Research and Publications


My past research revolves mostly around algebraic and geometric structures that appeared in mathematical physics.

More details can be found soon.


[] Cup product, Frolicher-Nijenhuis bracket and the derived bracket associated to Hom-Lie algebras (with A. Baishya), In preparation.

[] Diassociative conformal algebras and their cohomology (with A. Sahoo), In preparation.

[] Quasi-infinitesimal bialgebras and Rota-Baxter quasi-Nijenhuis structures, In preparation.

[] Averaging operators on n-Lie algebras, n-racks and a higher analogue to the set-theoretical solution of the Yang-Baxter equation, In preparation.

[] Rota-Baxter Leibniz bialgebras (with R. Mandal), In preparation.

[] Matched pairs, Manin triples of relative Rota-Baxter Lie algebras and associated bialgebra theory (with R. Mandal), In preparation.

[] Nijenhuis deformations of Poisson algebras and F-manifold algebras (with A. Baishya), Submitted.

[] Averaging operators on groups, racks and Leibniz algebras, Submitted.

[] Representations and cohomology of a matched pair of Lie algebras, and L_infinity-algebras (with A. Baishya), submitted.

[] Non-abelian cohomology of Lie H-pseudoalgebras and inducibility of automorphisms, submitted.

[] Higher structures for Lie H-pseudoalgebras, submitted.

[] Poisson dialgebras (with S. K. Mishra and G. Mukherjee), submitted.

[] Homotopification and categorification of Leibniz conformal algebras (with A. Sahoo), submitted.

[] Homotopy conformal algebras (with A. Sahoo), submitted.

[] Averaging algebras of any nonzero weight (with R. Mandal), submitted.

[] Embedding tensors on Hom-Lie algebras (with A. Makhlouf), submitted.

[] Controlling structures, deformations and homotopy theory for averaging algebras, submitted.

[] A cohomological study of modified Rota-Baxter algebras, submitted.

[] A unified extension theory of Rota-Baxter algebras, dendriform algebras, and a fundamental sequence of Wells (with N. Rathee), submitted.

[] Cohomology of weighted Rota-Baxter Lie algebras and Rota-Baxter paired operators, submitted.

[] Deformations and homotopy theory for Rota-Baxter family algebras, J. Algebra Appl. to appear.

[] Compatible, split and family Loday algebras, revision submitted.

[] Matching relative Rota-Baxter algebras, matching dendriform algebras and their cohomologies (with R. Mandal), Comm. Algebra to appear.

[] Extension, deformation and categorification of AssDer pairs (with A. Mandal), revision submitted.

[47] Pre-Leibniz algebras, Comm. Algebra 52 (2024), 3383-3399. [article]

[46] L_infinity-structures and cohomology theory of compatible O-operators and compatible dendriform algebras (with S. Guo and Y. Qin), J. Math. Phys. 65 (2024), 031701. [article]

[45] Cohomology and deformations of generalized Reynolds operators on Leibniz algebras (with S. Guo), Rocky Mountain J. Math. 54 (1) (2024), 161-178. [article]

[44] (Co)homology of compatible associative algebras (with T. Chtioui and S. Mabrouk), Comm. Algebra Vol. 52, Issue 2 (2024) 582-603. [article]

[43] 2-term averaging L_infinity-algebras and non-abelian extensions of averaging Lie algebras (with S. Sen), J. Algebra 644 (2024) 126-151. [article]

[42] Relative Rota-Baxter Leibniz algebras, their characterization and cohomology, Linear Multilinear Algebra Vol. 71, Issue 17 (2023) 2796-2822. [article]

[41] Weighted relative Rota-Baxter operators on Leibniz algebras and Post-Leibniz algebra structures, Publ. Math. Debrecen 103, Issue 3-4 (2023) 385-406. [article]

[40] Bimodules over relative Rota-Baxter algebras and cohomologies (with S. K. Mishra), Algebr. Represent. Theory 26 (2023) 1823-1848. [article]

[39] Cohomology of Lie algebra morphism triples and some applications, Math. Phys. Anal. Geom. Vol. 26 (2023) Article no. 26. [article]

[38] Extensions and automorphisms of Rota-Baxter groups (with N. Rathee), J. Algebra 636 (2023) 626-665. [article]

[37] Diassociative family algebras and averaging family operators (with S. Sen), J. Geom. Phys. 193  (2023) 104964. [article]

[36] Non-abelian extensions of Rota-Baxter Lie algebras and inducibility of automorphisms (with S. K. Hazra and S. K. Mishra), Linear Algebra Appl. 669 (2023) 147-174. [article]

[35] Cohomology and deformations of compatible Hom-Lie algebras, J. Geom. Phys. 192 (2023) 104951. [article]

[34] Relative Rota-Baxter systems on Leibniz algebras (with S. Guo), J. Korean Math. Soc. 60 (2023), No. 2, pp. 303-325. [article]

[33] Twisted Rota-Baxter families and NS-family algebras, J. Algebra 612 (2022) 577-615. [article]

[32] Cohomology and deformations of weighted Rota-Baxter operators, J. Math. Phys. Vol. 63, Issue 9 (2022) 091703. [article]

[31] Compatible L-infinity algebras, J. Algebra 610 (2022) 241-269. [article]

[30] The L_infinity-deformations of associative Rota-Baxter algebras and homotopy Rota-Baxter operators (with S. K. Mishra), J. Math. Phys. Vol. 63, Issue 5 (2022) 051703. [article]

[29] Cohomology and deformations of twisted Rota-Baxter operators and NS-algebras,  J. Homotopy Relat. Struct. 17 (2022) 233-262. [article]

[28] Noncommutative differential calculus structure on secondary Hochschild (co)homology (with S. K. Mishra and A. Naolekar), Comm. Algebra Vol. 50, Issue 6 (2022) 2349-2365. [article]

[27] Cohomology and deformations of crossed homomorphisms, Bull. Belgian Math. Soc. Simon Stevin Vol. 28, Issue 3 (2022) 381-397.  [article]

[26] Cohomology and deformations of dendriform algebras, and Dend-infinity algebras, Comm. Algebra Vol. 50, Issue 4 (2022) 1544-1567.  [article]

[25] Crossed extensions of Lie algebras, J. Lie Theory 32 (2022),  No. 2, 313-326.  [article]

[24] Cohomology of BiHom-associative algebras, J. Algebra Appl. Vol. 21, No. 01, 2250008 (2022).  [article]

[23] Nijenhuis operators on Hom-Lie algebras (with S. Sen), Comm. Algebra Vol. 50, Issue 3 (2022) 1038-1054.  [article]

[22] Extensions and deformations of algebras with higher derivations, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. 45 (2022) 379-398.  [article]

[21] Rota-Baxter operators on involutive associative algebras, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 87 (2021), 349-366.  [article]

[20] Twisted Rota-Baxter operators and Reynolds operators on Lie algebras and NS-Lie algebras, J. Math. Phys. Vol. 62, Issue 9  (2021) 091701.  [article]

[19] Involutive and oriented dendriform algebras (with R. Saha), J. Algebra 581 (2021) 63-91.  [article]

[18] Leibniz algebras with derivations, J. Homotopy Relat. Struct. 16 (2021) 245-274.  [article]

[17] Noncommutative differential calculus on (co)homology of hom-associative algebras, Comm. Algebra  Vol. 49,  Issue 5 (2021) 2199-2208.  [article]

[16] Contact Courant algebroids and L-infinity algebras, J. Geom. Phys. 163 (2021)  104127.  [article]

[15] On equivariant dendriform algebras (with R. Saha), Colloq. Math.  164 (2021), 283-303.  [article]

[14] Deformations of Loday-type algebras and their morphisms, J. Pure Appl. Algebra Vol. 225, Issue 6 (2021) 106599.  [article]

[13] Cohomology and deformations of hom-dendriform algebras and coalgebras, Colloq. Math. Vol. 163, no. 1 (2021), 37-52.  [article]

[12] Multiplicative Nambu structures on Lie groupoids, J. Ramanujan Math. Soc. 35 (2020), no. 3, 277-298.  [article]

[11] Deformations of associative Rota-Baxter operators, J. Algebra 560 (2020) 144-180.  [article]

[10] Hom-associative algebras up to homotopy, J. Algebra 556 (2020) 836-878.  [article]

[09] Gerstenhaber algebra structure on the cohomology of a hom-associative algebra, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.) 130 (2020), no. 1, Paper No. 20.  [article]

[08] Poisson-Nijenhuis groupoids, Rep. Math. Phys. 84 (2019), no. 3, 303-331.  [article]

[07] Nambu structures on Lie algebroids and their modular classes (with S. Gondhali and G. Mukherjee), Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.) Vol. 129 (2019), no. 4, Art. 59.  [article]

[06] Gauge transformations of Jacobi structures and contact groupoids, Math. Phys. Anal. Geom. Vol. 22 (2019), no. 1.  [article]

[05] Nambu structures and associated bialgebroids (with S. Basu, S. Basu and G. Mukherjee), Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.) Vol. 129 (2019), no. 1, Art. 12, 36 pp.  [article]

[04] Homotopy G-algebra structure on the cochain complex of hom-type algebras, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 356 (2018), no. 11, 1090-1099.  [article]

[03] Reduction of Nambu-Poisson manifolds by regular distributions, Math. Phys. Anal. Geom. Vol. 21 (2018), no.1, Art. 5, 21 pp.  [article]

[02] Singular reduction of Nambu-Poisson manifolds, Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 14, 1750128 (2017) 13 pp.  [article]

[01] On generalized Lie bialgebroids and Jacobi groupoids, Extracta Mathematicae Vol. 31, Num. 2, 199-225 (2016).  [article]