and Higher Education Impacts of COVID-19. (With Danny Turkson*, Joan Maya Mazelis, Katherine Fredricks* and Anurag Pant*)

Manuscripts In Progress

4. Education and Student Loan Stratification in Work and Income (With Allison M. Chandler* and Joan Maya Mazelis)

5.  Student loans and Family Formation (With Joan Maya Mazelis)

6. Family Support, Student Debt, and Work Experiences in College (With Anurag Pant*, and Joan Maya Mazelis)

7.  Finding a (good) job after college graduation: The Role of Social Ties  (With Joan Maya Mazelis and Jazmyn Edwards*) 

8. Explaining Disparities in Health and Healthcare use Among Gender Minority College Students (With Kalvin Benfield*) 

9. Book Project on Student Loans (with Joan Maya Mazelis)

10. Book Project on BDSM Practitioners (With Alicia M. Walker). Past Research Assistants: Heidi Lilies, Elizabeth Moberly, Marina Sanders, Toni Spruill, Will Tasho. Under Contract with Rowman & Littlefield

11. Sexualities textbook (With Alicia M. Walker). Under Contract with Sage. 

Research Projects in Research/Data Collection Stages

UNCG students and prospective graduate students interested in working on this or related research should contact Dr. Kuperberg directly to discuss research opportunities.  These projects include opportunities to learn about and gain experience in quantitative data collection and analysis.

12. A new class divide: Student Loans and the Transition to Adulthood (With Joan Maya Mazelis). An NSF funded mixed-methods project examining the transition out of college and into young adulthood among graduates with and without loans. Past Research Assistants: Joe Barker, Kalvin Benfield, Allison M. Chandler, Elise Coffman, Jazmyn Edwards, Jasmine Gibbs, Heidi Liles, JR Moller, Anurag Pant, Cassandra Patterson, Stephanie Pruitt, Jairo Rodriguez Bustamante, Souleymane Hamza Saloum, Anastasia Shymanovich, Danny Turkson, Kenneshia Williams. 

13. Online College Social Life Survey (OCSLS), Wave 2: Data on college hookups and romantic relationships currently being collected by Jennifer Lundquist and Celeste Curington, in partnership with Paula England, Arielle Kuperberg, and Lisa Wade. Past Research Assistants: Briana Lanier, Will Tasho.

14. Project on falling fertility. Past Research Assistant: Sayer VanDyke.