Book Synopsis

The Schubark Chronicles: Tales of Wagging Tails, In Their Own Words

A collection of children's value stories, written from a Chihuahua point of view. The Schubark Chronicles offer life lessons, subtly wrapped within engaging and creative short stories.


A Young Adult fantasy novel where a teen faces the usual issues of growing up: bullying, parent problems, finding his place in society, and learning to utilize the magical forces of his new home. Along the way he discovers that in order to succeed, sometimes you have to change the rules.

Sensible Soft Skills

An online book containing complete soft skills lesson plans suitable for small group or classroom instruction. Broken in to five units: employment, money management, communication, teamwork and leadership, Sensible Soft Skills is filled with practical, hands-on activities that build real-world experience and confidence. Lesson plans are flexible and adaptable to most any learning environment. An extensive selection of reproducible worksheets and lesson materials is included.