Curriculum vitae

short CV of Alexandre Marcowith or CV as for August 2022 Address: Laboratoire Univers et Particules de Montpellier - Université de Montpellier, place E.Bataillon, bâtiment 13 case courrier 072, 34090 Montpellier, France.Tel: +33 (0) Fax: +33 (0) Email Alexandre.Marcowith @ umontpellier . fr 
Research experienceHabilitation thesis: 03/07/2009: on the origin of cosmic rays.Staff researcher (directeur de recherche) at CNRS since 2014 at LUPM Montpellier.Staff researcher (chargé de recherche) at CNRS since 1999 at LUPM Montpellier 2006-2014 and CESR Toulouse 1999-2006. Postdoctoral position (Marie-Curie fellowship, Max Planck fellowship) at Utrecht university 06/1999-10/1999 (Pr. A. Achterberg) and Max Planck für Kernphysik in Heidelberg 01/1997-06/1999 (Pr. Dr. J.G. Kirk). Lecturer at Joseph Fourier university 1996 PhD in astrophysics in 1996: supervisors Dr. G. Henri & Pr. G. Pelletier: high-energy emission and kinetic theory in relativistic extragalactic jets.  
Teaching experienceLectures in Master 1 and 2 (Cosmology Fields and Particles in Montpellier). Teachings at international research schools:  Ecole d’Aussois: final states of stellar evolution 2001Goutelas “Rayons Cosmiques” 2003 Ecole de Gif 2006 Ecole de Physique des Astroparticules OHP 2007.Astroparticle international school, Cargèse 2013.Ecole de Gif 2013.Ecole MecMaTPla 2019.Ecole de physique des Astroparticules OHP 2019.Ecole de physique des Houches 2022.Ecole Enrico Fermi 2022.Ecole GISM2 2023.
 Research interestsRadiative transfer and particle acceleration in compact objects (jets, accretion discs). Cosmic-ray physics and astrophysics (particle acceleration and transport). Particle acceleration and transport in young stellar objects. High-energy astrophysics (member of the H.E.S.S. and C.T.A. collaborations). Radio astrophysics (observations of young supernova remnants and unidentified high-energy sources with the G.M.R.T.). Member of the e-astrogam and AMEGO consortia.

Professional responsabilities:2008-2011 : member of the scientific council of “groupe de recherche des phénomènes cosmiques de haute énergie”.President of 29/34 section selection committee at Montpellier university.Member of the HCERES expert pool. Team coordinator: EMAC (experiences and modelisation in astroparticle and cosmology) team at LUPM.

Grants:Member of the GAMALO ANR project coordinated by P.Martin (IPAG) 2020-2024.Coordinator of the MACH ANR project (2014-2019).Member of the COSMIS ANR project (2010-2014) coordinated by P.Hennebelle (LERMA).Member of the AccFermi ANR jeune  chercheur project coordinated by M.Lemoine (IAP) 2007-2010.Member of Astro2flots ANR jeune chercheur project coordinated by P.O. Petrucci (IPAG) 2006-2009.Labex Ocevu grants:  postdoctoral fellowhsip M.Padovani, A. Araudo.Host of Marie-Curie fellowship: A. Araudo.CEFIPRA grant.

Supervisions:PhD thesis direction or co-direction: 8 (T.Suebsuwong, G. Ferrand, A.Pléti, R.Cohet, L.Brahimi, A.Charlet, V.Brunn, C.Meskini)Post-doctoral position supervision or co-supervision: 6 (R.Belmont, C.D. Vigh, M. Padovani, A.J. van Marle (x2), A. Araudo (x2)) Associated Researcher: M.Pandey-Pommier.Several master students.

Prize Distinctions FellowshipsMax Planck fellowship 1997-1998Marie Curie fellowship 1998-1999Descartes prize 2006 (HESS collaboration)Rossi prize 2009 (HESS collaboration)
Societies:IAU, EAS, SF2A

Referee:Journals: ApJ, A&A, MNRAS, Physical Review, Physics of Plasmas, Springer nature Applied Science.Agencies: DIM-ACAV, ANR, CINECA (Italy), FWO (Belgium), FNRS (Belgium), NSC (Poland).
Editorial boardUniverse

Some recent publications> Marcowith A., van Marle A.J. & Plotnikov I., "The cosmic ray streaming instability in Astrophysical and Space Plasmas", Physics of Plasmas, 28, 080601 (2021) > Marcowith A. et al, "Multiscale simulations of particle acceleration in astrophysical systems", Living Reviews of Computational Astrophysics,  6, 1 (2020)> Van Marle A.J., Casse F., Marcowith A. "Three-dimensional simulations of non-resonant streaming instability and particle acceleration near non-relativistic astrophysical shocks", MNRAS, 486, 1156 (2019)> Marcowith A. et al, “Core-collapse supernovae as cosmic ray sources“, MNRAS, 479, 4470 (2018)> Van Marle A.J., Casse F., Marcowith A., “On magnetic field amplification and particle acceleration near non-relativistic astrophysical shocks: particles in MHD cells simulations”, MNRAS, 473, 3394 (2018)> Marcowith A. et al, “The microphysics of collisionless shock waves”, Rep Progresses in Physics, 79, Issue 4, article id. 046901 (2016).> Padovani M., Marcowith A., Hennebelle, P. & Ferrière, K., “Protostars: Forges of cosmic rays?”, A&A, 590, 8 (2016) The other publications can be found here or here . The publications as first author can be found here. The publications out of HESS and CTA collaboration are here