
Abstract Algebra (IISER, Pune)

MTH 311 August-November 2008


    1. Abstract Algebra : Dummit and Foote

    2. Algebra : Lang

    3. Topics in Algebra : Herstein

    4. Algebra : Hungerford

    5. Advanced Linear Algebra : Roman

    6. Further Linear Algebra : Blyth & Robertson

Course Content :

    • Definitions of Group, Homomorphisms etc. and Examples

    • Quotient Groups

    • Group Actions, Cayley's Theorem

    • Direct and Semidirect Products

    • Sylow's Theorem and the structure of Abelian Groups

    • Linear Algebra

    • Classical Groups

Instructor : Anupam Singh

Course : Undergraduate course, no prerequisites.

Schedule : Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (9:00 to 10:00 AM)

Place : Room Number 215

Grading Method : Every week we will have 2 lectures and a tutorial (problem solving session) which will be an important part of grading.

There will be 4 exams (including mid-sem and end-sem) and a project (twice presentation during the semester). There will be 30% weightage for the project. Exams will count 15% each and rest of it will depend on your class performance (being enthusiastic about class, solving assignments etc.). TO GET AN "A" OR TO GET AN "F" YOU WILL HAVE TO WORK HARD.

Reading Material : We will follow mostly the book by Dummit and Foote. Occassionaly we will do exercises from other books.

All assignments put together.


04/08/08 definition of groups, examples

05/08/08 examples

06/08/08 examples

11/08/08 Tutorial Assignment 1

12/08/08 Lagrange's Theorem

13/08/08 Examples

18/08/08 Tutorials

19/08/08 Normalizers, Centralizers and Normal Subgroups

20/08/08 The group Q/Z, symmetric groups and alternating groups

25/08/08 Tutorial Assignment 2

26/08/08 Quotient Group

27/08/08 Quotient Groups and Examples

01/09/08 Tutorial

02/09/08 Classification of finite simple groups - a story

03/09/08 Holiday for Ganesh Chaturthi

08/09/08 TEST 1

09/09/08 Tutorial Projects for the course

10/09/08 Group Actions

15/09/08 Tutorial Assignment 3

16/09/08 Calculating Conjugacy Classes in various groups

17/09/08 Group action and X/G

22/09/08 Tutorial

23/09/08 Cayley's Theorem

24/09/08 Class Equation

29/09/08 Sylow's Theorem

30/09/08 No Class (exam preparation leave)

01/10/08 Exam & Assignment 4

06/10/08 vacation

07/10/08 vacation

08/10/08 vacation

13/10/08 Project presentation Sylow's Theorem

14/10/08 Project presentation

15/10/08 Project presentation

20/10/08 Fields and Vector Spaces

21/10/08 Linear Transformation Assignment 5

22/10/08 The Groups GL_n and SL_n

27/10/08 Holiday for Diwali

28/10/08 Holiday for Diwali

29/10/08 No Class (Extra Class on 31/10/08)

03/11/08 Tutorial + extra Tutorial

04/11/08 Conjugacy Classes in Aut(V) and GL_n(F)

05/11/08 Eigen Values, Eigen Vectors and Canonical Forms

10/11/08 Tutorial Assignment 6

11/11/08 Diagonalisation

12/11/08 Jordan Canonical Form

17/11/08 Project Presentation

18/11/08 Project Presentation

19/11/08 Project Presentation

24/11/08 Exam week All Questions

25/11/08 Exam Week

26/11/08 Exam Week