Publications and preprints


3/ General remarks on the propagation of chaos in wave turbulence and application to the incompressible Euler dynamics, juin 2022

2/Large time well posedness for a Dirac--Klein-Gordon system, avec Federico Cacciafesta, Long Meng, et Jérémy Sok, octobre 2021

1/ Strichartz estimates for the Klein-Gordon equation in a conical singular space, avec Jonathan Ben-Artzi, Federico Cacciafesta, Junyong Zhang , juillet 2020

Publications in peer-reviewed journals

18/ Singularities in the weak turbulence regime for the quintic Schrödinger equation,  Documenta Mathematica 27, 2491-2561 (2022)

17/ Strichartz estimates for the Dirac equation on asymptotically flat manifolds, avec Federico Cacciafesta et Long Meng, publié en ligne par les annali della scuola normale superiore, février 2023

16/ Global Strichartz estimates for the Dirac equation on symmetric spaces, avec Jonathan Ben-Artzi, Federico Cacciafesta, Junyong Zhang,  Forum of Mathematics, Sigma , Volume 10 , 2022 , e25 DOI:

15/  Stability of Steady States for Hartree and Schrodinger Equations for Infinitely Many Particles, avec Charles Collot, annales Henri Lebesgue, vol 5, 10.5802/ahl.127 

14/ Strichartz estimates for the Dirac equation on spherically symmetric spaces , avec F. Cacciafesta,

International Mathematics Research Notices, rnaa192,

13/ Stability of equilibria for a Hartree equation for random fields, avec Charles Collot, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, Volume 137, May 2020, Pages 70-100,

12/ Weak dispersion for the Dirac equation on curved space-time, avec Federico Cacciafesta, DCDS-A, August  2019, 39(8): 4359-4398. doi: 10.3934/dcds.2019177

11/ A Dirac field interacting with point nuclear dynamics , avec Federico Cacciafesta et Diego Noja, Mathematische Annalen volume 376, pages1261–1301(2020) doi :

10/ Invariance of Gibbs measures under the flows of Hamiltonian equations on the real line , avec F. Cacciafesta, Communication in Contemporary Mathematics, January 2019

9/ “Invariant measure for the cubic defocusing Schrödinger equation on the real line”, avec Federico Cacciafesta, Journal of Functional Analysis Volume 269, Issue 1, 1 July 2015, Pages 271–324

8/ “Continuity of the flow of the Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equation on probability measures”, DCDS-A Pages: 2905 - 2920, Volume 35, Issue 7, July 2015

7/ On the use of normal forms in the propagation of random waves, J. Math. Phys. 56, 021501 (2015)

6/ Continuity of the flow of KdV avec regard to the Wasserstein metrics et application to an invariant measure , avec Federico Cacciafesta,

 Journal of Differential Equations Volume 259, Issue 3, 5 August 2015, Pages 1024–1067

5/ On the propagation of weakly non linear random dispersive waves, avec Nikolay Tzvetkov, 2012, Archive for Rational Mechanics et Analysis, June 2014, Volume 212, Issue 3, pp 849-874

4/ Consequences of the choice of a particular basis of $L^2(S^3)$ for the cubic wave equation on the sphere et the Euclidian space,  CPAA  Pages: 991 - 1015, Volume 13, Issue 3, May 2014

3/ Wave turbulence for the BBM equation : Stability of a Gaussian statistics under the flow of BBM, Comm. Math. Phys. , March 2014, Volume 326, Issue 3, pp 773-813

2/Invariant measure for the cubic wave equation on the unit ball of R^3, Dynamics of PDE, vol 8, n 2, pp 127-148, 2011

1/ Large data low regularity scattering result for the wave equation on the Euclidian space, Communications in Partial Differential Equations Volume 38, Issue 1, 2013


3/ Un résultat de diffusion pour l’équation de Hartree autour de solutions non localisées, avec C. Collot, Séminaire Laurent Schwartz — EDP et applications (2017-2018), Exp. No. 14, 12 p.

2/ Sur les systèmes de fermions à gret nombre de particules : un point de vue probabiliste, Séminaire Laurent Schwartz — EDP et applications (2015-2016), Exp. No. 12, 12 p.

1/ À propos de la persitance des décorrélations dans la théorie de la wave turbulence, Journées équations aux dérivées partielles (2013), Exp. No. 3, 15 p.