
Price level targeting under fiscal dominance, with G. Ascari and A. Gobbi, Journal of International Money and Finance, 2023 vol. 137,  pp. 1-32. 

Fiscal foresight and the effects of government spending: It's all in the monetary-fiscal mix, with G. Ascari, P. Beck-Friis and A. Gobbi, Journal of Monetary Economics, 2023,  vol.. 134, pp. 1-15., New Appendix. 

Controlling inflation with timid monetary-fiscal regime changes, with G. Ascari and A. Gobbi, International Economic Review, 2020, 1001-1024.

Term Structure and Interest Rate Stabilization Policies in the Greenspan era, Empirical Ecoonomics, 2020, 345-355.

Nominal anchors and the price puzzle, 2018, Journal of Macroeconomics, 2018, 224-237.

High trend inflation and passive monetary detours, with G. Ascari and A. Gobbi, Economics Letters, 2018, 138-142.

Transparency, expectations anchoring and the inflation target, with G. Ascari and A. Gobbi, European Economic Review, 2017, vol. 91, pp. 261-273.

The central bank as shaper and observer of events: The case of the yield spread, Canadian Journal of Economics, 2016, pp. 320-346.

Learning the monetary-fiscal interaction under trend inflation, with A. Gobbi, Oxford Economic Papers, 2015, vol. 67(4), pp. 1146-1164.

The Implied Consumer Euler Rate: What Role for Financial Frictions”, CESIFO Economic Studies, 2013,pp. 650-675.

From the Global Financial Crisis to Global Monetary Rules: a Wicksellian View. Ricerca per l’Associazione Guido Carli (with Giangiacomo Nardozzi e Marco Lossani). Ed.Rubbettino, Associazione Guido Carli, 2013.

Loans Supply and the Euro Crisis: An Analysis of Banks' criticism, with G. Nardozzi. In: Giampio Bracchi; Donato Masciandaro. La banca commerciale territoriale nella crisi dei mercati, 2012 p.23-37, Edibank.

Financial imbalances and gradualism, Economic Modelling, vol.27, 2010, pp. 388-394.    

Costi e benefici dell'inflazione. In: Luigi Masserini. I problemi del futuro tra scienza, politica, economia, 2010, vol. 8, Cremona. 

Asymmetric preferences for interest rate variability and nonlinear monetary policy inertia, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, vol.56 (5), 2009, pp.685-704.

I lavoratori capitalisti USA: un fatto stilizzato (ir)rilevante?, with Marco Lossani, in Politica Monetaria. Profitti e finanza (a cura di Giangiacomo Nardozzi), LUISS University Press, Roma, Maggio 2007, pp. 123-198.

Asymmetric interest rate smoothing: the Fed approach, Economics Letters, 2006, vol. 93, p. 190-195.

The asymmetric effects of monetary policy in a matching model with a balance sheet channel, Journal of Macroeconomics, 2006, vol. 28, p. 375-391.

Asymmetric monetary policy: empirical evidence for Italy, Applied Economics, 2005, vol. 37, p. 751-764.

The Asymmetric effects of monetary policy. In: STUART SAYER. Issues in Monetary, Financial and Macroeconomics, 2005, p. 185-202, Blackwell Publishing and Journal of Economic Surveys, 2004, vol. 18, p. 409-426.