Reading Group

The theory reading group meets every second Thursday at 8-9am.

Organizers Fall 2020: Joyee Deb and Anna Sanktjohanser

September 17: Weicheng Min

Statistical Inference in Games by Y. Salant and J. Cherry

October1: Stephan Waizmann

Dynamic Incentives in Incompletely Specified Environments by Gabriel Carroll.

October 15: Tan Gan

Optimal Project Design by Garrett, Georgiadis, Smolin and Szentes

October 29: Masaki Miyashita

Equitable Voting Rules by Bartholdi, Hann-Caruthers, Josyula, Tamuz, Yariv

November 12: Ali Merali

Information Revelation and Privacy Protection by Argenziano and Bonatti

CHANGE OF DATE: NOW December 10: Ferdinand Pieroth

Bargaining over Heterogeneous Pie with Mechanisms and Incomplete Information by Marcin Peski.