Antoine Boutet
Assistant Professor
Inria Privatics Research Group
INRIA, 56 Boulevard Niels Bohr
69100 Villeurbanne
antoine.boutet @ insa-lyon . fr
+33 47243 6482
January 25: Our paper "Anonymization by Design of Language Modeling" is available in preprint here!
January 25: Our paper ""I'm not for sale" -- Perceptions and limited awareness of privacy risks by digital natives about location data" is available in preprint here!
January 25: Our challenge on memorization of sensitive information by LLMs is open!
We are hiring: We are always looking for enthusiastic and motivated interns, PhDs, postdocs or engineer to work on topics related to security and privacy, do not hesitate to drop me an email.
Short bio
I received my engineering degree in computer science from the Compiegne University of Technology in 2006. I worked at ETSI (European Telecommunication Standards Institute) on Mobile IPv6 standardization. Then, I worked at the Dionysos group of the INRIA Rennes laboratory as research engineer where I managed the European project Anemone as well as worked on mobile IP environments. In 2009, I integrated the ASAP group to manage the deployment of the wireless sensor network dedicated to the SensLAB project. In January 2010, I started a Phd thesis focused on exploring the decentralization and the privacy in personalized recommendation systems with Anne-Marie Kermarrec as advisor. I defended my Phd in March 2013, my jury was composed of Amr El Abbadi (rapporter), Antonio Carzaniga, Rachid Guerraoui, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Pascale Sébillot and Peter Triantafillou (rapporter). Then, I spent one year at INRIA to bootstrap the Mediego startup which aims to provide personalization solution to content providers. After one year as postdoctoral researcher in the Connected Intelligence group at the Hubert Curien laboratory of Saint Etienne, and almost two years as postdoctoral researcher in the DRIM Research Group at LIRIS of Lyon, I am now assistant professor at INSA Lyon working on privacy and security in the Inria Privatics research group of the Citi laboratory.
Research interests
Security and Privacy in Machine Learning and AI
Privacy, Security, Online Personal Data Transparency
Mobile Computing, Location Privacy
Collaborative and Distributed Systems
Social Networks Analysis and Mining
Recommendation Systems
Data anonymisation
Active Projects
PEPR Cybersecurity IPop: Projet interdisciplinaire sur la protection des données personnelles (Coordinator)
Inria EPI: MAGPIE EPI (Member)
Trusty-AI: PAI + FACE Foundation/Thomas Jefferson (Principal Investigator)
FIL CASCADE: approChes d’Apprentissage préServant la ConfidentiAlité des Données pErsonnelles (Principal Investigator)
ANR PMR: Privacy-preserving methods for Medical Research (Member)
Inria ADT PRESERVE: Plate-foRme wEb de SEnsibilisation aux pRoblèmes de Vie privéE (Principal Investigator)
Past Projects
FIL ANTIDOT: ANalyse et proTectIon des Données persOnnelles de mobiliTé (Principal Investigator)
BQR INSA: TELEMETER - smarT, and EthicaL rEMotE paTiEnt monitoRing (Principal Investigator)
Inria EPI: DATA: Data and Algorithmic Transparency and Accountability (Principal Investigator)
SeRUM: Sensibilisation et Responsabilisation des Utilisateurs face aux risques liés à l'Internet Mobile (Principal Investigator)
KIFF: KNN Graph Construction
MobiCampus: Users mobility analysis and protection
Priva'mov: Privacy in Mobile Systems
EEXCESS: Private Web Search
C3PO Project: Collaborating Creation of Contents and Publishing using Opportunistic Networks
AllYours / MediEgo project: Startup project on recommendation system
Gossple Project: Creation of WhatsUp: A Distributed News Recommender
Poster and video available here!
Gossip Simulator: Creation of a simulator for gossip protocol including visualization
SensLAB Project: Setting up large scale open wireless sensor network testbed and the portal dedicated to experiments
Anemone Project: Setting up and managing the Mobile IPv6 aware open testbed at Rennes, demos and project management.
Recent professional activities
April 23: Privacy in machine learning: from centralized to federated approaches. DLMI 2023 (Deep Learning for Medical Imaging school).
January 23: Leveraging Algorithmic Fairness to Mitigate Blackbox Attribute Inference Attacks. Privaski 2023
September 2022: Inférence d'informations sensibles dans l'apprentissage automatique et contre-mesures. GT-PVP seminar 2022
Mai 2022: Simulation de crise - 24h dans la tempête. RESSI 2022
April 2022: Vers une protection à la source des informations capteurs pour se prémunir des inférences d’informations sensibles. FIL seminar 2022
March 2022: DYSAN: Dynamically sanitizing motion sensor data against sensitive inferences through adversarial networks. French Japanese Cybersecurity Workshop 2022
February 2021: DARC : Data Anonymization and Re-identification Challenge. French Japanese Cybersecurity Workshop 2021
December 2020: DARC : Data Anonymization and Re-identification Challenge. RESSI 2020
November 2020: DYSAN: Dynamically sanitizing motion sensor data against sensitive inferences through adversarial networks. ICT4V Workshop on Privacy & Anonymization
November 2018: Presentation at Mobiquitous 2018, New York, US
July 2018: Presentation of Cyclosa at ICDCS 2018, Vienne, Autria
June 2018: Presentation of Cyclosa at APVP 2018, France
Mai 2018: Presentation (Feedbacks of the Shonan meeting on Anonymization methods and inference attacks: theory and practice + presentation of ACCIO) at the 4th Franco-Japanese Cybersecurity workshop, Annecy, France
March 2018: Presentation at Shonan meeting on Anonymization methods and inference attacks: theory and practice
July 2016: Presentation of my work on Uniqueness Assessment at APVP, Toulouse, France.
November 2015: Presentation of MyStream at HotWeb, Washington D.C., US.
October 2015: Talk given to the social computing group and to the security and privacy group at MPI-SWS
Mai 2015: Invited speaker at the 1st 3S workshop, LIRIS-DRIM, Lyon, France.
December 2014: Presentation of HyRec at Middleware, Bordeaux, France.
Mai 2013: Presentation of WhatsUp at IPDPS, Boston, US.
August 2012: Presentation of my work on social networks analysis and mining at ASONAM, Istanbul, Turkey.
June 2012: Poster presentation of my work on social networks analysis and mining at ICWSM, Dublin, Irland.
April 2012: Presentation of my work on the impact of user availability at SNS (workshop collocated to EuroSys), Bern, Switzerland.
December 2011: Presentation of my work on social networks analysis and mining at DYNAM (workshop collocated to OPODIS), Toulouse, France.
July 2010: Presentation of my work of decentralized social networks at SNDS (workshop collocated to PODC), Zurich, Switzerland.
March 2008: Presentation of my work on mobile IPv6 at WEEDEV (workshop collocated to TridentCom), Innsbruck, Austria.
Spring 2017: I spent 2 weeks at UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal) to work with Sébastien Gambs on data transparency.
Summer 2011: I spent 2 months in the Systems Research Group of the Computer Laboratory (University of Cambridge) to work with Eiko Yoneki on social networks analysis and data mining.
Travel grant to DTL 2017: Moving forward: understanding how location data influences personalized content in the mobile context. Sébastien Gambs (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)); Antoine Boutet (LIRIS)
Demonstration during OPERANDI 2018: Open Day for Privacy, Transparency and Decentralization, July 2018, Barcelona, Spain
Poster session during the 2nd Young Researchers Scientific Day MMS, June 2011, Rennes, France
Demonstration of WhatsUp during the 1st Gossple Workshop, December 2010, Rennes, France
Demonstration of WhatsUp given at P2P 2010, August 2010, Delft, the Netherlands. Poster and video available here !
Program committees / reviewing activities:
Part of the organization of the GDR RSD and ASF Winter School 2021-2024
Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing in 2023
PC Member of LPW 2023
Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing in 2022
Reviewer for PLOS ONE in 2022
PC Member of LPW 2022
Organizer of the Health and Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning Workshop 2021
PC Member of IWPE 2021
PC Member of LPW 2021
Review for ACM Digital Threats in 2021
Reviewer for PLOS ONE in 2021
Reviewer for IEEE IEEE Transactions on Big Data in 2020
Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing in 2020
Reviewer for Mobiquitous 2020
Reviewer for PLOS ONE in 2020
Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Big Data in 2020
PC Member of DIAS 2020
PC Member of APVP 2020
PC Member of LPW 2020
Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing in 2020
Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management in 2020
Reviewer for MDPI 2020
Part of the organization of the GDR RSD and ASF Winter School 2020
Main organizer of the workshop "Atelier "algorithmes en boite-noire", 2019
Reviewer for Social Network Analysis and Mining 2019
Reviewer for Nature 2019
Reviewer for MDPI 2019
Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2019
PC member of APVP 2019
PC Member of Compas 2019
Part of the local organization of SRDS 2019
Part of the organization of the GDR RSD and ASF Winter School 2019
Reviewer for Transaction on Dependable and Secure Computing in 2019
PC Member of Location Privacy Workshop 2019
Publicity Co-Chair of SRDS 2018
PC member of Middleware 2018 (Industry track)
PC member of APVP 2018
PC Member of Compas 2018
PC Member of PANS 2018
Reviewer for MDPI 2018
Main organizer of the workshop "Transparence et opacité des systèmes d'information", 2018
Part of the organization of the GDR RSD and ASF Winter School 2018
PC member of BiDAS 2018
PC Member of PANS 2017
PC Member of Compas 2017
Part of the organization of the GDR RSD and ASF Winter School 2017
PC Member of DeSN 2016
Part of the local organization of SSS 2016
PC Member of Compas 2016
Organizer and Co-Chair of DeSN 2015
PC Member of Compas 2015
Reviewer for Computers and Security in 2015
Reviewer for Transaction on Dependable and Secure Computing in 2014
Reviewer for Journal of System and Software in 2013
Reviewer for New Media & Society in 2013
Shadow PC Member of the Eurosys 2013
TPC Member of the CyberC 2012
TPC Member of the TridentCom 2011
TPC Member of the TridentCom 2010
Local activities:
Part of the CITI board (2021 - )
Communication manager of CITI laboratory (2018 - )
Manager the Cybersecurity and privacy option of the 5th year of computer science at INSA-Lyon (2018 - )
Member of the “Commission locale de formation” of INRIA Rennes (2010 - 2013)
Web master of the asap website and various project’s websites (2008 - 2014)
System and network administrator of the Gossple / AllYours testbed (2008 - 2014)
Organizer of “Dev meeting” (technical meeting in asap group) (2012 - 2014)
2019 - 2021: Networks, Security and Privacy
Polytec Annecy, France
2017 - 2021: System and Networks
3th year, INSA Lyon, France
4th year, INSA Lyon, France
2017 - 2023: Security and Privacy
4th year, INSA Lyon, France
5th year, INSA Lyon, France
2017: Base de l'architecture pour la programmation
Practical work sessions
L1 Sciences et Technologies, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
2016: Mobile Social Networks
5th year, INSA Lyon, France
2006 – 2011: Mobile IPv6 [TP Material]
Telecom Bretagne, IFIC, ESIR ; Rennes
2008 – 2009: Object-Oriented Programming
INSA ; Rennes
Mobility traces of about 100 people over 15 months around Lyon, France (coming soon)
User availability of MySpace users (coming soon)
User survey on their interests face to a batch of news (coming soon)
Tweets associated to the UK election in 2010, French election in 2012, Us election in 2012, the NYC marathon in 2015 (coming soon)
18/06/2018 : « HTTP 403 forbidden » : les 5IF confrontés à une crise globale - actualité de l'INSA Lyon - article
06/05/2019 : Tout compte fait: souriez, vous êtes géolocalisés ! - vidéo
18/12/2019 : L’algorithme : cette formule arbitraire, miroir de l’intention humaine - En Vue, la lettre d'information de l'INSA Lyon - article
11/06/2020 : L’app StopCovid : guérir le mal par la tech ? - actualité de l'INSA Lyon - article
29/03/2023 : Données personnelles : rien à cacher, mais beaucoup à perdre - The Conversation - article
23/06/2023 : ChatGPT, modèles de langage et données personnelles : quels risques pour nos vies privées ? - The Conversation - article
24/01/2024: L’IA générative pourrait aussi servir à exploiter des données personnelles en toute sécurité : la piste des données synthétiques - TheConversation - article
15/02/2024 : Protéger la vie privée des systèmes d’IA : l’ambition du projet iPoP - InCyber News - article
Publications list
Thomas Lebrun, Antoine Boutet, Mohamed Maouche, Tristan Allard, Sébastien Gambs, Louis Beziaud. Synthetic Data Generation: Limits and Improvement of Avatar Data. WISE 2024.
Jan Aalmoes, Vasisht Duddu, Antoine Boutet. On the Alignment of Group Fairness with Attribute Privacy. WISE 2024.
L Bart, El A. Bechorfa, A Boutet, J Ramon, C Frindel. A Smartphone-based Architecture for Prolonged Monitoring of Gait. AIMHC 2024.
Antoine Boutet, Carole Frindel, and Mohamed Maouche. Towards an evolution in the characterization of the risk of re-identification of medical images. BigData 2023.
Gaspard Berthelier, Antoine Boutet, and Antoine Richard. Toward training NLP models to take into account privacy leakages. BigData 2023.
Túlio Pascoal, Jérémie Decouchant, Antoine Boutet, Marcus Völp. I-GWAS: Privacy-Preserving Interdependent Genome-Wide Association Studies. PETS 2023.
Francois-Xavier Molina, Vincent Roca, Roudy Dagher, Emmanuel Baccelli, Nathalie Mitton, Antoine Boutet and Mathieu Cunche. PEPPER: Precise Privacy-Preserving Contact Tracing with Cheap, BLE/UWB Capable Tokens, WoWMoM 2023.
Thomas Lebrun, Jan Aalmoes, Adrien Baud, Antoine Boutet. MIXNN: Protection of Federated Learning Against Inference Attacks by Mixing Neural Network Layers. Middleware 2022.
Vasisht Duddu, Antoine Boutet. Inferring Sensitive Attributes from Model Explanations. CIKM 2022.
Pierre Rougé, Ali Moukadem, Alain Dieterlen, Antoine Boutet, Carole Frindel. Generalizable Features for Anonymizing Motion Signals Based on the Zeros of the Short-Time Fourier Transform. Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 2022.
Vasisht Duddu, Antoine Boutet and Virat Shejwalkar. Towards Privacy Aware Deep Learning for Embedded Systems. ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing - System Software and Security - Embedded Systems Track, April, 2022
Antoine Boutet, Gaëtan Derache, Simulation de crise - 24h dans la tempête. RESSI 2022.
Jan Aalmoes, Vasisht Duddu, Antoine Boutet. Dikaios: Privacy Auditing of Algorithmic Fairness via Attribute Inference Attacks. Arxiv 2022
Antoine Boutet, Claude Castelluccia, Mathieu Cunche, Vincent Roca, Adrien Baud, Pierre-Guillaume Raverdy, Cédric Lauradoux. DESIRE: Leveraging the best of centralized and decentralized contact tracing systems. ACM Digital Threats: Research and Practice, Special Issue on Security and Privacy for Covid-19, 2021.
Pierre Rougé, Ali Moukadem , Alain Dieterlen, Carole Frindel, Antoine Boutet. Anonymizing motion sensor data through time-frequency domain. MLSP 2021.
Theo Jourdan, Antoine Boutet, Carole Frinder. Privacy Assessment of Federated Learning using Private Personalized Layers. MLSP 2021.
T. Pascoal, J. Decouchant, A. Boutet, P. Esteves-Verissimo. DyPS: Dynamic, Private and Secure GWAS. PoPETs 2021.
Theo Jourdan, Antoine Boutet, Carole Frinder, Sébastien Gambs, Claude Rosin Ngueveu. DYSAN: Dynamically sanitizing motion sensor data against sensitive inferences through adversarial networks. ASIACCS, 2021.
Vincent Roca, Antoine Boutet, Claude Castelluccia. The Cluster Exposure Verification (Cléa) Protocol: Specifications of the Lightweight Version. hal-03146022, 2021.
Vasisht Duddu, Antoine Boutet, Virat Shejwalkar. Quantifying Privacy Leakage in Graph Embedding. Mobiquitous 2020.
Vasisht Duddu, Antoine Boutet, Virat Shejwalkar. GECKO: Reconciling Privacy, Accuracy and Efficiency in Embedded Deep Learning. arXiv:2010.00912, 2020.
Antoine Boutet, Mathieu Cunche. Privacy Protection for Wi-Fi Location Positioning Systems. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 2020.
Theo Jourdan, Antoine Boutet, Amine Bahi, and Carole Frindel. Privacy-Preserving IoT framework for activity recognition in personal healthcare monitoring. ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare, 2020.
Claude Castelluccia, Nataliia Bielova, Antoine Boutet, Mathieu Cunche, Cédric Lauradoux, Daniel Le Métayer, Vincent Roca. DESIRE: A Third Way for a European Exposure Notification System Leveraging the best of centralized and decentralized systems. arXiv:2008.01621, 2020.
Claude Castelluccia, Nataliia Bielova, Antoine Boutet, Mathieu Cunche, Cédric Lauradoux, Daniel Le Métayer, Vincent Roca. ROBERT: ROBust and privacy-presERving proximity Tracing. hal-02611265v1, 2020.
Noëlie Debs, Theo Jourdan, Antoine Boutet, and Carole Frindel. Motion sensor data anonymization by time-frequency filtering. EUSIPCO 2020.
Antoine Boutet, Mathieu Cunche, Benjamin Nguyen, Sébastien Gambs. DARC: Data Anonymization and Re-identification Challenge. RESSI 2020.
Theo Jourdan, Antoine Boutet, Carole Frinder, Sébastien Gambs, Claude Rosin Ngueveu. DYSAN: Dynamically sanitizing motion sensor data against sensitive inferences through adversarial networks. arXiv:2003.10325, 2020.
Antoine Boutet, Sébastien Gambs. Demo: Inspect what your location history reveals about you ; Raising user awareness on privacy threats associated with disclosing his location data. CIKM 2019, Beijing, China.
Jérémie Decouchant, Antoine Boutet, Jiangshan Yu and Paulo Esteves-Veríssimo. P3LS: Plausible Deniability for Practical Privacy-Preserving Live Streaming. SRDS 2019, Lyon, France.
Théo Jourdan, Antoine Boutet, Carole Frindel. Vers la protection de la vie privée dans les objets connectés pour la reconnaissance dactivité en santé.
Technique et Science Informatiques (TSI), 2019.
Vincent Primault, Antoine Boutet, Sonia Ben Mokhtar, Brunie Lionel. The Long Road to Computational Location Privacy. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 2018
Sophie Cerf, Sara Bouchenak, Bogdan Robu, Nicolas Marchand, Vincent Primault, Sonia Ben Mokhtar, Antoine Boutet, Lydia Y. Chen. Automatic Privacy and Utility Preservation for Mobility Data: A Nonlinear Model-Based Approach. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2018.
Théo Jourdan, Antoine Boutet, Carole Frindel. Toward privacy in IoT mobile devices for activity recognition. Mobiquitous 2018, New York, United States.
Vincent Primault, Mohamed Maouche, Antoine Boutet, Sonia Ben Mokhtar, Sara Bouchenak, Lionel Brunie. ACCIO: How to Make Location Privacy Experimentation Open and Easy. ICDCS 2018, Vienna, Austria.
David Goltzsche, Rafael Pires, Sonia Ben Mokhtar, Sara Bouchenak, Antoine Boutet, Pascal Felber, Rüdiger Kapitza, Marcelo Pasin, Valerio Schiavoni. CYCLOSA : Decentralizing Private Web Search Through SGX-Based Browser Extensions. ICDCS 2018, Vienna, Austria.
Antoine Boutet, Florestan De Moor, Davide Frey, Rachid Guerraoui, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Antoine Rault. Collaborative Filtering Under a Sybil Attack: Similarity Metrics do Matter! DSN 2018, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Sonia Ben Mokhtar, Antoine Boutet, Pascal Felber, Marcelo Pasin, Rafael Pires, Valerio Schiavoni. X-Search: Revisiting Private Web Search using Intel SGX. Middleware 2017, Las Vegas, United States.
Sophie Cerf, Vincent Primault, Antoine Boutet, Sonia Ben Mokhtar, Robert Birke, Lydia Y. Chen, Sara Bouchenak, Nicolas Marchand and Bogdan Robu. Achieving privacy and utility trade-off in mobility database with PULP. SRDS 2017, Hong kong, China.
Sonia Ben Mokhtar, Antoine Boutet, Louafi Bouzouina, Patrick Bonnel, Olivier Brette, Lionel Brunie, Mathieu Cunche, Stephane D’Alu, Vincent Primault, Patrice Raveneau, Herve Rivano, Razvan Stanica. PRIVA’MOV: Analysing Human Mobility Through Multi-Sensor Datasets. NetMob Conference, 2017, Milan, Italy.
Albin Petit, Thomas Cerqueus, Antoine Boutet, Sonia Ben Mokhtar, David Coquil, Lionel Brunie, Harald Kosch. SimAttack: Private Web Search Under Fire. Journal of Internet Services and Applications, 2016.
Antoine Boutet, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Nupur Mittal, Francois Taiani. Being prepared in a sparse world: the case of KNN graph construction. ICDE 2016, May 2016, Helsinki, Finland.
Vincent Primault, Sonia Ben Mokhtar, Antoine Boutet and Lionel Brunie. Adaptive Location Privacy with ALP. SRDS 2016, September 2016, Budapest, Hungary.
Antoine Boutet, Albin Petit, Sonia Ben Mokhtar, Léa Laporte. Leveraging Query Sensitivity for Practical Private Web Search. Middleware 2016, Trento, Italia. [Poster]
Sophie Cerf, Bogdan Robu, Nicolas Marchand, Antoine Boutet, Vincent Primault, Sonia Ben Mokhtar, Sara Bouchenak. Toward an Easy Configuration of Location Privacy Protection Mechanisms. Middleware 2016, Trento, Italia. [Poster]
Antoine Boutet, Sonia Ben Mokhtar, Vincent Primault. Uniqueness Assessment of Human Mobility on Multi-Sensor Datasets. [Research Report], 2016.
Antoine Boutet, Davide Frey, Rachid Guerraoui, Arnaud Jégou, Anne-Marie Kermarrec. Privacy-preserving distributed collaborative filtering. Computing, Springer Verlag (Germany), 2015.
Antoine Boutet, Davide Frey, Rachid Guerraoui, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, François Taïani, Jingjing Wang. Hide & Share: Landmark-based Similarity for Private KNN Computation. DSN 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Antoine Boutet, Frederique Laforest, Stephane Frenot, Damien Reimert. MYSTREAM : an in browser personalization service to follow events from Twitter. HotWeb 2015, November 2015, Washington, D.C., USA.
Antoine Boutet, Frederique Laforest, Stéphane Frénot, Damien Reimert, Pascale Launay, Nicolas Le Sommer, Yves Maheo. C3PO: A Network and Application Framework for Spontaneous and Ephemeral Social Networks. DeSN 2015, Miami, USA. [Workshop]
Antoine Boutet, Frederique Laforest, Stephane Frenot, Damien Reimert. MYSTREAM : an in browser personalization service to follow events from Twitter. WI 2015, December 2015, Singapore. [Demo]
Romain Blin, Charline Berthot, Julien Subercaze, Christophe Gravier, Frederique Laforest , Antoine Boutet. SmartKeepers: a decentralized, secure, and flexible social platform for coworkers. ESWC 2015, May 2015, Portoroz, Slovenia. [Demo]
Antoine Boutet, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Nupur Mittal, Francois Taiani. Impressively fast and efficient KNN construction. [Research Report], 2015.
Antoine Boutet, Davide Frey, Rachid Guerraoui, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Rhicheek Patra. HyRec: Leveraging Browsers for Scalable Recommenders. Middleware 2014, Dec 2014, Bordeaux, France.
Antoine Boutet, Davide Frey, Rachid Guerraoui, Arnaud Jégou, Anne-Marie Kermarrec. Privacy-Preserving Distributed Collaborative Filtering. NETYS, May 2014, Marrakech, Morocco. 2014.
Antoine Boutet, Davide Frey, Arnaud Jégou, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Heverson Ribeiro. FreeRec: an Anonymous and Distributed Personalization Architecture.Computing, Springer Verlag (Germany), 2013.
Antoine Boutet, Eiko Yoneki, Kim Hyoungshick. What's in Twitter I Know What Parties are Popular and Who You are Supporting Now!.Social Network Analysis and Mining, Springer, 2013.
Antoine Boutet, Davide Frey, Rachid Guerraoui, Arnaud Jégou, Anne-Marie Kermarrec. WhatsUp Decentralized Instant News Recommender. IPDPS 2013, May 2013, Boston, United States. 2013.
Antoine Boutet, Konstantinos Kloudas, Anne-Marie Kermarrec. FStream: a decentralized and social music streamer. NETYS, May 2013, Marrakech, Morocco. 2013.
Antoine Boutet, Davide Frey, Arnaud Jégou, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Heverson Borba Ribeiro. FreeRec: an Anonymous and Distributed Personalization Architecture. NETYS, May 2013, Marrakesh, Morocco. 2013.
Antoine Boutet, Davide Frey, Arnaud Jégou, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Heverson Borba Ribeiro. FreeRec: an Anonymous and Distributed Personalization Architecture. [Technical Report] 2013, pp.20.
Antoine Boutet, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Davide Frey, Rachid Guerraoui, Arnaud Jégou. Privacy-Preserving Distributed Collaborative Filtering. [Research Report] RR-8253, 2013.
Antoine Boutet, Davide Frey, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Rachid Guerraoui. Democratizing Personalization. [Research Report] RR-8254, 2013.
Antoine Boutet, Eiko Yoneki, Kim Hyoungshick. What's in Twitter: I Know What Parties are Popular and Who You are Supporting Now!. 2012 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2012), Aug 2012, Istanbul, Turkey. 2012.
Antoine Boutet, Hyoungshick Kim, Eiko Yoneki. What's in Your Tweets? I Know Who You Supported in the UK 2010 General Election. The International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM), Jun 2012, Dublin, Ireland. 2012.
Antoine Boutet, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Erwan Le Merrer, Alexandre Van Kempen. On The Impact of Users Availability In OSNs. Social Network Systems (SNS 2012), Apr 2012, Bern, Switzerland. 2012. [Workshop]
Antoine Boutet, Eiko Yoneki. Member Classification and Party Characteristics in Twitter during UK Election. The 1st international workshop on dynamic systems (DYNAM). 2011. [Workshop]
Antoine Boutet. Which aquaintances through distributed social networks?. The 1st Workshop on Social Networks and Distributed Systems (SNDS 2010). 2010. [Workshop]
Antoine Boutet, Davide Frey, Rachid Guerraoui, Anne-Marie Kermarrec. WhatsUp: news from, for, through everyone. 4th EuroSys Doctoral Workshop, Paris. 2010. [Workshop]
Antoine Boutet, Davide Frey, Rachid Guerraoui, Anne-Marie Kermarrec. WhatsUp: news from, for, through everyone. 10th IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (IEEE P2P'10), Aug 2010, Delft, Netherlands. 2010. [Demo]
N. Montavont, A. Boutet, T. Ropitault, M. Tsukada, T. Ernst, J. Korva, C. Viho, L. Bokor. Anemone: A ready-to-go testbed for IPv6 compliant Intelligent Transport Systems. In 8th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST), Phuket, Thailand, October 08. [pdf]
A. Boutet, B. Le Texier, T. Ropitault, N. Montavont, and C. Viho. Gestion des flux dans les resaux mobiles.In UbiMob: 4emes journees Francophones de Mobilite et d Ubiquite, Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Saint-Malo, May 2008. [pdf]
A. Boutet, B. Le Texier, J. Montavont, N. Montavont and G. Schreiner. Advantages of Flow Bindings: an embedded mobile network use case. In 1st Workshop on Experimental Evaluation and Deployment Experiences on Vehicular networks (WEEDEV 2008) conjonction with TRIDENTCOM 2008, Innsbruck, Austria, March 2008. [pdf]
A. Boutet, R. Kuntz, J. Montavont, N. Montavont, B. Le Texier, T. Ropitault, G. Schreiner, and M. Tsukada. E-Bike - Demonstration of the IPv6 Network Mobility. In Pracom (Pole de Recherche Avance en Telecommunication) Seminar, Brest, France, June 2007. [pdf]
T. Ernst, L. Bokor, A. Boutet, and Y. Lopez. An Open Network for Testing, Verification and Validation of IPv6-based ITS Components. In 7th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST), Sophia-Antipolis, France, June 2007. [pdf]
A. Sabiguero, A. Baire, A. Boutet, C. Viho. Virtualized Interoperability Testing: Application to IPv6 Network Mobility. In 18th IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management (DSOM 2007), San Jose, USA, October 2007. [pdf]
M. Bernard,A. Boutet, N. Richard and J. Paquereau. Structuration de l'information dans le signal EEG. In JSTIM, Journées Sciences, Technologies et Imagerie pour la Médecine, Nancy, France, March 2005.