

“Pirate Attacks and the Shape of the Italian Urban System” (with M. Cascarano and G. de Blasio) w.p. version, Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 108 (2024) download.

“The Role of Culture in Bank-Firm Matching” (with G. Barboni, M. Cascarano, and E. Garcia-Appendini) w.p. version, Journal of Financial Intermediation, vol. 53 (2023) download.

Subsidies for Innovative Start-ups and Firm EntryIndustrial and Corporate Change, vol. 31 (2022), pp. 1202-1222 download. 

“Housing Price Elasticity and Growth: evidence from Italian cities” (with A. Lamorgese, S. Mocetti, and D. Pellegrino), Journal of Economic Geography, vol. 21 (2021), pp. 367-396 download

“A New Phoenix? Large plants regeneration policies in Italy” (with G. Albanese and A. D'Ignazio), Journal of Regional Science vol. 60(2020), pp. 878-902 download

“The Effects of Common Culture and Language on Economic Exchanges: Evidence from Tourist Flows” (with M. Cascarano, P. Degasperi, and F. Modena) Regional Studies, vol. 53 (2019), pp. 1575-1590 download

“Local Development, Urban Economies, and Aggregate Growth” (with A. Lamorgese, S. Mocetti, and P. Sestito) Italian Economic Journal, vol. 5 (2019), pp. 191-204 download

“Historical Origins and Development of Italian Cities” (with S. Mocetti) Italian Economic Journal, vol. 5 (2019), pp. 205-222 download

“Dynamics of Urban Growth: Italy, 1951-2011” (with M. Cascarano and G. de Blasio) Economia Politica, vol. 36 (2019), pp. 373-398 download

“Spatial Equilibrium in Deviations. An Application to Skill-Premium and Skill-Mix Heterogeneity” (with A. Dalmazzo and G. de Blasio) Journal of Regional Science, vol. 59 (2019), pp. 615-632 download

“Geography, Productivity, and Trade: Does Selection explain why Some Locations are more Productive than Others?“ (with V. Di Giacinto, G. Micucci and M. Pagnini), Journal of Regional Science, vol. 58 (2018), pp. 949-979 download w.p. version.

“Value Chains and the Great Recession: Evidence from Italian and German Firms” (with A. Giunta), International Economics, vol. 158 (2018), pp. 55-68. download w.p. version.

“Law Enforcement and Political Participation: Italy 1861-65” (with M. Bugamelli and A. Lamorgese), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 140 (2017), pp. 224-245. download w.p. version .

“A Tale of an Unwanted Outcome: Transfers and the Local Endowments of Trust and Cooperation” (with G. de Blasio and L. Ricci), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 102 (2014), pp. 74-89. download w.p. version

“Don’t Stand so close to me: the urban impact of immigration” (with F. Manaresi, S. Mocetti and E. Olivieri), Regional Science and Urban economics, vol. 45 (2014), pp. w.p. version 

"Skill Polarization in Local Labor Markets under Share-Altering Technical Change" (with A. Dalmazzo and G. de Blasio), Journal of Regional Science, vol. 45 (2014), pp. 249-272. download

“Skill upgrading and exports” (with M. Bugamelli and A. Lamorgese), Economics Letters, vol. 121 (2013), n. 3, pp. 417-420. download w.p. version

“Skills or culture? An analysis of the decision to work by immigrant women in Italy” (with L. Infante), IZA Journal of Migration, 2:2 (2013). download w.p. version

“Policies for local development: an evaluation of Italy’s “Patti Territoriali”” (with G. de Blasio), Regional Science and Urban economics, vol. 42 (2012), n. 1-2, pp. w.p. version

“Le imprese italiane tra crisi e nuova globalizzazione” (with A. Giunta and S. Rossi), L’Industria, vol. XXXII (2011), n. 1, pp. 145-163 (in Italian).

“North-South imbalances: policies in a spatial equilibrium” (with A. Dalmazzo and G. de Blasio), Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia, vol. 69 (2010), n. 2, pp.

“Immigrant Earnings in the Italian Labour market” (with L. Infante), Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia, vol. 69 (2010), n. 1, pp. 1-27. download w.p. version

“Agglomeration and Growth: the effects of commuting costs”, Papers in Regional Science, vol. 89 (2010), n. 1, pp. 173-190. download w.p. version

“Strategia ottimale per un Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico: un modello ecologico”, Italian Journal of Regional Sciences, n. 5 (2006), pp.31-58 (in Italian).

Book reviews

“Geographical Labour Market Imbalances. Mussida and Pastore (eds.).” Papers in Regional Science, vol. 95(2) (2016), pp. 437-438. download.

Current working papers

“Debt Maturity and Firm Performance: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment” (with G. Canzian, M. Cascarano, and M.L. Stefani) w.p. version

“Credit Supply and Green Investments” (with G. Barboni, M. Cascarano, E. Garcia-Appendini, and M. Tomasi) w.p. version

Climate change and the Italian agriculture: evidence from weather shocks” (with A. Alpino) w.p. version

Older working papers

“Legal Enforcement and Global Value Chains: Micro-Evidence from Italian Manufacturing Firms” (with A. Linarello and A. Petrella). w.p. version

“Political selection in the skilled city” w.p. version

“Welcome to the machine: firms’ reaction to low skilled immigration” (with M. Bugamelli and A. Lamorgese). w.p. version