MTH413 - Differential Topology

References :

1. An introduction to Differentiable Manifolds and Riemannian Geometry : Boothby

2. Introduction to Smooth Manifolds : Lee

Further Reading :

A. If you are interested in Lie groups then please look into one of the following:

A1. Lie groups by Adams

A2. Lie groups by Bump

A3. Differential Topology and introduction to Lie groups by Warner

B. If you are interested in differential equations please look into one of the following:

B1. Dynamical Systems by Hirsch and Smale

B2. Differential Equations by Arnold

C. If you are interested in Differential Geometry and More topology:

C1. completely read the book by Boothby which we have been following in this course

C2. Smooth Manifold by Lee

C3. Topological manifold by Lee

C4. Differential Topology by Guillemen and Pollack

C5. Calculus to Cohomology be Madsen

D. Further follow the following topics: Reimannian geometry, Hyperbolic geometry, Dynamical Systems etc.

Instructor : Dr. Anupam Singh

Schedule : Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10 AM -11 AM

Evaluation Method : 4 exams

and assignment + tutorials

Goal of this course :

a. Get use to thinking about n-dimensional spaces not just 2 or 3.

b. learn things about new geometric objects

c. learn some more group theory (Lie groups)

Proposed Course Content

Review of function of several variable, Topological Manifolds, Differentiable Manifolds, Tangent Space, Lie Groups, Vector Fields, Lie Algebras.

(if time permits) Tensors, integration, Stoke's Theorem.

03 August 2010 : Topological manifolds and examples

04 August 2010 : Example of 2 dimensional surfaces Assignment-I

06 August 2010 : Charts, Atlas and Differentiable Manifolds and examples

09 August 2010 : Tangent space in Euclidean space (intuitive approach)

11 August 2010 : Germs of functions and Tangent space Assignment-II

12-31 August 2010 : No classes as I am away to attend ICM

01 September 2010 : Tutorial

03 September 2010 : Tutorial

06 September 2010 : Tangent Space, Differential of a map

07 September 2010 : Immersion and Imbedding

08 September 2010 : Submanifold and Regular submanifold

10 September 2010 : Holiday

13 September 2010 : Examples of Submanifold

14 September 2010 : Lie groups and examples Assignment - III

15 September 2010 : (Lie) subgroups and closed subgroups

16 September 2010 : TEST - I

Remark : We are going too fast!

17 September 2010 : Tutorial (exercises from test)

20 September 2010 : Tutorial (exercises from Assignment - II)

22 September 2010 : Tutorial (exercises from Assignment - III)

24 September 2010 : Tutorial (exercises from Assignment - III)

27 September 2010 : Action of Lie group on a Manifold

29 September 2010: Orbit Spaces

01 October 2010 : Tutorials

04-08 October 2010 : Mid Sem Exam

10-16 October 2010 : Mid Sem break

18 October 2010 : Discrete subgroup of a Lie group Assignment -IV

20 October 2010 : Properly Discontinuous action

22 October 2010 : Tutorial

25 October 2010 : Tangent Spaces

27 October 2010 : Vector Field

29 October 2010 : Left Invariant vector field on a Lie group

01 November 2010: One parameter group action

02 November 2010 : Test - III

03 November 2010 : Local one parameter group action, Infinitesimal generator, Flow

05 November 2010 : Holiday for Diwali

08 November 2010 : Tutorial Assignment - V

10 November 2010 : Vector Field <--> local one parameter group actions

12 November 2010 : For a Lie group : one parameter group action <--> elements of Tangent space <--> left invariant vector fields <--> (local=global) one parameter group action.

15 November 2010 : Lie Algebra of a Manifold and a Lie group, Lie(GL_n)=gl_n as an example

17 November 2010 : Holiday

22 November 2010 : End Sem exam