Aptos 4-H

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What's 4-H all about? 4-H is a youth development opportunity! Fun Projects and parent volunteers make the program work!

Aptos 4-H, with meetings in mid county, plans to include educational and fun activities at every meeting.


Summer Camp (All ages)

Snow Camp (All ages)

LCORT Conference (middle school)

State Leadership Conference (high school)





Digital Photography

Santa Cruz County Fair

State Field Day

Community Service

Leadership Opportunities


Awards BBQ/Swim Party

As a true 4H member, I pledge

my head to clearer thinking,

my heart to greater loyalty,

my hands to larger service,

and my health to better living

for my club, my community,

my country, and my world.

Dear 4-H Volunteers,

Thank you for your participation in Santa Cruz County 4-H. Register your own family on “4hOnline” for the new 4-H year.

It is up to you to make any changes to your family’s 4-H account such as corrections to spelling and projects.

Instructions for 4hOnline re-enrollment for 2021-22

 Go to 4hOnline link:


Link to New Youth Member enrollment information
Link to New Adult Volunteer enrollment information
Link to Returning Youth Member enrollment information
Link to Returning Adult Volunteer enrollment information


Link to 4-H Membership Policies page
Link to 4hOnline Enrollment System Information page

Enrollment Key: SantaCruz

If you are registering for the first time, create an account, and please choose Aptos 4-H as your club.

You will get email updates from Santa Cruz County 4-H and the State field office in Davis, CA..

 If you are re-enrolling or adding a family member to your 4-H account go to “I forgot my password” and enter your family email address. (This will send a temporary password to your email.)

DO NOT create a new account. It will create delay in re-enrollment & duplicate records.

 Once you have your temporary password go back to 4honline and update your password, by selecting “I HAVE A PROFILE”, entering your email address and your temporary password. Update your password.

You will need to give your payment to the club of your choice.

The fees for 4-H enrollment are $85 a year for youth members and $25 a year for adult volunteers.

Thank you for your participation in 4-H. We look forward to growing our 4-H program to make Santa Cruz County 4-H the best.


Julie Katawicz

4-H Program Representative


What's 4-H all about? 4-H is a youth development opportunity! Fun Projects and parent volunteers make the program work!

Aptos 4-H, with meetings in mid-county, plans to include educational and fun activities at every meeting.

For more information call Julie Katawicz, Program Representative,

Title: 4-H Santa Cruz County Program Rep. and 4-H Bio Security Coordinator


1430 Freedom Blvd., Ste E


Watsonville, CA 95076

Phone: 831-763-8015

Fax: 831-763-8006

Email: jkatawicz@ucanr.edu

Julie is in the office Monday and Tuesday 8:30-5:00.

Current Statewide Events:
