Excavation Methods Slide Shows

As promised, this page provides access to a total of 314 photos taken by the creator of this web site to illustrate methods of archaeological excavation. Other than the first series that centres on the salvage excavation of SIL 182, in 1976 I was able to take most of the others in this series when visiting archaeological excavations carried out by professional archaeologists located in Washington, British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan.

Sadly, I have found that the Google Sites slide show function is a rather poor vehicle to deal with so many images and it unavoidably crops slides in unfortunate ways.

Therefore, I have posted all of my slides showing several sites being excavated on my Critical Museology Miscellanea blog 8 September 2001 post. Many of the slide shows have a PDF that provides my detailed descriptions of each image.

The following link takes viewers away from this web site to a WordPress blog post titled "Archaeology Techniques Slide Shows" at https://miscellaneousmuseology.wordpress.com/2021/09/08/archaeology-techniques-slide-shows/ .