Biscuit Beetle

Biscuit Beetle

Biscuit beetles are common in the UK, especially in food storage areas and retailing premises, and are encountered in a domestic property. They are small reddish-brown insects about 3mm long. The beetles attack stored foods in domestic cupboard and larders.

Very similar in appearance and related to the common furniture Beetle known as (Woodworm), these insects can easily be confused.

Flour, biscuits, cake mixes, cereals, spices, meat and soup powders will attract them most, however, they will thrive on other substances such as poisonous substances like strychnine, belladonna and aconite - hence the beetle’s American name; Drug Store Beetle.

Apex Pest Control deals with all types of insects including the biscuit beetle, read more on our pest services at:

Brown kitchen Beetles