Parkening Honors Concert
May 2, 2003 Rackham Auditorium
Here we are on stage and ready to surprise Christopher Parkening the following day. From left to right the performers are: Christian Chagas, Cory Roberts, Greg Johnson, Jessie Benaglio, Paco Leon, Kristine Kuhl, Noah Winchell, Mary Lou Roberts, Lorenzo Zamperla, Laura Cameron, and Max McIlroy, and Ben Lougheed in front. They ranged in age from 11 to 16. After hearing the students play the Telemann Konzert in D Major as a surprise during the Ford Honors Program which, honored his achievements, Christopher Parkening spoke to the audience, saying; "Ladies and Gentlemen, the future of the Guitar!" Later, he commented; "What a delightful surprise to hear the classical guitar students of Mary Lou Roberts at the University Musical Society's 2003 Ford Honors Program at the University of Michigan. All of the students played so well, and I compliment Mary Lou in giving these young people a good foundation in guitar technique."