About the Series

About the Series

Approaches to Digital Game Studies examines the social significance of digital games, bringing together a range of voices from different disciplines in order to advance ongoing conversations and initiate new areas of inquiry in the field of game studies. While conversant in digital game studies, titles in the series of monographs and anthologies bring approaches, theories, methods and questions from other disciplines to bear on the study of games.

Each volume of Approaches to Digital Game Studies is organized around the examination of a single game genre. Though digital game genres are a problematic the field continues to explore this question. The series hopes to engage a number of distinct voices and invites book proposals that investigate either a ludic, thematic, or functional genre. Rather than limiting the dialogue, this conceptual schema is designed to both aid in deepening the conversation about the nature of genre in digital games and to provide an entrée for authors and readers with specific interests and investments.

Ludic genres are identified by the systems of rules and game mechanics that structure the activity of gameplay. Examples include but are not limited to:

<<< rhythm games

<<< racing games

<<< platformers

<<< management simulations

<<< strategy games

<<< stealth games

Thematic genres are defined by representational characteristics, often a narrative milieu or artistic style. Examples include but are not limited to:

<<< survival-horror

<<< science-fiction

<<< Western

<<< fantasy

<<< military

<<< abstract games

Functional genres are distinguished by the use or purpose the game and may be grouped by audiences. Examples include but are not limited to:

<<< party games

<<< causal games

<<< hardcore games

<<< advergames

<<< exergames

<<< newsgames