
Welcome to my Web Site

My current passion: The STEAM Train. I'm retired and want to give back. I've developed a sub-$50 robot kit, the STEAMbot. I want to make it easier for young people from underserved communities get interested in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math.

BERViewer - A program to view ASN.1 BER/DER encoded files.

Response To "Ten Risks Of PKI" - A response I wrote to Carl Ellison and Bruce Schneier's article.

Photos - My photos on Flickr.

3D Models - My 3D models on Thingiverse that can be 3D printed.

LinkedIn - My LinkedIn profile.

Garage Controller - My Instructable for building an Arduino-based Garage Controller to control your garage door and irrigation system.

Halloween Scene Controller - My Instructable for an Arduino-based scene controller to create a sort of spooky scene when kids walk up to your house.

Github - Software I've written or I'm interested in.

Robotic Arm - A Youtube of robotic arm I built that's controlled via a web page.