
For presentation given by the project members at the final workshop, see Workshop — New Techniques in Online Algorithms

Invited Workshop presentations

    • M. Renault: Presentation at the 2nd French-Israeli Workshop on Foundations of Computer Science (FILOFOCS), Tel Aviv, Israel, April 2013.
    • S. Angelopoulos: Invited presentation at the 6th Workshop on Graph Searching: Theory and Applications (GRASTA), May 2014.
    • A. Rosén: Invited talk on "Online Algorithms with Advice", Special Session on Online Algorithms, Computability in Europe (CiE), Budapest, June 2014.
    • S. Angelopoulos: Presentation at Schloss Dagstuhl Workshop #14372: Analysis of Algorithms Beyond the Worst Case, September 2014.
    • A. Rosén: Invited presentation on "Online Computation with Advice", Workshop on Online Algorithms and Learning, Lorentz Center, Leiden, November 2014.
    • M. Renault: Presentation at the 4th French-Israeli Workshop on Foundations of Computer Science (FILOFOCS), Tel Aviv, Israel, May 2015.
    • S. Angelopoulos: Invited presentation, Workshop on Search Games and Rendezvous, London, June 2015.
    • M. Renault: Presentation at the XXXII Euro Summer Institute (ESI), Szeged, Hungary, June 2015.
    • C. Dürr, invited presentation at the workshop on scheduling under uncertainties, Eindhoven, July 2015.
    • S. Angelopoulos: Invited presentation at the 7th Workshop on Graph Searching: Theory and Applications (GRASTA), October 2015.
    • T. Lidbetter: Invited presentation at the 7th Workshop on Graph Searching: Theory and Applications (GRASTA), October 2015.

Invited Seminar presentations

    • M. Renault: Presentation at the Research Seminar, Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, December 2011.
    • M. Renault: Presentation at the Research Seminar, Department of Algorithms and Complexity, Max Planck Institut, Saarbrüken, Germany, April 2012.
    • M. Renault: Presentation at the Research Seminar, Algorithms & Complexity Group, Waterloo University, Waterloo, Canada, July 2012.
    • S. Angelopoulos: Presentation at the Theory Seminar, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, October 2013.
    • S. Angelopoulos: Presentation at the Management Seminar Series, London School of Economics, June 2014.
  • M. Renault: Presentation at the Research Seminar, School of Computer Science, Reykjavik University, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 2014.
    • G. Lucarelli: Presentation at the Research Seminar of Realopt group, University of Bordeaux, June 2015.

Conference presentations

    • M. Renault: Presentation at the 11th Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms (WAOA), Sophia Antipolis, France, September 2013.
    • M. Renault: Presentation at the 32nd Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS), Munich, Germany, March 2015.
    • G. Lucarelli: Presentation at the 12th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems (MAPSP), June 2015.
    • S. Angelopoulos: Presentation at the 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-15), July 2015.
    • S. Kamali: Presentation at the 14th Symposium on Algorithms and Data Structures (WADS), August 2015.
    • G. Lucarelli: Presentation at the 23rd European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA), September 2015.

Other presentations

    • S. Angelopoulos: Presentation at the Journées Franciliennes de la Recherche Opérationnelle; June 2014.
    • M. Renault: Presentation at the Journées Franciliennes de la Recherche Opérationnelle; June 2014.
    • G. Lucarelli: Presentation at the Journée AGaPe, GDR-RO, December 2014.
    • M. Renault: Presentation at the Journée AGaPe, GDR-RO, December 2014.