Policy analysis

This section contains the results on numerous policy research projects that I carried out in the interests of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. The results are published in key Russian journals in which people discuss the economic situation in Russia (see below).

  1. Testing for Structural Breaks in the Long-run Growth Rate of the Russian Economy (with A. Polbin) // HSE Economic Journal, 2016, 20, 588-623.

  2. Testing time series for the bubbles (with application to Russian data) (with E. Sinelnikova) // Applied Econometrics, 2017, 46, 90-103.

  3. The price convergence of individual goods in the Russian regions (with Yu. Perevyshin) // Journal of the New Economic Association, 2017, 35, 71-102.

  4. Spectral estimation of the business cycle component if the Russian GDP under high dependence on the terms of trade (with A. Polbin) // Economics of Contemporary Russia, 2018, 80, 69-84.

  5. Testing Asymmetric Convergence of the Real Exchange Rate to Equilibrium During Ruble Exchange Rate Targeting (with N. Fokin) // Economic Policy, 2018, 13, 132–147 .

  6. Limits of regional food price differences and invisible hand (wuth E. Dobronravova, Y. Perevyshin and K. Shemyakina) // Applied Econometrics, 2019, 53, 30-54.

  7. Survey on structural breaks and unit root tests // Applied Econometrics, 2020, 58, 96-141 .

  8. Testing for structural break in aggregated consumption function of Russian households (with A. Polbin) // Voprosy Ekonomiki, 2021, 5, 91-106.

  9. Structural breaks in cointegration models // Applied Econometrics, 2021, 63, 117-141.

  10. Structural breaks in cointegration models: Multivariate case // Applied Econometrics, 2021, 64, 83-106.