Fields and Galois Theory 

MT 3174, IISER Pune

August 2021 Semester

Instructor: Dr Anupam Singh

Audience: BS-MS students at IISER Pune

Schedule: Lecture: Wednesday 3 PM, Thursday 12 Noon (on classroom through google meet)

Tutorial: Friday 11 AM (via google meet)

Evaluation: Test 1 (20%), Mid-Sem (30%), Test 2 (20%), End-Sem (30%)

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of Group Theory and Linear Algebra.

Goal of the course: Galois theory is one of the crowning glories of Mathematics that paved the way to algebra. The subject originated from the question of solving polynomial equations over a field. Abel and Galois were main contributors to the subject in beginning. The concept of "groups" originated from the work of Galois and it is absolutely essential to understand Algebraic Groups, Algebraic Number Theory, Commutative Algebra and most of the algebra in modern times. 

Proposed course content:

Field Extensions: Finite, algebraic and transcendental extensions, adjunction of roots, degree of a finite extension. 

Algebraically closed fields, existence and uniqueness of algebraic closure, splitting fields, normal extensions, separable extensions, Galois extensions.

Automorphism groups and fixed fields, fundamental theorem of Galois theory.

Examples: finite fields, cyclic extensions, cyclotomic extensions, solvability by radicals, ruler and compass constructions, constructibility of regular n-gon.

Text Books :

Weekly Schedule:

18/08/2021    Definition of field and examples, Motivating examples from Greek geometry - straightedge & compass constructions

19/08/2021    Holiday

20/08/2021  Field homomorphism, Characteristics of a field

25/08/2021  Polynomial ring, irreducibility - Gauss' Lemma

26/08/2021  Eisenstein criteria and application

27/08/2021  Tutorial

Assignment I

01/09/2021   Degree of a field extension, construction of an extension given an irreducible polynomial

02/09/2021   Field generated by elements, multiplicativity of degree

03/09/2021   Tutorial 

08/09/2021   Algebraic elements, algebraic extensions

09/09/2021  Finite extensions, splitting field

10/09/2021   Holiday

Assignment 2

15/09/2021  Relation between finite extension and algebraic extension

16/09/2021  Algebraic over algebraic, composite field

17/09/2021  Tutorial 

22/09/2021 Splitting field, Normal Extension, Separable Polynomial

23/09/2021 Criteria for separability, Inseparable polynomials, Separable Extensions, Galois Extension

24/09/2021 Tutorial

Assignment 3

29/09/2021  Straightedge and Compass constructions, constructible numbers and impossibility

30/09/2021  Tutorial

01/10/2021  Tutorial

04-14 October 2021 Mid Sem Exam

20/10/2021  Aut(K/k), Galois group of a polynomial

21/10/2021  Relation between K/k and Aut(K/k)

22/10/2021 Tutorial

Assignment 4

27/10/2021  Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory: Statement,  Extending field isomorphisms

28/10/2021  |G|=[K:K^G]. 

29/10/2021 Tutorial 

03/11/2021   Fixed field of a subgroup of Galois group

04/11/2021   Holiday

05/11/2021  Tutorial

10/11/2021  Existence of algebraic closure

11/11/2021 Proof of fundamental theorem of Galois theory

12/11/2021  Tutorial

17/11/2021 Radical extensions, Abelian extensions

18/11/2021 Solvable groups, Solving equations by radicals

19/11/2021  Holiday

20/11/2021  Test 2

24/11/2021  Finite fields

25/11/2021  Galois theory of finite fields

26/11/2021 Tutorials

01/12/21 Tutorials

02/12/21 No class/ Discussions

03/12/21 No class / Discussions

7-17 December 2021 End Sem exam