
Classical Groups

Examples of Lie Groups and Algebraic Groups

This is the topic for a course which I will be giving at IMSc, Chennai this semester (August-November 2007). It will be aimed at first year graduate students.

Course Description:

The prerequisite for this course is elementary Linear Algebra, Group Theory and Ring Theory. The following topics will be covered in that order.

1. Classical Groups (bilinear forms, quadratic forms, orthogonal groups, symplectic groups and unitary groups)

Reference: a) Classical Groups and Geometric Algebras by L.C. Groves

b) Classical Groups by P. J. Cameron

c) Representations and Invariants of Classical groups by Goodman and Wallach

2. Central Simple Algebras (central simple algebra, Wedderburn's theorem, Splitting fields)

Reference: a) Noncommutative algebra by Farb and Dennis

b) TIFR lecture notes on Semisimple algebras

(pdf file is here, thanks to Shripad!)

3. Algebras with Involution and Classical Groups (description of maximal tori in classical groups, classical groups defined over k etc.)

Reference: Chapter 1 of "The Book of Involutions" by KMRT

4. Finite Groups of Lie type, Introduction to Chevalley groups (Root systems, Semisimple Lie algebra, Chevalley Groups)

Reference: "Simple Groups of Lie type" by Carter.

(Warning: The last topic may not be covered in this course.)

Schedule :

The course will meet twice a week on Tuesday and Friday from 13:45 to 15:15.

I am planning to devote one of the lectures every alternate week for exercises (hope we will have enough of them!)

Notes for the Course :

I am planning to put up notes for this course here. Though I may not manage to write everything in details in time. I will try to make available the rough notes as course progresses with reference to all materials.

Notes for the Course :

08/08/2007 Simplicity of PSL_n(F) Lecture0.pdf

14/08/2007 Jordan Decomposition JordanDecomposition

14/08/2007 Structure of GL_n and SL_n Lecture1.pdf

22/08/2007 Bilinear Forms Lecture2.pdf

Exercises on Bilinear Forms exercise_bilinearforms.pdf

27/09/2007 Mid Semester Examination mid_sem_exam.pdf

05/10/2007 Central Simple Algebra and Classical Groups lecture4.pdf

18/10/2007 Basic Exercises on Central Simple Algebras Exercises

09/11/2007 Exercises on Central Simple Algebras


27/11/2007 End Semester Exam end_sem_exam.pdf