Ariel Kulik

Postdoctoral Researcher,  The Technion

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Technion, hosted by Roy Schwartz.  Previously, I was a postdoc at CISPA, hosted by Dániel Marx I joined  CISPA after the completion of my Ph.D at the Technion, where I was working under the supervision of Hadas Shachnai

My research focuses on parameterized approximation algorithms, and polynomial time approximation algorithms for resource allocation (knapsack, bin packing, submodular)  problems. 

Here is my CV.


Thesis Title: Submodular Maximization with Assignment Constraints and Parameterized Approximations.

Advisoer: Hadas Shachnai.

  Thesis Title: Submudular and Linear Maximization with Knapsack Constraints.

  Advisor: Prof. Hadas Shachnai.

Journal Publications:

Conference Publications:

Contact Information:

Computer Science Department, The Technion, Haifa, Israel

Email: firstname dot lastname at gmail dot com

Attempting to play the guitar

Memories from New-Zealand