|Academic Services|

Institutional and Academic Responsibilities

2021 – Present: Director of the Bachelor of Physics Program, and Chair of the Programme Steering Committee, University of Luxembourg

2021 – Present: Keynote Lecture Committee, Faculty of Sci. Tech. and Medicine, U. Luxembourg

2021 – Present: Biosafety Committee, University of Luxembourg

2021 – Present: European Union COST Action member: (i) European Curvature and Biology Network (EuroCurvoBioNet) & (ii) cRiticality in co-Evolving and co-Adapting LIving SystEms (REALISE)

2020 – Present: Covid task force coordinator, Dept. of Physics and Materials Science, U. Luxembourg

2019 – Present: Coordinator SoftComp-EUSMI cluster, Luxembourg chapter

2018 – Present: Faculty member, Graduate Student Advisor & Member of multiple thesis committee, Department of Physics & Materials Science, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

2018 – Present: Member of multiple PhD thesis committees, Materials Research & Technology Unit, Luxembourg, Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg

Journal and Grant Reviewing Activities

Referee for multiple international peer-reviewed journals, including:

Physical Review Letters Physical Review X Nature Physics Nature Communications

Nature Biofilms & Microbiomes Nature Scientific Reports Science Advances Advanced Materials

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), USA Physics of Fluids Applied Physics Letters

Soft Matter Langmuir RSC Advances RSC Interface Frontiers in Materials Biophysical Journal Journal of Plankton Research Environmental Science & Technology Applied Materials & Interfaces Journal of Colloids and Interfaces Physics Reports Physical Review E Physical Review Fluids Frontiers in Physics ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering Journal of Visualized Experiments European Journal of Physics-E Molecular Systems Design & Engineering Sensors Crystals

Expert Reviewer for multiple international and European funding agencies

Conference and workshop organization

2022: Co-organizer Lorentz Center Workshop on Active Matter: The Next 25 Years, Leiden, the Netherlands

2022: Program Committee, European Optical Society Annual Meeting, (EOSAM), Porto, Portugal

2019: Scientific Committee Member 16th Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology, Potsdam Germany

2019: Co-organizer Marine Particles & Phycosphere Conference Ascona Switzerland

2019: Graduate Student Awards Jury, Materials Research Society (MRS), Boston, USA

2017: Co-organizer of the special session on Microbial Interactions in Aquatic Ecosystems: Untangling the Complex Web of Competition, Mutualism, Predation, and Adaptation, ASLO 2017 Meeting, Honolulu, Hawai’i, USA

2016: Co-organizer of Lorentz Workshop on “Anisotropy and Shape in Biological Materials: from structure to functionality”, Lorentz Center, Leiden University, the Netherlands

2016: Co-organizer of the Life Sciences PostDoc Day 2016, ETH Zurich

2014: Member of the Scientific Advisory Board for Third Infinity: Physics of Biological and Complex Systems

2014: Associate and Topic Editor, Anisotropy in Deformable Biomaterials research topic in Frontiers in Materials