Research projects
EPIGRAM (2009-2014, PI : Y. Morel - SHOM/LEGOS)
This project is funded by ANR and aims to study the processes that occur in Bay of Biscay.
COMODO-WAVES (2013-2014, PI : P. Marschiello - IRD/LEGOS)
This project is funded by LEFE-MANU and deals with the modelling of wave-current interactions.
FORSOMS (2013-2014, PI : S. Le Bot - U. Rouen/M2C)
This project is funded by EC2CO and is in relation to the morphodynamic studies in Bay of Somme.
OFELIA (2013-2015, PI : G. Iglesias - U. Plymouth)
This project is co-funded by Interreg. The OFELIA project was selected under the European cross border cooperation programme INTERREG IV A France (Channel) - England, co-funded by the ERDF. The aim of the current project is to establish a cross-channel collaboration, in order to improve our understanding of the environmental impacts of offshore wind farm foundations.
Pile&Tide (2014-2018, PI : F. Rogez & T. Dimet - Géocéan)
This project is funded by ADEME and concerns the tidal energy converters. The main goal is to develop new methods to allow the drilling operation for complex meteo-oceanics conditions.
Total budget : 6900 k€
COMODO-WAVES 2 (2015-2016, PI : P. Marschiello - LEGOS)
This project is funded by LEFE-MANU and deals with the modelling of wave-current interactions.
SunRise (2015-2017, PI : F. Cayocca - Ifremer/Dyneco)
This project is funded by ANR and aims to study the sediment transport in tidal environment.
Manche 2021 (2015-2020, PI : P. Sourdaine - U. Caen/Borea)
This project is funded by EU and Région Basse-Normandie (CPER grant). I am in charge of the monitoring of the Alderney Race hydrodynamic by HF radars.
Total budget : 2421 k€
HYD2M (2016-2019, PI : A.-C. Bennis - U. Caen/M2C)
This project is funded by ANR and aims to study the wave-current interactions in Raz-Blanchard (Northern Cotentin, France) by the use of field measurements (radar, ADCP, AWAC, ADV, wave buoys... ) and of hydrodynamic models (3D fully-coupled wave-current model...) .
Total budget : 1753 k€
RenHFor (2016-2017, PI : L. Marié - Ifremer/LOPS)
This project is funded by INSU and deals with measurements of marine coastal hydrodynamic by HF radar.
COTEST (2016-2019, PI : B. Laignel - U. Rouen/M2C)
This project is funded by CNES and aims to evaluate the ability of the SWOT satellite to measure hydrodynamic processes in coastal and estuarine environments.
SEMARIN (2018-2020, PI : D. Lemosse - INSA Rouen/LMN)
This project is funded by Region Normandie and deals with marine renewable energy. M2C is in charge of the improvement of high resolution wave modelling of megatidal seas.
Total budget : 349 k€
RS2S (2018-2023, PI : O. Basuyaux - SMEL)
This project is funded by the french agency of water and deals with the evaluation of clam stocks of Cotentin coast. M2C is responsible for modelling the English Channel hydrodynamic and also the clams dynamic.
DEMLIT (2020-2025, PI : A.-C. Bennis - U. Caen/M2C)
This project is funded by Shom and deals with the modelling of the hydro-sedimentary processes in coastal and estuarine zones, with an application to the sand filling of the Bay of Somme (France).
Total budget : 412 k€
WINDSERV (2020-2022, PI : F. Lasram - ULCO/LOG)
This project is funded by France Energies Marines and concerns the offshore wind farms role in securing biodiversity and ecosystem services: bridging the gap from a multi-model approach to services indicators
Total budget : 1076 k€
3MC (2020-2023, PI : B. Laignel - U.Rouen/M2C)
This project is funded by CNES and aims to evaluate the ability of the SWOT satellite to measure hydrodynamic processes in coastal and estuarine environments.
MORHOCH'2 (2021-2024, PI : J. Touboul - U.Toulon/MIO)
This project is funded by ANR (Astrid Maturation program) and aims to characterize and modelize the interactions between a sheared current and the wave field.
Total budget : 499 k€
FREDE (2021-2024, PI : FR 3730 SCALE)
This project is funded by Région Normandie to preserve and sustainably transform agricultural, marine and forestry resources and production energy systems.
Total budget : 701 k€
Green River (2021-2023, P.I. : ESITC-Caen)
This project is funded in the framework of CPIER (Contrat de Plan Interrégional Etat-Régions Vallée de la Seine) by ADEME and Région Normandie to develop a floating platform with innovative renewable energy systems, which will be implemented in the ports of Honfleur and Rouen to produce green energy for ships.
Total budget : 930 k€
FloWatt (2023-2028, P.I. : HydroQuest)
This project is funded by ADEME to design and implement a pilot tidal farm in Alderney Race. We are involved in the research and development part (hydrodynamics, sediment transport and biofouling).
Total budget : 137 M€, 137 000 k€
NESTORE (2023-2028, P.I. : N. Niquil/G. Safi - UNICAEN/FEM)
This project is funded by ANR in collaboration with FEM in order to develop new numerical tools to study cumulative effects in the presence of Offshore Wind Farms.
Total budget : 3374 k€
MORPHODUNES (2023-2028, P.I. : A.-C. Bennis - UNICAEN)
This project is funded by Shom and aims to study the morphodynamics of sand dunes on the continental shelf in order to prevent the exposure of explosive devices.
Total budget : 299 k€
DRACCAR (2023-2027, P.I. : H. Gaborieau - FEM)
This project is funded by Région Normandie. It aims to build a coastal observatory (for physical/ecological/sedimentological/benthic studies) from the gravity-based foundation set-up off Fécamp.
Total budget : 8306 k€
EOLENMER (2023-2027, P.I. : O. Labuissière/A. Nadaï - UGA/Pacte)
This project is funded by ADEME to help the development of offshore wind energy in France through a multi-discplinary approach combining researches in economics, geography, ecology and physics.
Total budget : 2000 k€