MTH202 Multivariable Calculus

Instructor : Dr. Anupam Kumar Singh

TA's : Dr. R. Parthasarathi and Ms. Yasmeen Akhtar

Schedule : Lectures - Monday and Tuesday - 10:30 to 11:30 (in C201A)

Tutorials - Thursday - 11:30 to 1:00. (C201A, MB108 and C304)

Tutorial batches : B1 (roll no. 1-30) C201A Tutor - Anupam Singh

B2 (roll no. 31-60) MB108 Tutor - Yasmeen Akhtar

B3 (roll no. 61-90) C304 Tutor - R. Parthasarathi

Evaluation Method :

  • Mid –Semester Examination - 20%

  • End-Semester Examination - 50 %

  • Quizzes – 30 % (6 in all)

(Warning : mid-sem will be 1 and half an hour and end-sem will be of 3 hours duration. Quizzes will be of half an hour duration.)

Goal of the Course : The subject “functions of severable variable” is at the core of Mathematics, Physics and Engineering. In Mathematics it provides foundation to the subject of differential geometry and differential equations. Motion of any object (objects) is a natural example of such functions and hence this course provides foundations to Physics and Engineering.

Proposed Course Content :

    1. The space Rn, Geometry of Rn , Linear functions, Review of Linear Algebra

    2. Functions of Several Variable, Continuous functions

    3. Differentiation of functions, Partial Derivatives, Directional derivatives, Chain Rule

    4. Applications

  1. Integration and applications

References :

Basic text books :

    • Lang : Calculus of Several variable

    • Moskowitz and Paliogiannis : Functions of Several Variable

    • Marsden, Tromba and Weinstein : Basic Multivariable Calculus

    • Apostol : Calculus II

    • Ghorpade and Limaye : A course in Multivariable Calculus and Analysis

Advanced text books :

    • Munkres : Analysis on Manifolds

    • Spivak : Calculus on Manifolds

    • Terence Tau : Analysis I and II

02/01/2012 Introduction (Why study Calculus?)

03/01/2012 Calculating area/perimeter of circle and paradoxes

05/01/2012 Kakeya's needle problem

09/01/2012 Functions from R^n to R^m.

10/01/2012 Space R^n

12/01/2012 Tutorial Assignment - I

16/01/2012 Inner Product, Norm and Metric on R^n

17/01/2012 Limit of a function

19/01/2012 Tutorial

23/01/2012 Continuous function

24/01/2012 Examples

26/01/2012 Holiday

30/01/2012 Derivative of a function

31/01/2012 Differentiability => Continuity

02/02/2012 Quiz - I

06/02/2012 Directional derivative and partial derivative Quizz-II

07/02/2012 Relation among various derivatives Assignment - II

09/02/2012 Tutorial

13/02/2012 Examples

14/02/2012 Examples

16/02/2012 Quiz - III (Morning at 9:45 AM) Tutorial

20/02/2012 Hessian Matrix

21/02/2012 Critical Points, Maxima & Minima

23/02/2012 Tutorial

27/02/2012 Maxima & Minima

Mid Sem Exam

05/03/2012 substituted by taking extra class earlier

06/03/2012 substituted by taking extra class earlier

08/03/2012 Holiday for the Holi festival

12/03/2012 Riemann Integration of one variable

13/03/2012 Riemann integration for several variable

15/03/2012 Riemann Integration and Darboux integration Assignment-III

19/03/2012 Tutorial

20/03/2012 Quiz-IV

22/03/2012 Tutorial

26/03/2012 Fubini's Theorem

27/03/2012 Fubini's Theorem

29/03/2012 Tutorial

02/04/2012 Quiz V

03/04/2012 Change of Variables

05/04/2012 Holiday

09/04/2012 Curves and Line Integral Assignment - IV

10/04/2012 Surfaces and surface integral

12/04/2012 Quiz VI

25/04/2012 End sem exam