About Us


  1. Sports are about much more than just sports. It is an opportunity to teach healthy competition, being a great teammate, hard work, and other life lessons.
  2. Maximize playing time by limiting team sizes (Maximum of four extra players per team).
  3. Believe in positive reinforcement and building confidence.
  4. It is important to balance practicing enough to help players improve and not practicing too much.
  5. Preserve the Summer
    • Start practices later in the summer (August 22nd)
    • Start games after Labor Day
  6. Practices will start at 6PM to allow time for homework and dinner (may be adjusted to 5:30 as it starts getting dark earlier).
  7. We are serious about teaching the fundamentals and concepts of football, but understand it needs to be taught in a fun and positive manner.
  8. The league will be very competitive without sacrificing sportsmanship and opportunities for all players.
  9. Goal is for everyone to touch the ball in every game and to have the opportunity to play a number of positions.
  10. No hidden fees / fundraisers.