
Memberships of professional bodies


2012–        Member, National TOIMIA Network Board [instruments database, measurement harmonization], Helsinki, Finland

2012–        Coordinator, National ICF learning network, THL, Finland


2020–23      Member, Work-related rehabilitation as a prolongation of careers - Steering board, Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences, Finland

2020–23      Member, Social and health care information architecture board, THL, Finland

2020–22      Member, Future social and health care center collaboration group, THL, Finland

2021    Member, Organisation committee of the HIMSS Agetech side event, Business Finland and Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland

2019-21 Member, Hyteairo’s working group on AI analytics

2018–21    Coordinator, the Well-being and Health Sector’s Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Programme (Hyteairo), Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland

2020-21     Member, Functioning and work ability conceptualization working group, THL, Finland

2016–20    Co-chair, Terminology and Harmonization Committee, National TOIMIA network, THL, Helsinki, Finland

2018–20    Member, Vetovoimala ESR project board, Ammattiopisto Luovi, Finland

2017–20    Member, Kykyviisari Board, Institute for Occupational Health, Finland                          

2017–19    Member, SPIRAL board game development project board, rehabilitation Foundation, Finland                              

2017            Member, Organisation committee of the SoteSlush Side event, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland

2017             Member, Scientific committee, 2nd ICF education symposium, Cape town, South Africa

2015–18     Member, Editorial Board of the

2014–18     Chair, mICF Content Specification Team

2014–18     Member, Facilitation Team of the International mHealth Partnership

2013–18     Debuty member, Society for Rehabilitation Research and Development Board (Kutke ry.), Finland

2016–17    Member, TERVE-SOS program committee. National health and social care conference, Helsinki, Finland

2016             Secretary, National Rehabilitation Scientific Conference Scientific Committee, Finland

2016             Member, Digitalization strategy advisory committee, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland

2015–17    Member, Functioning and Disability Reference Group, WHO Family of International Classifications

2015–16    Secretariat, World Health Organization’s Functioning and Disability Reference Group

2015–16     Member, Evidence and decisions advisory committee, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland

2005–15      Member, Steering committee of Good Physiotherapy Practices, Finnish Physiotherapy Association, Helsinki, Finland

2014–15     Chair, First International Symposium: ICF education, Helsinki 5 June, 2015. Organisation committee

2014–15     Secretary, Functioning classification and functioning instruments information structures committee, National Code Server, Helsinki, Finland

2014–15     Member, 13th Congress for European Forum for Rehabilitation Research. Helsinki 6.-9.5.2015. Organisation and scientific committee 

2014–15     Member, Advisory board. Tulevaisuus pelissä -hanke. Rehabilitation Foundation.

2014–17     Deputy Director, The Finnish Centre for Evidence-Based Health Care: A Joanna Briggs Centre of Excellence, Finland

2013–19     Chief Editor, Functioning web service editorial team, THL, Finland

2013–15     Member, National Development Plan for Social Welfare and Health Care (Kaste program), Sub-program for Aging, Helsinki, Finland

2013–15     Member, Scientific and local organizing committees, European Forum for Rehabilitation Research (EFRR) Conference 2015, Helsinki, Finland

2013–14     Observer, Functioning and Disability Reference Group, WHO Family of International Classifications

2013–15     Member, Action Program on eServices and eDemocracy (SADe), Sub-program for Social and Health Services, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland

2013–15     Member, Advisory board and steering group. Evidence-based practices (VATA) project. Arcada, Metropolia, JAMK, SAMK, Novia, OAMK, TuAMK, Jyväskylä University, THL, Current Care Duodecim, Kela, Finnish Physiotherapy Association, Sairaanhoitajaliitto, Toimintaterapeuttiliitto, Det Finlandssvenska kompetenscenter inom det sociala området, Mälardalens högskola. 

2012–15     Member, Harmonisation group, National TOIMIA Network, Helsinki, Finland

2012–14     Member, Assistive technology working group, Finnish diverse learners' association, Helsinki, Finland

2012–13     Secretary, Disability Research and Development Advisory Board, THL, Finland

2012–13     Member, Communication and Technology Centre Tikoteekki Board, Finnish Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (FAIDD), Helsinki, Finland

2011–13     Member, Steering group. Communication with a hearing device - research project. Finnish Institute for Occupational Health, Helsinki University,Helsinki, Finland. 

2010–15     Coordinator, National disability learning network, THL, Finland

2010–11     Secretary, Scientific committee of the 10th Nordic Public Health Conference, Turku, Finland

2010–11     Member, Advisory Board on Health Care Technology Assessment, National Institute for Welfare and Health (THL), Helsinki, Finland

2009–14     Member, Institution Network on Welfare Technology, Nordic Welfare Centre, Stockholm, Sweden

2006–9       Member, Current Care Board, Finnish Medical Association Duodecim, Finland

2006–8       Member, Evidence Utilization Methods Group, Joanna Briggs Institute, University of Adelaide, Australia

Honors and certifications

2024 one of the 100 health care influencers (field: health technology). Honored by Mediuutiset.

2020 Together with Katja Pulli: Vuoden digiloikkaaja [Digital Jumper of the Year] . Media prize of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. 

2015           Best Poster Award, World Health Organization’s Family of International Classifications Network (WHO-FIC) Conference, Manchester, UK. Poster title: Work plan of the ICanFunction mHealth solution (mICF)

2011           Excellence in international research activity. National Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland